ایجوکیشناہم خبریںلائف سٹائل

مشہور مسلمان بچیوں کے نام معنی کے ساتھ

مسلمان بچیوں کے نام رکھنا ایک اہم ذمہ داری ہے، کیونکہ نام نہ صرف بچے کی پہچان بنتا ہے بلکہ اس کی شخصیت اور دینی و معاشرتی پہلو پر بھی اثر انداز ہو سکتا ہے۔ اسلامی روایات کے مطابق، بچیوں کے نام رکھتے وقت درج ذیل نکات کو مدنظر رکھنا ضروری ہے:

1. معنی پر توجہ دیں

اسلامی نام ہمیشہ اچھے اور مثبت معنی رکھنے چاہئیں۔ نام کا مطلب خوبصورت، پاکیزہ، اور باوقار ہونا چاہیے، کیونکہ نبی کریم ﷺ نے ناموں کے معنی پر زور دیا ہے۔

  • فاطمہ: ماں جیسی، محبت کرنے والی
  • عائشہ: خوشحال زندگی بسر کرنے والی

2. نبیوں اور صحابیات کے نام اپنانا

صحابیات اور اہل بیت کے نام بچیوں کے لیے بہترین انتخاب ہیں، کیونکہ یہ نام نہ صرف مبارک ہیں بلکہ اسلامی تاریخ کی یادگار بھی ہیں۔

  • حلیمہ: نبی ﷺ کی رضاعی ماں
  • زینب: رسول اللہ ﷺ کی بیٹی

3. قرآن اور حدیث سے رہنمائی لیں

قرآن مجید اور احادیث مبارکہ میں موجود ناموں کو ترجیح دیجیے، کیونکہ یہ نام اللہ اور اس کے رسول ﷺ کو محبوب ہیں۔

  • مریم: حضرت مریم علیہا السلام
  • حورین: جنت کی حوریں

4. آسان اور خوش آہنگ نام رکھیں

نام ایسا ہونا چاہیے جو آسانی سے یاد رکھا جا سکے اور پکارنے میں خوش آہنگ ہو۔ مشکل یا غیر مانوس نام رکھنے سے اجتناب کریں۔

  • مثال: آمنہ، زہرا، ماہا

5. ثقافت اور زبان کا خیال رکھیں

نام اسلامی ہو لیکن اپنے علاقے یا خاندان کی ثقافت سے ہم آہنگ بھی ہو۔ بعض اوقات ایسے نام چنیں جو دونوں پہلوؤں کو پورا کرتے ہوں۔

6. غیر اسلامی یا منفی معنی والے ناموں سے پرہیز کریں

ایسے نام جو غیر اسلامی شخصیات سے منسوب ہوں یا ان کے معنی غیر مناسب ہوں، انہیں رکھنا درست نہیں۔

7. بچیوں کی عزت اور مقام کو مدنظر رکھیں

نام رکھنے کا مقصد بچی کو ایک منفرد پہچان دینا ہے جو اس کے لیے فخر اور عزت کا باعث ہو۔

اسلام میں نام رکھنے کا مقصد صرف پہچان فراہم کرنا نہیں بلکہ بچے کی زندگی اور آخرت کے لیے برکت اور اچھائی کا ذریعہ بنانا بھی ہے۔ والدین کو چاہیے کہ وہ بچیوں کے نام رکھنے سے پہلے تحقیق کریں اور ان کے معانی اور اہمیت کو سمجھیں، تاکہ وہ ایک خوبصورت اور مبارک نام رکھ سکیں۔

1 Aabirah عابره Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral.
2 Aabish عابش Daughter of Sa’ad; she was a queen of Irqan (AN).
3 Aadila عادله Honest, upright, just, righteous; fem. of Adil.
4 Aafreeda آفریده Created, Produced.
5 Aafreen آفرین Stimulation, encouragement
6 Aaida عاﺋده Visiting, returning.
7 Aaila آﺋله Beautiful, like moon.
8 Aaima آﺋمه Leader, ruler.
9 Aaina آﺋینه Mirror
10 Aaira آﺋره Noble, respectful, respected, honourable.
11 Aala آلاء Benefit, favour, blessing.
12 Aaliyah عالیه Highest social standing, exalted.
13 Aamal آمال Pl. of Amal, hope, expectation, aspiration.
14 Aamilah عامله Doer of (good) deeds, Righteous.
15 Aaminah آمنی Secured, Safe.
16 Aamira عامره Prosperous, full of life, large, substantial; fem. of Aamir.
17 Aani آنی She was a literary woman and a poetess in Qastantiniyah (AN)
18 Aania آنیه Towards, direction, concern.
19 Aanisah انیسأ Young lady, Maiden
20 Aasfa آصفه Protector, guardian.
21 Aasira آصره Bond.
22 Aatiqah عتیقۃ Shoulder (support) old.
23 Abasah عباسه Daughter of al-Mahdi, a woman who was distinguished among her contemporaries.
24 Abdah عبده Worshiper (of Allah).
25 Abeedah عبیده Worshipper. The daughter of Nabil had this name; she was a narrator of Hadith.
26 Abeer عبیر Fragrance
27 Abeera عبیره Rose, Sandal Safron mixed together in fragrance.
28 Abida عابده Worshiper, devotee, adorer, devout; fem of Abid.
29 Abla عبله Well-rounded, perfectly formed, a woman possessing a beautiful figure.
30 Abqurah عبقره Genius.
31 Abreshmina ابریشمینه Made of silk.
32 Ada ادا Grace, Expression.
33 Adala عداله Justice.
34 Adan عدن Paradise, heaven.
35 Adeena ادینا Pious, good luck.
36 Adiba ادیبه Polite, well-mannered, well-bred, courteous, polished, writer; fem. of Adib.
37 Adila عدیله Equal.
38 Afaf عفاف Chastity, purity, honesty, righteousness, modesty, decency.
39 Afana عفانه The forgiver, pardner.
40 Afeerah عفیره Covered with soil or dust.
41 Afia عافیه good health, vigour, vitality
42 Afifa عفیفه pure, chaste, modest, virtuous, honest, righteous, upright, decent; fem. Of Afif
43 Afkar افکار Pl. of Fikr, intellect thought.
44 Afnan افنان Pl. of Fanan, branch, twig.
45 Afra عفراء Dust coloured, earth-coloured, a variety buck.
46 Afrah افراح Pl. of Farah, joy, happiness.
47 Afrin آفرین Praise, lucky.
48 Afroz افروز Illuminated.
49 Afroza افروزا Burning, polishing.
50 Afsana افسانه Fable, fiction, romance.
51 Afsar افسر Crown.
52 Afsar Ara افسرآرا Adorning the crown.
53 Afshan افشاں Adornment aids.
54 Afsheen آفشین Shine like a star.
55 Afshin افشین Decorated with sparkles, golden.
56 Afza افزا Increase, augmentation.
57 Agharid اغارید Pl. of Ughrudah, twittering, song.
58 Aghsan اغصان Pl. of Ghusn, branch, twig.
59 Ahd عھد Pledge, knowledge.
60 Ahdaf اھداف Pl. of hadaf, aim, goal, target.
61 Ahlam احلام Pl. of Hulm, dream.
62 Aighar آیغر She was a religious, righteous woman (AN)
63 Aimen ایمن Brave, fearless, lucky, right hand.
64 Aiza عایزه Noble.
65 Ajeebah عجیبه She was the daughter of Muhammad al-Baqadari, and was a narrator of Hadith.
66 Ajrada عجرده Al-Ameeh, was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night somnetimes right upto daun (AN).
67 Ajwa اجوا Name of a date in Saudia Arabia. Tree planted by Holy Prohpet (PBUH).
68 Akhtar اختر Star, good luck.
69 Akida اکیده Certain, firm.
70 Akifa عاکفه Devoted to, dedicated to, intent, busy; fem. of Akif.
71 Al-Adur al-Karimah الادرالکریمه A pious, righteous and intelligent woman of Egypt. She respected the Ulama and built religious schools (Madrasah) and mosques, She died in 762.
72 Alam عالم World; sing. of Alameen.
73 Alam Ara عالم آرا Adorning the world.
74 Aleema علیمه Exalted, highest social standing.
75 Aleena الینا Beautiful.
76 Alhan الحان Melody.
77 Alia عالیۃ Beautiful
78 Alifa الیفه Friendly, sociable, amicable; fem. of Alif.
79 Alima عالمه Woman of learning, scholar.
80 Alishba علشبه Lovely, Innocent, Pretty.
81 Aliya عالیه High, tall, towering, lofty, exalted, high-ranking, sublime, superior, excellent; fem. of Aali.
82 Aliyya علیه Highest social standing, lofty, sublime; fem. of Ali.
83 Almas الماس Diamond.
84 Almasa الماسه Diamond.
85 Almira المیره Princess
86 Altaf الطاف Pl. of Lutf, kindness.
87 Alveena الوینا Loved one, cared one, liked.
88 Alyaa علیاء Heaven(s), sky, sublimity, lofty.
89 Alyan علیان Tall and healthy.
90 Ama امه Female slave, servant.
91 Amal امل Hope, expectation; sing. of Amaal.
92 Aman امان Trust, safety, protection, tranquillity, peace of mind, calmness.
93 Amanat امانات Pl. of Amanah, trust, deposit.
94 Amani امانی Wishes, aspirations, hopes; pl. of Umniyah.
95 Amatul Islam امه الاسلام (female) servant of Islam.
96 Amatul Karim امه الکریم (female) servant of the most generous i.e. Allah.
97 Amatullah امهالله (female) servant of Allah.
98 Ambar عنبر Perfume, ambergris.
99 Ambara عنبره Perfume, ambergris; fem. of Ambar.
100 Ambarin عنبرین Perfumed.
101 Ambreen امبرین Sky
102 Ameena امینه Trustworthy, faithful. hones; fem. of Amin.
103 Ameera امیره Princess; fem. of Ameer.
104 Amila آمله Hopeful.
105 Amima عمیمه Full, complete,
106 Amina آمنه Safe, secure, protected, a lady of peace and harmony. Name of the beloved mother of the Prophet Muhammad.
107 Amira عامره An occupant of an abode, one who makes umrah or ziyaarah, abundant treasure.
108 Amjad امجاد Pl. of Majd, glory, honour.
109 Ammara عماره A lady with strong Imaan; tolerant.
110 Amna امنه Safety.
111 Amra عمره Any covering for the head, as a crown.
112 Amrah عمره Headgear; This was the name of the female companion Amrah RA daughter of Abdur Rahman bin Sa’ad bin Zurarah Ansari.
113 Amreen آمرین Sky.
114 Amreen آمرین Sky.
115 Amreen آمرین Sky
116 Amrozia امروزیه Woman of today
117 Anadil عنادل Pl. of Andalib, nightingale.
118 Anam انعم Blessings of God.
119 Anan عنان Clouds.
120 Anat اناه Perseverance, patience.
121 Anaum انعم The blessing of Allah.
122 Andalah عندله Song of the nightingale.
123 Andalib عندلیب Nightingale; sing. of Anadil.
124 Aneeqa انیقا Beautiful
125 Aneesa انیسه Companion, affectionate, friendly, sociable, intimate friend; fem. of Anis.
126 Aneezah عنیزه She-Goat.
127 Angbin انگبین Honey.
128 Anila انیلا Inexperienced, raw.
129 Aniqa انیقه Neat, elegant, smart.
130 Anisa آنسه A pious-hearted lady, good-natured, compatible.
131 Anjum انجم Pl. Najm, star.
132 Anjuman انجمن Assembly.
133 Anjuman Ara انجمن آرا Adorning the assembly.
134 Anmol انمول Precious
135 Anoosh انوش Delighted.
136 Anoosha انوشه Delighted, happy
137 Anqa عنقا A woman with a long neck, an imaginary bird.
138 Ansam انسام Pl. of Nasam, breath, breath of life.
139 Anum انم Blessing of God, Gods gift.
140 Anwar انوار Rays of light; pl. of Noor.
141 Anwarah انوره Greatly lighted
142 Anya عنیا A woman with large eyes.
143 Aoj اوج Peak, height, apex, climax.
144 Aqdas اقدس Pure, sacred.
145 Aqeela عقیله The best, the very best.
146 Aqiba عاقبه Result, consequence.
147 Aqila عاقله Wise, sensible, intelligent, sensible, discerning.
148 Aqsa اقصٰی Name of a mosque.
149 Aqsa اقصٰی Height, limit, far, shore.
150 Ara آرا Adorning.
151 Areeba اریبۃ Wise
152 Areefa عریفه Learned, expert, authority; fem. of Areef.
153 Areej اریج Fragrance, aroma, sweet smell, scent, perfume.
154 Arfa ارفع Exalted, sublime, great, high.
155 Aribah اریبه Wise.
156 Arifa عارفه Learned, expert, authority; fem. of Arif.
157 Arjumand ارجمند Excellent, beloved, noble.
158 Arjumnd Bano ارجمند بانو Excellent woman, noble woman.
159 Aroob عروب Lover wife, who loves her husband
160 Aroosa عروسه Bride.
161 Arshia عرشیه She who lives in skies.
162 Arshia عرشیه One who lives is the sky.
163 Arus عروس Brides.
164 Arwa اروا She was the daughter of Abdul Muttalib, and so an aunt of the Prophet PBUH his father’s sister.
165 Arzu آرزو Wish, hope, love.
166 Asar آثار Pl. of Asar, sign, mark, trace.
167 Aseela اثیله Highborn, of noble origin.
168 Aseela اصیله Of noble origin, highborn, pure; fem. of Asil.
169 Asghia اصغیه Pious people, modest people.
170 Ashalina آ شلیانا Sweet, always living, shy, loving.
171 Ashiqa عشیقه Very friendly, which stays very close.
172 Ashraf اشرف Nobler, more honourable; comp. adj. of Sharif.
173 Ashraf Jahan اشرف جھان Noblest of the world.
174 Ashwaq اشواق Pl. of Shawq, longing, desire, wish.
175 Asifa آصفه Virtuous, pure, spotless, upright.
176 Asima عاصمه Safe, chaste, protector, guardian; fem. of Asim.
177 Asira اثیره Honoured, chosen, preferred; fem. of Asir.
178 Asiya آسیه Comforting, consoling, a mansion with solid foundation or pillars, firm, a powerful. Wife of Firawn. One who heals
179 Asli ا صلی Pure, original.
180 Asma عثمه A narrator of Hadith and daughter of Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Tahir al-Aswadi (AN)
181 Asmaa اسماء Higher, more exalted, more sublime, more eminent.
182 Asmaa اسماء Pl. of Ism. name.
183 Asmaa عصماء Chaste, virtuous, precious, valuable, excellent.
184 Asra اسریٰ To travel by night, to make someone travel by night.
185 Ateefa عطیفه Affectionate, compassionate.
186 Ateeqa عتیقه Ancient, noble; fem. of Atiq.
187 Atifa عاطفه Compassion, affection, sympathetic, kindness; fem. of Atif.
188 Atifat عاطفت Kindness, sympathy.
189 Atika عاتکه Clear, pure, limpid (of wine).
190 Atiqa عاتقه Emancipated, a beautiful lady.
191 Atira عاطره Fragrant, connoisseur of good fragrance, aromatic, perfumed.
192 Atiya عطیه Gift, present, bounty, grant.
193 Atuf عطوف Affectionate, kind hearted, compassionate, loving.
194 Awatif عواطف Pl. of Aatifa, affection, compassion, kindness, kind feeling.
195 Ayaat آیت Many signs & proofs, verses in the Quran.
196 Ayesha عاﺋشه Living, well-off, well-to-do, prosperous. Aisha (d.678): wife of the Prophet Muhammad and daughter of Kahlifa Abu Bakr.
197 Ayn عین Source, spring.
198 Aynul Hayat عین الحیاه Fountain of life.
199 Aynun Nahr عین النھر Source of the spring.
200 Ayra آﺋرا Respectable
201 Azaa عزا A must have, right, courage, power, legal, allowable.
202 Azah عزه Loved one, good, successful.
203 Azeema عزیمه Determination, firm will.
204 Azeen اذ Beauty, Patience
205 Azeen اذین Beauty, Patience
206 Azhaar ازھار Pl. of Zahrah, flower, blossom.
207 Azima عظیمه Great, powerful, dignified, magnificent, glorious; fem. of Azim.
208 Aziza عزیزه Noble, precious, cherished, honourable, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved, beloved; fem. of Aziz.
209 Azka اذکه Big hearted, generous.
210 Azra عزراء Virgin, maiden, a young unmarried lady.
211 Azwa اضواء Pl. of Zau, light, splendour, limelight.
212 Badai بداﺋﻊ Pl. of Badia, wonder, marvel.
213 Badiha بدیھه Insight, perceptive faculty.
214 Badiyah بادیه Desert; Bint Ghaylan al-Saqafi was so named; she was of Taif.
215 Badr بدر Full moon of the fourteenth night.
216 Badriyah بدریه Full moon-like.
217 Badrun Nisa بدرانساء Full moon of the women.
218 Badyah بدیه Clear, knowledgeable person.
219 Baha بھاء Beauty, glory, splendour, magnificence, glow.
220 Bahar بھار Spring, blossom.
221 Bahar Bano بھاربانو Blooming princess.
222 Baheera بھیره Dazzling, brilliant.
223 Bahija بھیجه Glad, happy, joyful, delighted, delightful, cheerful; fem. of Bahij.
224 Bahira باھره Brilliant, superb, magnificent, gorgeous, spectacular.
225 Bahiya بھیه Beautiful, brilliant, elegant, radiant, pretty, charming; fem. of Bahi.
226 Bahriyah al-Aabidah بحریه العابده She was a devoted worshipper and ascetic of Basrah. She used to say, “If the heart gives up the passions, it will then domesticate knowledge.”
227 Baiza بیضاء White, bright, brilliant, innocent, pure; fem. of Abyad.
228 Bajila بجیله Honoured, dignified, highly regarded.
229 Bakarah بکاره Virginity.
230 Bakhita بخیته Lucky, fortunate; fem. of Bakhit.
231 Bakht بخت Lot, Fate, Portion.
232 Bakhtawar بختاور Fortunate, Lucky.
233 Bakura بکوره Coming early.
234 Baligha بلیغه Eloquent.
235 Balquees بلقیس She was the daughter of Ahmad bin Mishqar, and a distinguished woman of her times; she was the wife of Sayfud-din al- Hanafi. (A.N).
236 Banafsaj بنفسج Violent flower.
237 Banafsha بنفشا Daughter of Abdullah al-Rumiyah; was a very pious and generous woman who gave much in charity (AN).
238 Banan بنان Fingertips.
239 Banu بانو Princess, lady, Miss.
240 Banujah بانوجه The daughter of al-Mahdi, the Khalifah (775-785), had this name.
241 Baqilah باقله
242 Baraim براعم Pl. of Burum, blossom, bud.
243 Barakah برکه Blessing.
244 Barat براءه Innocence, guiltlessness.
245 Bareea بریٔه Innocent, blameless, guiltless, sound; fem. of Bari.
246 Bareerah بریره Pious.
247 Baria بارعه Excelling, originator; fem. of Bari.
248 Barkat برکت Blessing; sing. of Barakat.
249 Barrah بره She was the aunt of the Prophet PBUH, daughter of Abdul Muttalib and mother of Abi Salamah.
250 Barraqa براقه Bright, brilliant, shining, sparkling, glittering; fem. of Barraq.
251 Barsa برصا
252 Barzah برزه She was a narrator of hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA
253 Basbas بصبص She was a slave-girl of Ibn Nafees; she was beautiful and had a melodions voice, (AN)
254 Basbasah بسبسه
255 Basharat بشارت Good news, glad tidings.
256 Bashira بشیره Bringer of good news; fem. of Bashir, harbinger.
257 Basila باسله Brave, fearless, intrepid.
258 Basima باسمه Smiling; fem. of Basim.
259 Basira بصیره Sagacious, endowed with insight; fem. of Basir..
260 Basma بسمه Smile.
261 Basoos بسوس She was the daughter of Munqiz at-Tamimah (AN).
262 Bassama بسامه Smiling; fem. of Bassam.
263 Batina باطنه Hidden, Inner.
264 Batool بتول A true devotee woman of Allah.
265 Batul بتول Virgin, pure and chaste. A lady who is purely devoted to Allah, an epithet of Maryam, mother of Prophet Isa, and of Fatima, daughter of Muhammad.
266 Bazala باذله Generous woman.
267 Bazegha بازغه Bright
268 Bazla بزله Reward, generous.
269 Bazla باذله Big hearted, open handed, bounteous.
270 Bazm-Ara بزم آرا Beauty of company.
271 Bazriqa بزرقه Exalted, great.
272 Beena بینا Seeing; clear sighted.
273 Beenish بینش Intelligent, genius
274 Begum بیگم Honorific title, queen, lady of rank.
275 Benazir بینظیر Matchless, unique.
276 Bhajat بھجت Splendour, magnificence, pomp, joy, happiness.
277 Bibi بی بی Lady of rank, and honorific title used at the end of a woman’s name in the Indian sub-continent.
278 Bilqis بلقیس Queen of Saba known as Bilqis in the Arabian tradition.
279 Bisharah بشاره A narrator of Hadith (AN)
280 Bisma بسمه
281 Bismal بسمل Fragrance.
282 Budur بدور Pl. of Badr, full moon.
283 Buhaysah بھیسه This was the name of a female narrator of Hadith; She was al-fazariyah; Abu Dawood and Nasai transmitted from her.
284 Buhayyah بھیه The name of a freed female slave of Sayyidah Ayshah RA
285 Bujaybah بجیبه A narrator who transmitted from Shaybah bin Usman and Sabit Al-Shimale narrated from her. (AN)
286 Bulbul بلبل Nightingale.
287 Bunanah بنانه This was the name of the daughter of Yazid al-Abshamiyah.
288 Buqayrah بقیره She was a narrator of Hadith, she died in 119 AH (AN)
289 Burdah برده She was al-Suraymiyah, and a very dutiful worshipper.
290 Burum برعم Bud, blossom; sing. of Baraim.
291 Busaina بثینه Diminutive of Basna, beautiful woman.
292 Busayrah بصیره She was a female companion RA and also a muhajirah, who migrated to Madinah.
293 Bushra بشریٰ Good news, glad tidings.
294 Busrah بسره This was the name of the daughter of Safwan bin Nawfal; She was a companion and she lived until the era of Muawiyah.
295 Bustan بستان Garden, orchard.
296 Dafiya ضفیه Narrator of Hadith, daughter of Muhammad bin Bisharah.
297 Dahma دھماء She was a scholar of religion and had learnt from her brother al-Imam al-Mahdi.
298 Daiba داﺋبه Assiduous, persistent, devoted.
299 Dalal دلال Coquetry, pampering.
300 Dalia دالیا Dahlia, flower.
301 Danish دانش Wisdom, learning.
302 Danish Ara دانش آرا Endowed with wisdom, learning.
303 Daniya دانیه Kind hearted, the one who gets near.
304 Dara داره Halo (of the moon).
305 Darakhshan درخشاں Shining.
306 Daria داریه Learned, knowing.
307 Darkhshanda درخشنده Splendid, glittering.
308 Darra دره pearl, brilliant, teat, udder; name of a Sahabiyah RA, daughter of Abu Lahab.
309 Daulah دوله Wealth, empire, state, power.
310 Dawha دوحه Lofty tree with many branches, family tree.
311 Dawlat Khatoon. دولت خاتون She was from a ruling family.
312 Deeba دیبا Brocade.
313 Deenah دینه Obedience.
314 Dil دل Heart, mind.
315 Dilara دل آرا Beloved, one who decorates heart.
316 Dildar دلدار Having a big heart. Wife of Mughal emperor Babur.
317 Dilkash دلکش Attractive, captivating.
318 Dilruba دلربا Heart-ravishing, a beloved object.
319 Dilshad دلشاد Happy, glad, cheerful.
320 Dilshad Khatoon دلشاد خاتون She lived between 730-750.
321 Dima دیمه An incessant gentle rain unaccompanied by wind, thunder, or lightning.
322 Diya دیا Light
323 Doha ضحیٰ Forenoon.
324 Dua دعا Pray
325 Dujanah دجانه A great rain, name of a woman.
326 Dunya دنیا World, earth.
327 Dur-e-Shahwar در شھوار Kings worthy pearl
328 Durdanah دردانه Pearl-grain
329 Durr در Pearls.
330 Durrah دره Pearl. A sahabia i.e. a Muslim woman who lived in time of Prophet Muhammad.
331 Durriya دریه Glittering, sparkling, twinkling, brilliant.
332 Emaan ایمان Faith
333 Erum ارم Heaven
334 Eshal ایشل The name of flower in the heaven.
335 Faariha فارحه Happy, glad, delighted, cheerful, joyful; fem. of Farih.
336 Fadia فادیه Redeemer, ransomer; fem. of Fadi.
337 Fadwa فدوی name derived from self-sacrifice
338 Faheemah فھیمه Intelligent.
339 Fahhama فھامه Very intelligent, learned, very understanding.
340 Fahm فھم Intellect, intelligence, insight.
341 Fahm Ara فھم آرا Adorned with intellect, intelligent.
342 Fahmida فھمیده Intelligent, judicious.
343 Faida فاﺋده Benefit, advantage, gain, worth, welfare.
344 Faiqa فاﺋقه Excellent, outstanding, distinguished, superior, ascendant.
345 FAIROOZA فیروزا A precious gem
346 Faiza فاﺋزه Victorious, triumphant, winner, successful, prosperous; fem. of Faiz.
347 Fajr فجر Dawn, rise, beginning, start.
348 Fakeehah فاکیھه Cheerful.
349 Fakhar فخار Honour, pride, glory.
350 Fakhira فاخره Excellent, glorious, magnificent, precious, honourable.
351 Fakhr فخر Glory, pride, honour.
352 Fakhriya فخریه Proud, honorary, glory, pride (for noble cause); fem. of Fakhri.
353 Fakhrun Nisa فخرالنساء Glory of the women.
354 Fakhtah فاخته A dove. This was the name of Umm Hani; Alo the name of the mother of Khalid bin
355 Fakihah فاکھه Fruit.
356 Fakira فاکره Thinker.
357 Falahat فلاحت Welfare, benefit.
358 Falak فلک Orbit, sky, celestial sphere.
359 Faliha فالحه Fortunate, lucky, successful, prosperous; fem. of Falih.
360 Falisha فالیشأ Happiness.
361 Fanila فانیله Able, worthy.
362 Faqiha فقیھه Jurist, expert, scholar in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence); fem. of Faqih.
363 Faqirah فاقره This was the name of a beautiful woman, wife of Murrah al-Asadi (AN)
364 Faraal فرال Name of lion, height.
365 Farah فرح Joy, happiness, cheerfulness, delight.
366 Fareefta فریفته Devotee, lover.
367 Farha فرحه Gladness, pleasure, happiness, delight.
368 Farhal فرحال Happy.
369 Farhana فرحانه Glad, joyful, happy, cheerful, delighted; fem. of Farhan.
370 Farhat فرحت Cheer, pleasure.
371 Farheen فرحین Happy, glad.
372 Farhi فرحی Glad, happy.
373 Faria فارعه Tall, towering, lofty, pretty, slim, slender, fem. of Fari.
374 Farida فریده Unique, matchless, singular, precious; fem. of Farid.
375 Fariha فریحه Happy, glad, joyful.
376 Farihah فارھه Brisk, Swift.
377 Farkhanda فرخنده Blessed
378 Farqad فرقد Name of a Star.
379 Farrukh فرخ Happy, Fortunate.
380 Farwa فروه Fur; (daughter of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq).
381 Faryal فریال Name.
382 Farzana فرزانه Wise, learned.
383 Faseelah فسیله Some distance.
384 Fasiha فصیحه Eloquent, fluent, well-spoken; fem. of Fasih.
385 Fasiya فاصیا A gentle woman.
386 Fateenah فطینه Intelligent.
387 Fathiya فتحیه One who wins victory after victory; fem. of Fathi.
388 Fatiha فاتحه Opening, introduction, dawn, first.
389 Fatima فاطمه Literally: weaner, Abstinence, daughter of Muhammad and wife of Khalifa Ali known as Sayyidat-al-Nisa (the chief of women).
390 Fatin فاتن Beautiful, pretty, attractive, glamorous, captivating, ravishing.
391 Fatinah فاتنه Charming, fascinating, alluring, captivating.
392 Fattana فتانه Extremely beautiful, charming, captivating.
393 Fauqiyah فوقیه High Grade
394 Fawha فوحه Breath of fragrance.
395 Fawz فوز Success, Salvation.
396 Fawza فوزه Victory, triumph, success, winning, achievement.
397 Fawziya فوزیه Triumphant, successful, victorious, fem. of Fawzi.
398 Fayha فیھا Good smell from heaven. Fragrance.
399 Fayona فیونا Beautiful, pretty.
400 Fayrooz فیروز Turquoise.
401 Fayyaza فیاضه A lady who confers great favours, most generous and bountiful.
402 Fazeela فضیله High degree of excellence, merit, perfection, outstanding, virtue, excellence, knowledge.
403 Fazeen فزین Increasing.
404 Fazila فاضله Virtuous, honest, excellent, superior, kind, outstanding, eminent, learned; fem. of Fazil (fadil).
405 Fazilatun Nisa فضیله النساء Excellence of the women.
406 Feheema فھیمه Intelligent, judicious, learned, erudite; fem. of Faheem.
407 Fidda فضه Silver.
408 Firdaus فردوس Paradise, heaven, garden.
409 Firdausi فردوسی Heavenly.
410 Firoza فیروزه Turquoise, a bright greenish-blue coloured precious stone.
411 Fiza فضاء Wide, open, open hearted.
412 Fiza فضا Running water on land.
413 Fiza فزاء Enlarger, improver, who expands, magnifier.
414 Fozia فوزیه Successful
415 Fuada فواده Heart; fem. of fuad.
416 Fudayl فضیل Learned, scholar.
417 Funoon فنون Variety, art.
418 Furayah فریعه Handsome, Well-built.
419 Furoozan فروزان Luminous, radiant.
420 Fuseelah فسیله Name of a narrator of Hadith who transmitted from her father, Wasilah bin al-Asqa RA who from the Prophet PBUH.
421 Fuzail فضیل A form of Faazil, meaning: An accomplished person; name of a saint known as Fuzail bin Iyaaz.
422 Ghada غاده Delicate young girl, beautiful young woman, youthful and beautiful woman.
423 Ghadeer غدیر Brook, rivulet, small stream.
424 Ghadia غادیه Morning, cloud.
425 Ghadir غادر She was the slave of Musa al-Hadi and then Haroon Rashid (AN)
426 Ghafira غافره One who hides other’s sins.
427 Ghaida غیداء Young and delicate, soft.
428 Ghalia غالیه Precious, priceless, valuable, dear, beloved.
429 Ghaliba غالبه Conqueror, victor, winner; fem. of Ghalib.
430 Ghamza غمزه Gestures.
431 Ghaneemah غنیمه Spoils, booty.
432 Ghania غانیه Beauty, beautiful girl, pretty girl, danseuse.
433 Ghaniya غنیه Rich, wealthy, prosperous; fem. of Ghani.
434 Ghareebah غریبه Strange, foreign; the daughter of Salim bin Ahmad at-Tajir had this name (AN)
435 Ghashia غاشیه Guidance.
436 Ghasna غصنه Bud, blossom.
437 Ghatiya غاطیه Dynamic, moving.
438 Ghazal غزال Gazelle, deer.
439 Ghazal غزل A poem, ode, talk with woman.
440 Ghazala غزاله Gazelle, a young deer, the sun.
441 Ghaziya غازیه Female Warrior.
442 Ghibtah غبطه She was the daughter of Amer al-Mujashaiyah; she was a narrator of Hadith.
443 Ghina غناء Singing, song.
444 Ghufayrah غفیره This was the name of a very pious woman who kept vigil in the night. (AN)
445 Ghufran غفران Pardon, forgiveness.
446 Ghumaysa غمیصاء Her Kuniyah was Umm Sulaym; She was a front-rank companion RA and narrated ahadith. She died in the times of Sayyidina Usman RA.
447 Ghusn غصن Branch, twig; sing. of Ghusoon.
448 Ghusun غصون Pl. of Ghusn, branch, twig.
449 Ghuzayyah غزیه She was also known as Ghuzaylah; she was a narrator of Hadith.
450 Gohar گوھر Precious Stone.
451 Gul گل Flower, rose.
452 Gul Badan گلبدن Beautiful body resembling rose.
453 Gul Bahar گلبھار Rose spring.
454 Gul Barg گلبرگ Rose petal.
455 Gul Izar گل عذار Rosy-cheeked.
456 Gul Rang گل رنگ Rose-coloured.
457 Gul Ru گل رو Rosy-faced.
458 Gul Rukh گل رخ Rose-face.
459 Gul-e-Rana گل رعنا Beautiful delicate scented rose.
460 Gulab گلاب Rose, rosewater.
461 Gulistan گلستان Rose garden, garden.
462 Gulnar گلنار A plant whose flowers resemble pomegranates
463 Gulnaz گل ناز Cute like a flower
464 Gulrez گلریز Rose-Sprinkler
465 Gulshan گلشن Rose-garden.
466 Gulzaar گلزار Rose-garden.
467 Hababah حبابه A daughter of Ajlan; She was narrator of Hadith.
468 Habiba حبیبه Beloved, darling, sweetheart; fem. of Habib.
469 Hablah هابله A woman who earns a lot.
470 Haboos حبوس This was the name of noble lady who was kind and benevolent; she lived in Lebanon.
471 Hadaya ھدایه Pl. of Hadiya, gift, present.
472 Hadeel ھدیل Cooing of a pigeon.
473 Hadeeqah حدیقه Garden.
474 Hadiya ھادیه Guide to righteousness; fem. of Hadi leader.
475 Hadya ھدیه Gift, present; sing. of Hadaya.
476 Haeda هاﺋده A woman who repents a lot.
477 Haemah هاﺋمه Crazy in love.
478 Hafeeza حفیظه Guardian, protector; fem. of Hafeez.
479 Haffafa ھفافه Glittering, shining, thin, peaceful, gentle wind.
480 Hafiza حافظه Honorific title of a woman who has memorised the Quran, guardian, protector; fem. Hafiz.
481 Hafsa حفصه Cub; wife of Muhammad (pbuh); daughter of Khalifa Umar.
482 Haifa ھیفاء Slender, slim, of beautiful body.
483 Haiqa حاﺋقه True, truly, obedient of God, prayer of God
484 Hajar ھاجر The wife of Prophet Ibrahim AS was name Hajar AS.
485 Hajira ھاجره Wife of Prophet Ibrahim and mother of Prophet Ismail.
486 Hajjah حجه She was a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Murrah; another narrator by the same name was the daughter of Murayt (AN).
487 Hajna حجناء The daughter of Nusayb, she was a poetess. (AN)
488 Hakeema حکیمه Wise, sage, judicious, prudent; fem. of Hakeem. A Sahabia i.e. a Muslim woman who lived in time of the Prophet Muhammad.
489 Hakima حاکمه Ruler, queen.
490 Hala ھاله Halo, ring around the eye, aureole, name of the sister of Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad.
491 Haleema حلیمه Clement, patient, tolerant, gentle; fem. of Halim. Halima Al-Sadiyah: foster mother of the Prophet Muhammad.
492 Halia حالیه Aware, knowing.
493 Halima حالمه Dreamer, visionary.
494 Hamama حمامه Dove, pigeon.
495 Hamama حمامه Bearer.
496 Hamas همس Low and soft sound, heartbeat.
497 Hamda حمده Praised, laudation of Allah; fem. of Hamd.
498 Hamdan حمدان Much praise. A tribe in Arabia.
499 Hameeda حمیده Praised, commended, praiseworthy, commendable; fem. of Hamid.
500 Hamida حامده Praiser (of Allah); fem. of Hamid.
501 Hamima حمیمه Close friend.
502 Hammada حماده Praising (God).
503 Hamnah حمنه The daughter of Jahsh al-Asdiyah was so named; she narrated Hadith.
504 Hamra حمراء Red.
505 Hana ھناء Happiness, bliss, felicity.
506 Hana حنا Merciful, kind hearted.
507 Hanan حنان Compassion, affection, love, mercy, tenderness, warm-heartedness.
508 Hanfa حنفاء Name of the wife of Sayyidina Ismail AS.
509 Hani ھانی Pleasant.
510 Hania ھانیه Happy, delighted.
511 Hanifa حنیفه True, one of true faith, upright; fem. of Hanif.
512 Hanin حنین Desire, longing, yearning.
513 Haniya ھنیه Pleasant, happy.
514 Hanna حنه Compassion, sympathy, pity.
515 Hanoon حنون Compassionate, merciful, affectionate, tender-hearted, soft-hearted.
516 Hanoona حنونه Compassionate; fem. of Hanun.
517 Hareem حریم House, walls of a house.
518 Hareer حریر Silk.
519 Harisa حارثه Cultivator, lioness; fem. of Haris (Harith).
520 Harisa حارسه Guard, protector (f.).
521 Haroona هارونه Protector, messenger.
522 Hasana حسنه Good deed, kind act, favour; sing. of Hasanat.
523 Hashmat حشمت Modesty, bashfulness, decency, decorum.
524 Hasiba حسیبه Highborn, respected, noble; fem. of Hasib.
525 Hasifa حصیفه Judicious, wise, prudent, sagacious, endowed with sound judgement; fem. of Hasif.
526 Hasina حسینه Pretty, beautiful.
527 Hasna حسناء Pious, beautiful woman.
528 Hasnat حسنات Virtues.
529 Hassana حسانه Most beautiful woman, most sweetheart.
530 Hatima حاطمه Generous.
531 Hawiya حاویه Dominant.
532 Hawla حولاء Intelligent.
533 Hawwa حواء A beautiful girl with a ruddy complexion, Eve; wife of Adam, mother of mankind.
534 Haya حیاء Shyness, bashfulness, coyness, modesty.
535 Hayat حیات Life.
536 Hayrah حیره She was a well-=known narrator of Hadith from the generation after the companions (AN)
537 Hazar ھزار Kind of nightingale.
538 Hazeena ھزینه Autumn, treasure, forever.
539 Hazeerah هزیره Wise.
540 Hazima حازمه Firm, energetic, judicious, discreet, prudent; fem. of Hazim.
541 Haziqa حاذقه Clever, shrewd.
542 Hazzafa حذافه The name of Hazrat Haleema Saadia’s daughter.
543 Hena حنا Greenery
544 Hiba ھبه Gift, present.
545 Hibatullah ھبه الله Gift of God.
546 Hijab حجاب Daughter of a Scholar from Baghdad.
547 Hikmat حکمت Wisdom.
548 Hilal ھلال Crescent, new moon.
549 Hina حنا The Indian privet; a shrub, the leaves of which are used for dyeing the hands, feet and hair.
550 Hind ھند Proper name.
551 Hindah ھنده She was the wife of Abu Sufyan (some versions call her Hind).
552 Hira حرا A peak near Makkah where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to worship Allah.
553 Hiyam ھیام Passionate love.
554 Hoor حور A virgin maiden of Paradise for its dwellers.
555 Hooriya حوریه Virgin of Paradise, houri, nymph.
556 Hoorulain حورالعین The most beautiful HUR with beautiful eyes.
557 Hoyam ھیام Passionate love.
558 Hubayshah حبیثه She was the daughter of Hubaysh al-Aamiriyah; she was a poetess.
559 Hubba حبٰی She was a beautiful woman, daughter of Maalik bin Amr al-Adwaniyah (AN)
560 Huboor حبور Happiness.
561 Huda ھدی Right guidance, right path.
562 Hujaymah ھجیمه Attack.
563 Hujayrah حجیره She was a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Husayn.
564 Hukayman حکیمه She was the daughter of Umaymah daughter of Ruqayqah RA a companion.
565 Huma ھما An imaginary bird.
566 Humaida حمیده Praised; fem. of Humaid.
567 Humaira حمیراء Of red colour. Name of Ayesha, wife of the Prophet Muhammad.
568 Hunaydah ھنیده The wife of Ibrahim al-Nakhee was so named, as also the daughter of Shurayk. (AN). Whe was a narrator of Hadith.
569 Hura حره Free woman
570 Hurmat حرمت Respect, dignity or something declared, sacred by religion.
571 Hurriya حریه Freedom, liberty.
572 Husaina حسینه Diminutive of Husn, beauty.
573 Hushaima حشیمه Diminutive of Hishma, modesty.
574 Husn حسن Beauty, gracefulness, prettiness.
575 Husn Ara حسن آرا Adorned with beauty.
576 Husna حسنیٰ Most pious, good outcome; fem. of Ahsan.
577 Husni حسنی Possessing beauty.
578 Husniya حسنیه Beautiful, pretty.
579 Huzuz حظوظ Pl. of Hazz, fortune, good luck.
580 Iba اباء Pride, disdain.
581 Ibadat عبادت Worship.
582 Ibrisam ابریسام Silk.
583 Ibrisami ابریسمی Silken.
584 Ibriz ابریز Pure gold.
585 Ibtihaj ابتھاج Joy, delight.
586 Ibtihal ابتھال Prayer, supplication.
587 Ibtisam ابتسام Smile.
588 Ibtisama ابتسامه Smile.
589 Idrak ادراک Intellect, perception, achievement, attainment.
590 Iffah عفه Purity, modesty.
591 Iffat عفت Purity, chastity, modesty, virtue, abstinence.
592 Iffat-Ara عفت آرا Decorator of Chastity
593 Ifra افراء Height, sublimity.
594 Ifrah افراح To make happy.
595 Iftikhar افتخار Pride.
596 Iftinan افتنان enchantment, captivation
597 Ihtisham احتشام Chastity, modesty, decency, decorum.
598 Ijlal اجلال Glorification, exaltation, honour, distinction, respect.
599 Ijliyah عجلیه The daughter of al-Asturlabi al-Ijli.
600 Ikhlas اخلاص Sincerity, honesty, integrity, fidelity, faithfulness.
601 Iklil اکلیل Crown, garland, wreath.
602 Ikram اکرام Honour, glory, respect, generosity, hospitality.
603 Ilham الھام Intuition, inspiration, revelation.
604 Ilm علم A slave gifl belonging to Zubaydah, wife of Harun al-Rashid had this name.
605 Iltimas التماس Request, appeal, entreaty.
606 Ilyas الیاس Name of a Prophet of Allah. He was called Ilyaseen as well.
607 Imaan ایمان Faith
608 Iman ایمان Belief, faith in Allah.
609 Imrana عمرانه Population, socialism.
610 Imtinan امتنان Gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness.
611 Imtisal امتثال Obedience, conforming to, in compliance with.
612 Imtiyaz امتیاز Distinction, mark of honour, intelligent.
613 Inam انعام Gift, present, act of kindness, benefaction, bestowal.
614 Inan عنان A slave girl belonging to Harun al-Rashid.
615 Inas ایناس Friendliness, cordiality, sociability.
616 Inayat عنایت Concern, solicitude.
617 Inshirah انشراح Joy, delight, happiness, cheerfulness.
618 Intisar انتصار Victory, triumph; sing.
619 Intisarat انتصارات Pl. of Intisar, victory, triumph.
620 Iqamat اقامت Calm, peace, staying.
621 Iqra اقراء Study, read.
622 Iradat ارادت Wish, desire, intention.
623 Iraj ارج Flower
624 Iram ارم The Paradise of Shadad, Eden.
625 Irtiza ارتضاء Contentment, approval.
626 Isad اسعاد Making happy of prosperous, blessing.
627 Ishraq اشراق Brilliance, radiance, shining.
628 Ishrat عشرت Pleasure, enjoyment, delight.
629 Islah اصلاح Making right, making good, improvement, betterment.
630 Ismat عصمت Purity, honour, protection, chastity, modesty.
631 Ismat-Ara عصمت آرا Decorator of modesty
632 Isood عصود A woman of delicate body.
633 Isra اصرا Walking in the night, Journeys by night.Name of Sura in Quran also known as Bani Israil
634 Istabraq استبرق Brocade.
635 Itidal اعتدال Moderateness, moderation, mildness, rectitude.
636 Itimad اعتماد Reliance, dependence.
637 Itrat عترت Lineage, descendants of Holy Prophet (PBUH).
638 Izaz اعزاز Honour, esteem, regard, affection.
639 Izdihar ازدھار Prosperity, flourishing, bloom, blossoming.
640 Izma ازمأ Higher poistion, Esteemed previledge & honour.
641 Izz عز The daughter of al-Haytam Muhammad bin al-Haysam was so named.
642 Izza عزه Honour, fame, power.
643 Izza an-Nisa عزالنساء She was the daughter of Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz bin Ali bin Hibbat Allah bin Khuldoon. She narrated hadith.
644 Izzat عزت Honor; esteem, integrity.
645 Jaan جان Life.
646 Jabalah جبله Daughter of Musafh; she was a narrator of Hadith.
647 Jabarah جباره A bracelet.
648 Jabin جبین Forehead.
649 Jadida جدیده New, fresh.
650 Jahan جھان World.
651 Jahan Ara جھان آرا Adorning the world. Daughter of Mughal emperor Shah Jahaan.
652 Jahan Khatoon جھاں خاتون She was a Persian poet.
653 Jahdamah جھدمه She was a female companion of the Prophet PBUH.
654 Jala جلاء Bringing to light, shining, clarity.
655 Jaleelah جلیله Dignified.
656 Jaleesah جلیسه Companion
657 Jalila جلیله Great, exalted, magnificent; fem. of Jalil.
658 Jalwa جلوه Sight, show.
659 Jamal جمال Beauty.
660 Jamala جماله Beautiful, pretty, moon-faced.
661 Jamia جامعه Gatherer, collector, author, writer; fem. of Jami.
662 Jamila جمیله Beautiful, elegant, pretty; fem. of Jamil. Daughter of Khalifa Umar.
663 Jamilah جامله Beautiful.
664 Janaan جاناں Pretty, sweet-heart; pl. of Jan, life.
665 Janan جنان Heart, soul, pretty.
666 Janna جنه Garden, paradise.
667 Jannat جنت Heaven, paradise.
668 Jannatul Firdaus جنه الفردوس Garden of Paradise.
669 Jariyah جاریه Slave girl.
670 Jasrah جسره Daughter of Dijajah al-Amiriyah, and a narrator of Hadith.
671 Jassia جاثیه One who sits, name of a Surrah of Al-Quran.
672 Jawahir جواھر Precious.
673 Jawda جوده Excellence, high, quality, fineness.
674 Jawedan جاوداں Immortal, lasting.
675 Jawhara جوھره Jewel, gem, essence.
676 Jaza جزا Reward.
677 Jazibiyya جاذبیه Attraction, charm, appeal.
678 Jibla جبله Nature, natural disposition.
679 Jina جینا Princess, lucky, patrician,
680 Jinan جنان Pl. of Jannat, garden, paradise.
681 Joindah جوﺋنده God’s gift.
682 Joodi جودی Kind, working.
683 Joya جویاء Searcher.
684 Judaala جداله Distinct.
685 Judamah جدامه She was the daughter of Wahb; she was a companion and a narrator of Hadith.
686 Juhaymah جھیمه There is a suggestion that her name was Hujaymah, she was Umm ad-Darda, and a narrator of Hadith.
687 Juhi جوھی Fragrant flower.
688 Jumaina جمینه Diminutive of Jumana, small pearl.
689 Jumana جمانه Pearl.
690 Jumaymah جماﺋمه Name of a female companion.
691 Junayna جنینه Little garden.
692 Juni جنی Lovable.
693 Junna جنه Shelter.
694 Juveria جویریه Diminutive of Jooriyah, damask rose. Wife of the Prophet Muhammad.
695 Kabeesha کبیشه This was the name of a poetess, daughter of al-Waqa (AN).
696 Kabira کبیره Great.
697 Kabira کابره Leader, heroic woman.
698 Kabshah کبشه She was a companion; she was the daughter of Sabit bin al-Munzir al-Ansari (AN)
699 Kaheela کحیله Labour, triumph, trial.
700 Kaif کیف A state of joy.
701 Kaifiya کیفیه Ecstatic, mirghful, gayhooppy.
702 Kaina کاﺋنه Leader woman.
703 Kainaat کا ٔنات Universe
704 Kakuli کاکلی Crest, tuft on the head of an animal like comb of a cock.
705 Kaleemah کلیمه Speaker.
706 Kalsam کلثم Name of al-Qarshiyah who transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah (AN)
707 Kalsoom کلثوم Name of prophet Muhammad PBUH daughter.
708 Kamaliyah کمالیه Perfection: name of a traditionalist, daughter of Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Hashmiyah al-Makkiyah RA.
709 Kamila کامله Perfect, complete, genuine; fem. of Kamil.
710 Kaneezah کنیزه Firm (of flish), sturdy (of body).
711 Kaniz کنیز Maid servant, female servant, virgin.
712 Kanwal کنول A flower of water, water-lilly.
713 Kanz کنز Treasure.
714 Kanzah کنزه Treasure; She was a poetess (AN)
715 Karam کرم Generosity, bounty, noble nature.
716 Karamat کرامت Miracle.
717 Kardawaiyah کردویه A ious woman, daughter of Amr al-Basriyah was so name (AN)
718 Karima کریمه Kind, generous, benevolent, open-handed, bountiful, noble; fem. of Karim.
719 Kariman کاریمان Generous lady.
720 Karma کرمه Vine, grapevine, kind, generous.
721 Kas کاص Glass; This was the name of a woman, daughter of Buhayr bin Jundub.
722 Kashfiya کشفیه Enlightenment.
723 Kashida کاشیده Hardworking.
724 Kashifah کاشفه Revealer of Secrets.
725 Kashira کاشره Jubiliant, jovial.
726 Kashmala کشماله Necklace of flowers, Garland
727 Kashooda کشوده Attractive.
728 Kashud کشود Bloom, success, benefit.
729 Kasirah کثیره Plenty.
730 Kasool کسول A girl brought up by tender care, sluggish girl.
731 Kasturi کستوری Musk, a song bird.
732 Kaureen کورین Beautiful girl, pretty girl.
733 Kausar کوثر Abundance, name of a fountain, in the paradise.
734 Kauser کوشر A Fountain in heaven
735 Kawkab کوکب Star, satellite.
736 Kaysah کیسه Daughter of Abu Bakr al-Saqafi, was a narrator of Hadith.
737 Kazima کاظمه One who controls or suppresses her anger; fem. of Kazim.
738 Kehkashan کهکشاں Galaxy.
739 Khabira خبیره Aware, knowing.
740 Khadija خدیجه The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad who was the first to embrace Islam.
741 Khadra خضراء Green, verdant.
742 Khair خیر Good, blessing, boon, wealth, fortune.
743 Khaira خیره The best, prime, top, flower, cream; sing. of khairat.
744 Khairat خیرات Pl. of Khaira, blessing, good work.
745 Khairiya خیریه Charity, benevolence, beneficence, good.
746 Khairun Nisa خیرانساء Best of women. Epithet of Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad.
747 Khalida خالده Permanent, immortal, eternal; fem. of Khalid.
748 Khalisa خالصه Pure, true, clear, real; fem. of Khalis.
749 Khalwat خلوت Solitude.
750 Khanam خانم Princess, noble woman.
751 Khansa خنساء Proper name (famous Arabic poetess), pug-nosed.
752 Kharijah خارجه External.
753 Kharqa خرقاء Strong wind.
754 Khashar خشار Decorated, ornamented.
755 Khashia خاشعه Pious, devout; fem. of Khashi.
756 Khashifa خاشفه Disclosing, divulging.
757 Khasiba خصیبه Fruitful, fertile, prolific, prodigal, productive; fem. of Khasib.
758 Khatiba خطیبه Orator, speaker, fianc�e.
759 Khatiba خاطبه Speaker.
760 Khatira خاطره Wish, desire.
761 Khatoon خاتون Noblewoman, lady.
762 Khaula خوله A buck, deer, name of a well-known Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad.
763 Khawara خاوره The sunlight, east.
764 Khazanah خزانه Treasure; She was the daughter of Khalid bin Jafar bin Qurt. She was a poetess.
765 Khazeena خزینه Arsenal, treasure house.
766 Khidrah خضره Green.
767 Khitfa خطفه Erroneus, forgetful.
768 Khudamah خدامه Service, name of a Sahabiyah RA.
769 Khudra خضره Greenery, greenness, verdancy.
770 Khulaidah خلیده Permanent, name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr and the name of a Sahabiyyah.
771 Khulat خلت Love, friend.
772 Khulaybah خلیبه This was the name of an Arab poetess.
773 Khuld خلد Paradise, heaven, eternal.
774 Khulud خلود Immortality.
775 Khurmi خرمی Happiness, leisure.
776 Khursheed خورشید Sun.
777 Khurshid Jahan خورشید جھاں sun of the world
778 Khushbakht خوش بخت Lucky.
779 Khushbu خوشبو Fragrance, scent.
780 Khushnuda خوشنوده Delighted, agreed, happy, joyous.
781 Khuwailah خویله A little or young female gazelle; name of a women.
782 Khuzama خزامیٰ Lavender, tulip.
783 Kinza کنزا Intelligent
784 Kiran کرن Ray, beam.
785 Kishwar کشور Country.
786 Kohinoor کوه نور The mountain of light, name of a diamond that was a prized possession of the Mughals.
787 Komal کومل Beautiful, Soft
788 Korina کورینا Exalted, sublime, nice.
789 Kowaisah کویسه Handsome, pretty, name of a Sahaabiyah.
790 Kuaybah کعیبه A distinguished woman of her times was so named. She was the daughter of Saad al-Aslamiyah and she offered allegiance (bayah) to the Prophet PBUH.
791 Kubra کبریٰ Great, senior, (Al-Khubra – Epithet of Khadija).
792 Kuhaylah کحیله This was the name of a pious, learned woman who was a good speaker (AN)
793 Kulsoom کلثوم Full of flesh about the face and cheeks, rosy, healthy cheeks, chubby cheeks
794 Laal لعل Pearl, ruby.
795 Labiba لبیبه Intelligent, judicious, sensible, understanding, sagacious, wise, prudent, wise; fem. of Labib.
796 Lafiza لافظه As deep as a sea.
797 Lahifa لاحفه Helper.
798 Laiba لاﺋبه Name of a Hoor in Heaven
799 Laiha لاﺋحه Glittering.
800 Lail لیل Night.
801 Laila لیلیٰ Of the Night.
802 Laiqa لاﺋقه Worthy, deserving, elegant, capable, decent.
803 Lakhsha لخشه Glittering.
804 Lala لاله Flower.
805 Lama لمیٰ Darkness of inner lips, it is considered to be beautiful.
806 Lamia لامعه Brilliant, lustrous, shining, radiant.
807 Lamis لمیس Tender woman.
808 Lamisa لمیسه Soft to touch.
809 Lamiya لامیه With beautiful curls.
810 Lamya لمیاء Dark-lipped (from inside).
811 Laraib لاریب Not suspicious, truth.
812 Laseef لصیف Glitter.
813 Latifa لطیفه Pretty, charming, gentle, sweet, refined, kind, pleasantry, humour, friendly; fem. of Latif.
814 Latimah لطیمه Scent.
815 Lawaiza لویزه The girl who was born to Eve with Abel.
816 Layaan لیان Gentleness, softness, tenderness.
817 Layina لینه Tender, supple, resilient.
818 Layla لیلیٰ Night, A well-known character in Arabic literature i.e. the beloved of Majnoon.
819 Layyah لیه Twist, Flexure.
820 Lina لینه Gentle, soft, tender, ‘a kind of palm’.
821 Liza لیزا Dedicated for Allah.
822 Lubaba لبابه Essence, core, gist.
823 Lubana لبانه Wish, desire.
824 Lubna لبنیٰ A tree which yields an aromatic resin used in perfume and medicine i.e. storax-tree.
825 Lulu لٶلٶ Pearls.
826 Lulua لٶلوه Pearl.
827 Luna لونأ Moon.
828 Lutf لطف Kindness, friendliness, courtesy, delicate, grace, favour from Allah.
829 Lutfana لطفانه Kind, helper.
830 Lutfiya لطفیه Delicate, graceful.
831 Lutfun Nisa لطف النساء Grace of women.
832 Ma as-sama ماءالسماء A noble hearted, generous lady, daughter of al-Muzaffar had this name.
833 Mabrooka مبروکه Blessed, prosperous, abundant; fem. of Mabrook.
834 Madaniya مدنیه Civilized, urbane, polished.
835 Madiha مدیحه Praiseworthy, commendation, commendable.
836 Mah ماه Moon.
837 Mah Jabin ماه جبین Beautiful, brow like the moon.
838 Mah Liqa ماه لقا Moon-like (face).
839 Mah Naz ماه ناز Humble moon (that would disappear on touch).
840 Mah Noor ماه نور Moonlight.
841 Mah Rukh ماه رخ Face as bright as the moon.
842 Maha مھا Wild cow (representing beauty).
843 Mahala محاله Brave.
844 Mahalfa محالفه Opponent.
845 Maham ماهم Wife of mughal emperor Zahiruddin Baber, mother of Hamayun.
846 Mahasin محاسن Pl. of Mahsana, beauty, charm, charming, attraction, virtue, merit.
847 Mahbasah محبسه A narrator of Hadith, al-Bahiliyah had this name.
848 Mahbooba محبوبه Dear, beloved sweetheart; fem. of Mahboob.
849 Mahdiya مھدیه Rightly guided; fem. of Mahdi.
850 Maheen ماهین Like moon.
851 mahek مھک Fragrance
852 Mahfooza محفوظه Safeguarded, well-protected; fem. of mahfooz.
853 Mahin مھین Fine, subtle, thin.
854 Mahira ماھره Skilled, skilful, proficient; fem. of Mahir.
855 Mahjooba محجوبه Hidden, covered, screened; fem. of Mahjoob.
856 Mahmooda محموده Praised, praiseworthy, elegant, lauded.
857 Mahmoodatun Nisa محمودهانساء Praised (one) of the women.
858 Mahnaz مهناز Pride of the moon.
859 Mahparah مه پاره Piece of moon
860 Mahroz مهروز One who has a face like moon.
861 Mahtab ماھتاب Moonlight.
862 Mahtalat مه طلعت Moon-faced
863 Mahveen محوین Light of the Sun.
864 Mahwish مهوش Moon-faced, beautiful as moon.
865 Maida ماﺋده Dining table, a chapter of Quran
866 Mailiha ملیحه Beautiful, the one with darker shade.
867 Maimana میمنه Right, right-hand side, right wing (of army).
868 Maimoona میمونه Auspicious, prosperous, lucky, fortunate, blessed; fem. of Maimoon.
869 Maira ماﺋره Favourable, admirable.
870 Maisa ماﺋسه Walking with a proud gait.
871 Maisaa میساء To walk with a proud swinging gait.
872 Maisara میصره Prosperity, abundance, wealth, affluence; left, left-hand side, left wing (of army).
873 Maisoon میسون Of beautiful face and body.
874 Maisoora میصوره Ease; successful, fortunate, lucky, prosperous; fem. of maisoor.
875 Majda مجده Glory, honour, nobility.
876 Majdiya مجدیه Glorious.
877 Majeeda مجیده Glorious, noble, sublime, exalted; fem. of majeed.
878 Majida ماجده Glorious, noble, respected, exalted, fem. of majid.
879 Makarim مکارم Of good and honourable character.
880 Maktoomah مکتومه Name of a female singer of the past.
881 Maktoonah مکتونه Name of a singer and a beautiful lady of the past.
882 Malaha ملاحه Beauty, grace, elegance.
883 Malaika ملاﺋکه Angels.
884 Malak ملک Angel.
885 Maleeka ملیکه Queen; fem. of Maleek.
886 Maliha ملیحه Beautiful, pretty, good-looking; fem. of Malih.
887 Malika مالکه Reigning, ruling.
888 Malka ملکه Fem. of Malik; queen.
889 Mamoona مٔامونه Trustworthy, honest, faithful, reliable; fem of Mamoon.
890 Manahil مناھل Pl. of manhal, spring, of salubrious water, fountain.
891 Manal منال Attainment, achievement, acquisition.
892 Manar منار Guiding light, light-house.
893 Manara مناره Fem. of Manar: light-house.
894 Mandal مندل Fragrant wood.
895 Manfoosah منفوصه She was the daughter of Abu Yazid bin Abu al-FAwaris; a very pious woman, she wept often for fear of Allah.
896 Manhalah منھله Spring; Name of many Arab women.
897 Mann من Gift, present, favour, benefit, boon.
898 Mannana منانه Bountiful, generous; fem. of mannan.
899 Mansoora منصوره Assisted, victorious, supported, triumphant; fem. of Mansoor.
900 Manzoora منظوره Approved of, chosen, promising; fem. of Manzoor.
901 Maqboola مقبوله Accepted, admitted, granted, approved; fem. of Maqbool.
902 Maqsooda مقصوده Intended, destined.
903 Marab مأرب Wish, desire, purpose, use, aim; sing. of Marib.
904 Maram مرام Wish, desire, aspiration.
905 Marghuba مرغوبه Coveted, desired.
906 Maria ماریه A lady with fair complexion, kind of bird. Wife of Muhammad who gave birth to son named Ibrahim.
907 Mariam مریم Mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus), the Biblical Mary.
908 Marib مآرب Pl. of Marab, wish.
909 Maridah مارده A slave-girl of Haroon Rashid had this name.
910 Mariha مرحه Joyful, cheerful, lively.
911 Mariya ماریه A learned woman of Andulus had this name; she was the daughter of Abu Yaqoob al-Faysali.
912 Marjan مرجان Small pearls, corals.
913 Marjanah مرجانه Precious stone; She was the mother of Prophet Isa AS and has been mentioned in the Quran frequently and a whole Surah is named after her.
914 Maroofa معروفه Famous, known, eminent, kindness, kind act; fem. of Maruf.
915 Marqooma مرقومه Writter, stated, well-defined.
916 Marwa مروه Flint-stone.
917 Maryam مریم Pious, mother of Hazrat Isa (AS) i.e. Jesus.
918 Marziya مرضیه Accepted, well-pleased, one who is pleasing.
919 Marzooqa مرزوقه blessed, fortunate, prosperous, successful; fem. of Marzooq
920 Mas ماس For Almas; diamond. (only almas is used as name).
921 Masabih مصابیح Pl. of Misbah, lamp.
922 Masarrat مسرت Joy, delight, pleasure, gladness, happiness.
923 Mashal مشعل Light, bright fire, flame.
924 Mashhuda مشھوده Present, manifest.
925 Mashia مشیٔه wish, desire, will (of Allah)
926 Mashmool مشمول Included, sought, after, searched for.
927 Masira ماثره Noble.
928 Masooda معصوده Fortunate, happy, lucky, prosperous, gracious, favourable, august; fem. of Masood.
929 Masooma معصومه Innocent, sinless, safe-guarded, protected; fem. of Masoom.
930 Masoon مصون Safeguarded, well-protected.
931 Masrurah مسروره Glad, happy, delighted.
932 Mastura مستوره Latent, hidden, chaste.
933 Matina متینه Strong, solid, of resolute mind.
934 Mausooma موسومه Namely, viz.
935 Mavisha ماویشأ Blessing of life.
936 Mawadda موده Friendship, intimacy, affection, love.
937 Mawhiba موھبه Gift, talent; sing. of Mawahib.
938 Mawhooba موھوبه Gifted, talented, favoured; fem. of Mawhoob.
939 Mawsoofa موصوفه Worthy of description, portrayed, endowed with laudable qualities; fem. of Mawsoof.
940 Maya مایه Nature, wealth, power, quantity.
941 Mayyada میاده To walk with swinging gait.
942 Maziyah مزیه Excellence, merit, virtue.
943 Mehak مهک Fragrance
944 Mehr مھر Sun, affection.
945 Mehreen مھرین Loving nature.
946 Mehrin مهرىن Loving, The sun, The moon.
947 Mehrin مهرین Loving, affectionate, sun, moon.
948 Mehrun Nisa مھرانساء Sun of the women.
949 Mehtab مھتاب Moon.
950 Mehvish مھوش Shining Star
951 Menaal مینال Special flower of heaven.
952 Merwa مروا A mountain in mekkah.
953 Midhat مدحت Praise, eulogy.
954 Mina منا Pearl, bead.
955 Minnat منت Grace, kindness, favour, gift.
956 Minoo مینو Paradise.
957 Miral میرال Doe
958 Misaal مثال Example, copy.
959 Misam میسم Impression, mark, beauty.
960 Misbah مصباح Lamp, Light.
961 Mishal مشال Lightened, sparkling, shining.
962 Mishel مشعل A Light
963 Miskeenah مسکینه Humble.
964 Mohsana محصنه Chaste, virtuous, protected, sheltered, pure, modest, married woman.
965 Mohsina محسنه Benevolent, beneficent, charitable, humanitarian; fem. of Muhsin.
966 Momina مٔومنه Believer (in Islam); fem. of Mumin.
967 Mona منیٰ Pl. of Monya, wish, desire.
968 Muazah معاذه Daughter of Abdullah al-Adowiyah was a narrator of Hadith.
969 Muazza معزٰی Elevated, exalted.
970 Muazzama معظمه Exalted, respected, glorified; fem. of Muazzam.
971 Mubaraka مبارکه Blessed, fortunate, lucky, auspicious; fem. of Mubarak.
972 Mubashirah مبشره Bringer of good news.
973 Mubassirah مبصره One who comments.
974 Mubina مبینه Clear, manifest, plain, distinct; fem. of Mubin.
975 Mueenah معینه Helper.
976 Mueerah معیره The sister of Hajjaj bin Hassan al-Jamimi had this name.
977 Mufazzalah مفضله A poetess of the past had this name.
978 Mufida مفیده Beneficial, advantageous, favourable, useful, profitable.
979 Mugheesah مغیثه One who helps.
980 Mughirah مغیره Daughter of Hassan; she was a narrator of Hadith.
981 Muhabbat محبت Love, affection.
982 Muhariba محاربه Fighter, one who entangles.
983 Muhayya محیا Countenance, face, look.
984 Muhja مھجه Heart, soul.
985 Muhra مھره Filly, a female pony.
986 Muida معیده Reviser, teacher, fem. of Muid.
987 Mujahida مجاھده One who struggles, strives, or fights for the cause of Islam; fem. of Mujahid.
988 Mujiba مجیبه One who answers or grants something.
989 Mukarrama مکرمه Honoured, revered, honourable; fem. of Mukarram.
990 Mukhlisa مخلصه Devoted, faithful, pure-hearted.
991 Mukhtar مختار Free.
992 Mulayka ملاﺋکه Diminutive of Malaka, angel.
993 Mulook ملوک Pl. of Malik, king.
994 Mumtaz ممتاز Distinguished, exalted, superior, outstanding.
995 Mumtaz Mahal ممتازمحل Wife of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.
996 Mumtaza ممتازه Fem. of Mumtaz.
997 Munaam مناعم Soft, delicate.
998 Munas Sabah منی الصباح Wishes of the dawn.
999 Munawwar منور Shining, Bright.
1000 Munawwara منوره Illuminated, brilliant, full of light; fem. of Munawwar.
1001 Munazza منزه Devoid of faults, pure.
1002 Muneeah منیعه Name of a Slave-girl of Amr bin al-Ala.
1003 Muniba منیبه One who turns towards Allah, one who repents.
1004 Munifa منیفه Eminent, exalted, superior, high, lofty; fem. of Munif.
1005 Munira منیره bright, brilliant, shedding light, radiant, luminous, shining; fem. of Munir
1006 Munisa مٔونسه Sociable, friendly, kind, gentle; fem. of Munis.
1007 Munjiyah منجیه A woman who saves someone.
1008 Muntahi منتهی Last limit of height.
1009 Munya منیه Wish, desire, object of desire; sing. of Muna, wishes.
1010 Munyatul Muna منیه المنیٰ Wish of wishes.
1011 Muqadas مقدس Holy
1012 Muqaddasa مقدسه Sacred, holy.
1013 Muqbala مقبله This was the name of a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Ali al-Bazzaz.
1014 Murdiyyah مرضیه Chosen one.
1015 Muriha مریحه Restful, soothing.
1016 Murshida مرشده Leader, guide, adviser, counsellor; fem. of Murshid.
1017 Musaddas مسدس A poem of six verses.
1018 Musaddiqa مصدقه One who affirms the truth.
1019 Musarrat مسرت Pleasure
1020 Musawat مساوات Equality.
1021 Musaykah مسیکه She was the mother of Yusuf bin Mahik and she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA.
1022 Musfirah مصفرا Bright Face
1023 Mushahida مشاهده Observance, evidence, study.
1024 Musharrafa مشرفه Honoured, elevated.
1025 Mushira مشیره Counsellor, adviser; fem. of Mushir.
1026 Mushtari المشتری Jupiter.
1027 Muskan مسکان Smiling
1028 Muslima مسلمه Follower of the religion of Islam; fem. of Muslim.
1029 Mussah مسه She was Mussah al-Azdiyah, mother of Bussah; she was a narrator of Hadith.
1030 Mustaeenah مستعینه One who prays for help.
1031 Mutahhara مطھره Purified, chaste.
1032 Mutazah معتزه A narrator of Hadith of the later period.
1033 Mutia مطیعه Obedient, pious, devoted, faithful; fem. of Muti.
1034 Muwaffaqa موفقه Successful, prosperous, lucky, fortunate; fem. of Muwaffaq.
1035 Muyassar میسر Successful, lucky, prosperous.
1036 Muzaina مزینه Diminutive of Muzna, rain, clouds.
1037 Muzna مزنه Rain clouds.
1038 Naaz ناز Glory, pride, elegance, gracefulness, fresh.
1039 Naazira ناضره One with healthy and happy looks, radiant, flourishing, resplendent, bright, beaming.
1040 Naba نابه Famous, good, pious.
1041 Nabaha نباھه Fame, nobility, intelligence, brightness, brilliance.
1042 Nabawiya نبویه Prophetic.
1043 Nabeeha نبیھه Noble, famous, eminent, distinguished, brilliant, intelligent; fem. of Nabih.
1044 Nabiha نابھه Noble, famous, eminent, distinguished, brilliant; fem. of Nabih.
1045 Nabila نبیله Noble, highborn, magnanimous, beautiful, intelligent, honourable; fem. of nabil.
1046 Nadaa ندی Dew, generosity, liberality, magnanimity.
1047 Nadi ندی Moist, damp, tender, delicate.
1048 Nadia نادیه The caller.
1049 Nadida ندیده Rival, equal.
1050 Nadima ندیمه Intimate friend, companion; fem. of Nadim.
1051 Nadira نادره Rare, extraordinary, choice, precious; fem. of Nadir.
1052 Nadiyya ندیه Fem. of Nadi, dew, generosity, damp, tender, delicate.
1053 Nadra نادره Radiance, bloom, glamour, brightness, opulence, wealth.
1054 Nadwa ندوه Council, club.
1055 Naeema نعیمه Happiness, peaceful, comfort, ease, pleasure, smooth, tender, bliss; fem. of Naim.
1056 Nafasat نفاست Purity, refinement.
1057 Nafay نافعه One who gets profit.
1058 Nafia نافعه Profitable, beneficial, advantageous, useful, beneficial; fem. of Nafi.
1059 Nafisa نفیسه Refined, pure, precious, delicate, choice, exquisite.
1060 Nageenah نگینه Precious Stone.
1061 Naghma نغمه Melody, song.
1062 Nahar نھار Day i.e. daytime.
1063 Nahid ناھید Venus.
1064 Nahida ناھیده Fem. of Nahid.
1065 Nahiya ناحیه One who advises, adviser.
1066 Nahiza ناھضه Elevated, deligent.
1067 Nahla نھله Bee.
1068 Naifah ناﺋفه This was the name of a well-known, woman loved by the masses for her kindness and generosity, her advice was sought by the people.
1069 Nail ناﺋل Winner, achiever, a boon, gift, acquirer.
1070 Naila ناﺋله Fem. of nail.
1071 Naima ناعمه Delicate, soft, smooth.
1072 Naira ناﺋره Shining, glittering.
1073 Najah نجاح Success.
1074 Najat نجات Safety, rescue, salvation, deliverance.
1075 Najdah نجده Courage, bravery, help, succour.
1076 Najia ناجیه Saved, liberated; fem. of Naji.
1077 Najiba نجیبه Noble, exce4llent, generous, praiseworthy, distinguished, aristocratic.
1078 Najida نجیده Brave; a lady who accomplishes difficult tasks.
1079 Najidah ناجده Succor, Help.
1080 Najiha ناجحه Successful, prosperous; fem. of Najih.
1081 Najiya نجیه Intimate friend, bosom friend; fem. of Naji.
1082 Najla نجلاء Large-eyed, wide-eyed.
1083 Najm نجم Star, planet.
1084 Najma نجمه Star, a fine species of grass.
1085 Najmus Sahar نجم السحر The morning star.
1086 Najwa نجویٰ Confidential talk, secret conversation.
1087 Najwan نجوان Saved, liberated.
1088 Nakhat نکھت Fragrance.
1089 Nama نعماء Gift, present, grace, favour, kindness.
1090 Nameera نمیره Delicious water, pious woman.
1091 Namia نامیه Force to move forward, force to expand
1092 Naqa نقاء Purity, refinement, clarity.
1093 Naqiba نقیبه Mind, intellect, leader.
1094 Naqiya نقیه Clear, pure, clean; fem. of Naqi.
1095 Nargis نرگس Narcissus (flower).
1096 Narjis نرجس Narcissus (flower).
1097 Narmin نرمین A flower, delicate, soft, slender.
1098 Naseera نصیره Helper, protector, friend, patron; fem. of Nasir.
1099 Nasha نشاء Scent, perfume.
1100 Nashat نشاط Liveliness, vigour, cheerfulness, joy, sprightliness, energy, vivacity.
1101 Nasheem نشیم Breeze, morning air.
1102 Nashida نشیده Relaxation, joyance.
1103 Nashika ناشکه One who forgives, forgiver.
1104 Nashirah ناشره Publisher; diffuser, spreader.
1105 Nashita نشیطه Energetic, dynamic, lively, fresh, vigorous.
1106 Nashwa نشوه Fragrance, aroma.
1107 Nashwaa نشویٰ Elated, exultant, flushed, enraptured; fem. of Nashwan.
1108 Nasia ناصعه Clear, pure; fem. of Nasi.
1109 Nasiba نسیبه Noble, highborn; fem. of Nasib.
1110 Nasifa ناصفه Just, equitable.
1111 Nasiha ناصھه Advisor, sincere.
1112 Nasihah ناصحه Advisor.
1113 Nasila نسیله Honey that flows from the comb.
1114 Nasim نسیم Breeze, gentle wind, fresh air, zephyr, fragrant air.
1115 Nasima نسیمه Fem. of Nasim, zephyr, gentle wind.
1116 Nasiqa ناسقه One who manages, organiser.
1117 Nasiqa ناسکه One who forgives, forgiver.
1118 Nasira ناصره Helper, aide, assistant, protector.
1119 Nasooh نصوح Advised, suggested.
1120 Nasra ناصره Helper
1121 Nasreen نسرین Jonquil, Narcissus, wild rose, Jericho rose.
1122 Nasya ناصیه Reformer, advisor.
1123 Natasha نتاشه Gift of Allah
1124 Natila نتیله Relation, way, sake.
1125 Natiqa ناطقه One endowed with speech, eloquent, spokesperson; fem. of Natiq.
1126 Naureen نورین Bright light.
1127 Naushabah نوشابه Elixir.
1128 Nawal نوال Gift, present, grant, favour, grace, kindness.
1129 Nawar نوار Flower, bud, blossom.
1130 Nawaylah نویله
1131 Naweed نوید Good news.
1132 Nawfa نوفه Excess, surplus.
1133 Nawla نوله Gift, present, grant, favour, grace.
1134 Nawra نوره Blossom, flower.
1135 Nayab نایاب Scarce
1136 Nayyar نیر Sun.
1137 Nayyara نیره Luminous, shining; fem. of Nayyir.
1138 Nazaha نزاھه Purity, righteousness, chastity, virtue, honesty.
1139 Nazakat نزاکت Delicacy, subtlety.
1140 Nazan نازاں Proud, vain, haughty.
1141 Nazanin نازنین Elegant, delicate, beloved.
1142 Nazara نضاره Bloom, beauty.
1143 Nazarat نضارت Freshness of splendour.
1144 Nazeeha نزیھه Pure, virtuous, honest; fem. of Nazih.
1145 Nazeera نذیره Warner, anything offered as a token of respect, anything given as sacrifice, a child who has been dedicated by his parents to serve Allah.
1146 Nazeera نظیره Equal, like, alike, resembling, match, comparable; fem. of Nazir.
1147 Naziah نازیه Companion, friend.
1148 Naziah نازیه Sharpness, cold, a large bowl.
1149 Nazifa نظیفه Pure, clean, neat, chaste, innocent; fem. of Nazif.
1150 Naziha نازھه Pure, honest.
1151 Nazila نازله Lovely, charming.
1152 Nazima ناظمه Arranger, organizer, poetess; fem. of Nazim.
1153 Nazindah نازنده Name of a liberal woman of Baghdad; she founded a college with religious school.
1154 Nazira ناظره Observer, supervisor.
1155 Nazish نازش Proud, lover.
1156 Nazli نظلی Delicate, feminine.
1157 Nazmin نازمین Light
1158 Nazneen نازنین Beautiful, delicate.
1159 Nazpari نازپری A queen of ancient persia.
1160 Nazrat نضرت Pride, nice, great.
1161 Nazuk نازک Delicate; The daughter of Muhammad bin Ibrahim had this name. She was a narrator of Hadith.
1162 Neelam نیلم A precious stone of sky blue colour.
1163 Neelma نیلما Bluish, Like blue.
1164 Nehla نحله Present, gift; sing of Nihel.
1165 Niaz نیاز Desire, urge to express love.
1166 Nibal نبال Arrows.
1167 Nibras نبراس Lamp.
1168 Nida نداء Call.
1169 Nigar نگار Picture, portrait, sweetheart.
1170 Nighat نگهت Odour, perfume, fragrance.
1171 Niha نهاء Bright one, naughty one.
1172 Nihel نحل Presents, gifts.
1173 Nihla نحله Present, gift; sing. of Nihel.
1174 Nikhat نکهت Sweet Smell
1175 Nilofar نیلوفر Water-lily.
1176 Nilofer نلیوفر Wild Mountain Rose.
1177 Nimaat نعمات Blessings, boons, bounties; pl. of Nimat.
1178 Nimat نعمت Blessing, boon, favour, a gift from Allah, grace bounty.
1179 Nimra نمرا Soft, Lion.
1180 Nisa نساء Women.
1181 Nishat نشاط Happiness, intoxication.
1182 Niyyat نیت Intention, determination, resolution.
1183 Nofal نوفل Blessing, donation.
1184 Noor نور Light, illumination.
1185 Noor Jahan نورجھاں Light of the world.
1186 Noora نوره Light; fem. of Noor.
1187 Nooraniyah نورانیه Luminous, brilliant.
1188 Nooruddunya نورالدنیا Light of the world.
1189 Noorulain نورالعین Peace of eyes, light of eyes.
1190 Noorun Nisa نورالنساء Light of the women.
1191 Noreen نورین Bright.
1192 Noreenah نورینه A sweet dish.
1193 Noshi نوشی Of pleasant taste.
1194 Noshin نوشین Sweet, pleasant, (i.e. dream).
1195 Nu’aymah نعیمه Name of a woman narrator of Hadith.
1196 Nuboogh نبوع Distinction, eminence, excellence, superiority.
1197 Nudbah ندبه Lament, Scar; Mark.
1199 Nudoora ندوره Rareness.
1200 Nudra ندره Rarity, rareness. .
1201 Nudrat ندرت Singularity.
1202 Nufaysah نفیسه Name of the daughter of Munyah who arranged the marriage of the Prophet PBUH with Sayyidah Khadijah RA.
1203 Nuha نھیٰ Intelligence, intellect.
1204 Numa نماء Displayer, viewer.
1205 Nuriya نوریه Light, luminous, radiant, brilliant; fem. of Noori.
1206 Nusaiba نسیبه Diminutive of Nasiba, noble.
1207 Nusrat نصرت Help, aid, assistance, support.
1208 Nuwaira نویره Petals of flowers
1209 Nuwwar نوار Pl. of Nuwwara, blossom, flower.
1210 Nuwwara نواره Blossom, flower.
1211 Nuzar نضار Pure gold.
1212 Nuzhat نزھت pleasure trip, freshness, promenade, excursion, recreation, cheerfulness

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1213 Obaidiyah عبیدیه Bondswoman of Allah
1214 Orwiya ارویه Female mountain goat.
1215 Ozra عذرا Virgin, Virgin Mary
1216 Ozza عزه A baby fawn, young female deer, female fawn.
1217 Pakiza پاکیزه Pure, chaste, polite, nice, fine.
1218 Pardaj پرداج Splendour.
1219 Pari پری Fairy, fairy-like beautiful.
1220 Parsa پارسا Chaste, devout, pious.
1221 Parvin پروین The Pleiades.
1222 Qabalah قباله Responsibility; Name of narrator of Hadith, daughter of Yazeed.
1223 Qabila قابله Able, wise.
1224 Qabool قبول Accepted. An early woman, daughter of Abdullah, freed slave of al-Mustanjid Billah.
1225 Qadira قادره Powerful, able.
1226 Qahira قاھره Overpowering, victorious.
1227 Qaifa قاﺋفه Estimater.
1228 Qailah قاﺋله One who speaks.
1229 Qaima قاﺋمه Bestower.
1230 Qamar قمر Moon.
1231 Qamar Jahan قمر جهاں The moon of the world
1232 Qamarun Nisa قمرالنساء Moon of the women.
1233 Qamayr قمیر Daughter of Amr al-Khufiyah, wife of Masrooq, she was a narrator of Hadith.
1234 Qameer قمیر Wife of Masrooq bin al-Ajda daughter of Amr al-Kufiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith.
1235 Qamra قمراء Moonlight, moonlit, bright; fem. of Aqmar.
1236 Qanaat قناعت Patience.
1237 Qaniah قانعه Contented.
1238 Qantara قنطره Small bridge.
1239 Qaraah قرعه Cloudlet; A kind lady of the Hijaz had this name.
1240 Qareebah قریبه Near.
1241 Qaribah قاربه Name of a woman scholar, Umm al-Buhlul, of Banu Asad.
1242 Qarsafah قرصافه She was a narrator of Hadith known as Qarsafah al-Zahliyah.
1243 Qaseema قسیمه Beautiful woman, a box in which perfumes are kept.
1244 Qasiba قاصبه One who plays at flute, flutist.
1245 Qasida قاصده Mesenger.
1246 Qasima قاسمه Distributor, divider; fem. of Qasim.
1247 Qasira قاسره Patient.
1248 Qasoomah قسومه This was the name of a poetess daughter of Ismail al-Yahudi.
1249 Qaylah قیله Two women companions had this name.
1250 Qaymayriyah قمیریه This was the name of an early student of Hadith, wife of Masrooq.
1251 Qaysar قیصر A name of women.
1252 Qindeel قند یل Light.
1253 Qisaf قصاف Birttle, a student of Hadith, daughter of Abdullah bin Damirah.
1254 Qismat قسمت Fate, destiny, area.
1255 Quddusiyah قدوسیه Sacred, Pious.
1256 Qudsia قدسیه Holiness, sacredness, glorious, sacred, celestial, a blessed girl, a pious girl.
1257 Quraybah قریبه Utricle.
1258 Qurratulain قرتالعین Cooling or delight of the eye, joy, pleasure, darling, sweetheart.
1259 Qutaylah قتیله Daughter of Sayfi al-Ansari; she was a companion.
1260 Qutayyah قطیه A woman studne tof Hadith who quoted the female companions and daughter of Haram had this name.
1261 Raaina راعنه Beautiful princess, pretty priness.
1262 Raana رعناء Of elegant, statue, soft, lovely, beautiful, graceful, delicate.
1263 Raani رانی A queen.
1264 Rabab رباب Usually two-stringed instrument.
1265 Rabbab رباب A musical instrument.
1266 Rabeea ربیعه One who is well-versed.
1267 Rabia رابعه The fourth. “Rabia Basri”, name of a saint who lived in Basrah.
1268 Rabiha رابحه Winner, gainer; fem. Rabih.
1269 Rabita رابطه Band, bond, link nexus.
1270 Rabiya ربیعه Spring, springtime, garden; fem. of Rabi.
1271 Rabwa ربوه Hill.
1272 Radifa رادفه One who is full of shame.
1273 Radiya رادیه Veiled, covered.
1274 Raeesa رﺋیسه Leader, chief, princess, a noble lady, a wealthy lady.
1275 Raeha راﺋحه Fragrance, perfume, scent.
1276 Rafat رافت Mercy, compassion, pity.
1277 Rafeeah رفیعه Sublime, high.
1278 Rafia رفیعه High ranking, noble, sublime, exquisite, exalted, eminent; fem. of Rafi.
1279 Rafiah رافعه Exalted.
1280 Rafida رافده Support, prop.
1281 Rafif رفیف Glittering, shining, gleaming.
1282 Rafiqa رفیقه Intimate friend, companion, associate; fem. of Rafiq.
1283 Rafraf رفرف Cushion, eyeshade.
1284 Raghada رغاده Comfort opulence, affluence.
1285 Raghd رغد Pleasant, plenty.
1286 Raghiba راغبه Desirous, wishful, willing; fem. of Raghib.
1287 Raghid رغید Comfort, opulence, affluence, plenty.
1288 Rahana ریحانۃ Sweet basil
1289 Rahat راحه Rest, comfort, ease, relief.
1290 Raheema رحیمه Merciful, companionate, kind.
1291 Rahifa رھیفه Sharp; fem. of Rahif.
1292 Rahil راحیل Wife of the Prophet Yaqub (Jacob). In the Bible she is mentioned as Rachel.
1293 Rahilah راحله One who travels.
1294 Rahima رحیمه Kind, compassionate; fem. of Rahim.
1295 Rahla راحله Happy, mirth, joyous.
1296 Rahmat رحمت Mercy, compassion, kindness.
1297 Raida راﺋده Explorer, guide, leader, pioneer, model, example; fem. of Raid.
1298 Raiha راﺋحه Smell, fragrance.
1299 Raihana ریحانه A handful of sweet basil. A bouquet of flowers; Wife of the Prophet Muhammad.
1300 Raima راﺋمه Well-cultured.
1301 Raiqa راﺋقه Pure, clear, tranquil, serene; fem. of Raiq.
1302 Raitah راﺋطه An early woman narrator of Hadith, she was the daughter of Muslim.
1303 Rajab رجب The seventh month of the Islamic calendar.
1304 Rajia راجیه Hopeful, hoping, full of hope; fem. of Raji.
1305 Rajiha راجحه Superior, predominant, fem. of Rajih.
1306 Rajini راجنی Kingly, very exclusive.
1307 Rajiya راجیه Hope, expectation, wish.
1308 Rajwa رجویٰ Hope.
1309 Rakhas رخص Soft and delicate, supple.
1310 Rakheelah رخیله
1311 Rakhima رخیمه soft, pleasant, melodious (voice)
1312 Rakhshan رخشان Dazzling, bright.
1313 Rakhshi رخشی Beautiful-faced, charming.
1314 Rakhshinda رخشنده Resplendant, bright.
1315 Rakina رکینه Firm, steady; fem. of Rakin.
1316 Ramazan رمضان The ninth month of the Islamic calendar.
1317 Rameen رامین Successful woman.
1318 Rameesah رمیسه Hidden.
1319 Rameesah رمیثه Wise.
1320 Rameesah رمیثه Beautiful bunch of flowers, bouquet, Umm-e-Saleem: Aunt of Prophet (PBUH)
1321 Ramiza رمیزه Intelligent, level headed.
1322 Ramla رمله Sand. Wife of the Prophet Muhammad Her kunya is Umm Habiba.
1323 Ramsha رمشاء Beautiful.
1324 Ramza رمزه Coquette.
1325 Rana رنا To gaze, look.
1326 Randa رنده Scented, fragrant tree, good for decoration.
1327 Rania رانیه Gazing.
1328 Ranim رنیم Singing, song, music.
1329 Raoom رٶوم Loving, tender.
1330 Raqia راقیه Superior, high ranking, educated; fem. of Raqi.
1331 Raqiba رقیبه Guardian, supervisor.
1332 Raqiqa رقیقه Delicate, fine, soft, slender, slim.
1333 Rasee رسیع Life full of happiness.
1334 Rasha رشا Fawn, young gazelle.
1335 Rashad رشاد Righteous.
1336 Rashaqa رشاقه Graceful, stature, grace, elegance.
1337 Rasheeda رشیده Righteous, of good character, one who leads onto the right path.
1338 Rashida راشده Follower of the right path, mature, right minded, rightly guided; fem. of Rashid.
1339 Rashiqa رشیقه Graceful, elegant; fem. of Rashiq.
1340 Rasikha راسخه Well-established, well-founded, stable, steady; fem. of Rasikh.
1341 Rasima راسمه Planner, designer; fem. of Rasim.
1342 Rasina رصینا Calm, composed.
1343 Rasmiya رسمیه Ceremonial, ceremonious, formal; fem. of Rasmi.
1344 Ratiba راتبه Well-arranged, well-ordered.
1345 Rauhah روحه Happy Contented
1346 Raunaq رونق Beauty, grace, glamour, splendour.
1347 Raunaq Jahan رونق جھاں Lustre of the world.
1348 Raushan روشن Light, luminous, bright, splendour.
1349 Raushan Ara روشن آرا Adorning light (female).
1350 Raushan Jabin روشن جبین Of radiant forehead.
1351 Raushani روشنی Light, splendour.
1352 Rawah رواح Rest, repose.
1353 Rawahah رواحه A noted narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abu Umar bin Abdur Rahman al-Awzaee had this name.
1354 Rawia راویه Narrator, reciter, transmitter (of incident Arabic poetry).
1355 Rawza روضه Garden.
1356 Raya ریا Aroma, fragrance.
1357 Rayia راعیه Guardian, custodian, patron, protector; fem. of Rayi.
1358 Raytah ریطه Daughter of Hurayth, and a narrator of Hadith.
1359 Razana رزانه Calm, composure, self-possession.
1360 Razia راضیه Satisfied, content, well-pleased; fem. of Razi.
1361 Razina رزینه Calm, composed, self-possessed; fem. of Razin.
1362 Raziqa رازقه One who feeds others, feeder.
1363 Raziya رضیه Delighted, satisfied, contended, pleased; fem. of Razi.
1364 Razwa رضویٰ Name of a mountain in Madina.
1365 Rehana ریحانه A handful of sweet basil.
1366 Resham ریشم Silk, softness.
1367 Reshma ریشماں Golden Silk, Expensive.
1368 Rida ردا Sheet of cloth, veil, covering.
1369 Rifa رفاء Happiness, prosperity.
1370 Rifat رفعت Dignity, exaltation, high rank, high standing.
1371 Riffat رفعت Altitude, Height, High, Happy, Gratefulness.
1372 Rifqa رفقه Kindness, gentleness, company, companionship. Wife of the Prophet ishaq.
1373 Rihab رحاب Pl. of Rahbbah, vastness, expanse.
1374 Riham رھام Light rain, drizzle
1375 Rim ریم White gazelle, antelope.
1376 Rima ریمه White, gazelle, antelope.
1377 Riqbah ربقه Name of the wife of Prophet Ishaq AS.
1378 Riyaz ریاض Pl. of Rawza, garden.
1379 Riza رضا Pleasure.
1380 Rizeen رزین Dignity, heavy and precious thing, souvenir.
1381 Rizwan رضوان Satisfaction, acceptance, pleasure, contentment, name of the gate-keeper of paradise.
1382 Rizwana رضوانه Fem. of Rizwan, .
1383 Robeena روبینه Happy, girl.
1384 Roha روحه Soul, life.
1385 Roheen روهین Iron.
1386 Rohi روحی Life, soul
1387 Roobi روبی Ruby, pearl.
1388 Roshan روشن Bright.
1389 Roshni روشنی Light.
1390 Rozinah روزینه Daily wages, pension, reward.
1391 Rua رٶیٰ Pl. of Ruya, vision.
1392 Ruba ربیٰ Pl. of Rubwa, Rabwa, hill.
1393 Rubaba ربابه A two stringed musical instrument.
1394 Ruban ربن Pl. of Rubwa, hill.
1395 Rubay ربیع She was the daughter of Muawwiz and a companion of the Propphet PBUH from her young age.
1396 Rubina روبینا Face reader.
1397 Rufayah رفیعه An early student of Hadith.
1398 Rufayda رفیده She was a female companion who performed surgery on the injured in a tent setup in the mosque.
1399 Ruhaniya روحانیه Spirituality.
1400 Ruhiya روحیه Spiritual.
1401 Ruhm رھم She was the daughter of al-Aswad and a narrator of Hadith.
1402 Ruhma رحمأ Kind, merciful.
1403 Rukhaylah رخیله This is also a male name.
1404 Rukhsaar رخسار Cheek, Face.
1405 Rukhsanah رخسانه
1406 Rukhsar رخسار Cheeks
1407 Rukhsara رخساره Loving, charming face, beautiful.
1408 Rukhshana رخشانه Bright, brilliant, shining.
1409 Rumaysa رمیصاء She was Umm Sulaym and a narrator of Hadith.
1410 Rumayta رمیته The daughter of al-Hadis bin al-Tufayl al-Azdiyah was known by this name; she was a narrator of Hadith.
1411 Rumman رمان Pl. of Rummana, pomegranate.
1412 Rummana رمانه Pomegranate.
1413 Ruqa روقه Pretty, beautiful.
1414 Ruqayqah رقیقه A name of some prominent women.
1415 Ruqayya رقیه Charming, attractive, captivating. Daughter of Muhammad(s) married to Khalifa Usman.
1416 Rushda رشدیٰ Most rightly guided.
1417 Rushdiya رشدیه Rightly guided, on the right way, following the right path; fem. of Rushdi.
1418 Ruwaa رواء Beauty, grace, prettiness, comeliness, pleasing appearance.
1419 Ruwaida رویدا Walking gently.
1420 Ruya رٶیه Seeing, viewing, looking.
1421 Ruyaa رٶیا Dream, vision.
1422 Ruzaynah رزینه Name of the freed slave-girl of Sayyidah Safiyah RA wife of the Prophet PBUH.
1423 Saadat سعادت Blessing.
1424 Saaida ساعده Branch, tributary.
1425 Saaiqa صاعقه Lightning.
1426 Saara ساره Wife of the Prophet Ibrahim and mother of the Prophet Ismail.
1427 Saat ساعت Moment, time, occasion.
1428 Saba سبا Queen saba, queen sheba.
1429 Saba صبا East wind.
1430 Sabah صباح Morning, dawn.
1431 Sabahat صباحه Beauty, gracefulness, handsomeness.
1432 Sabat ثبات Firmness, stability, certainty, endurance, boldness, truth.
1433 Sabeeha صبیحه Beautiful, handsome, morning.
1434 Sabeen سبین Both the worlds.
1435 Sabeera صبیره Patient, tolerant; fem. of Sabeer.
1436 Sabha صبحیٰ Pretty, beautiful, graceful, radiant; fem. of Sabah.
1437 Sabia سابیه Captivating, enchanting, charming.
1438 Sabih صبیح Pretty, beautiful, graceful.
1439 Sabiha صابحه Coming or arriving in the morning; fem. of Sabih.
1440 Sabina سبینا Small sword.
1441 Sabiqa سابقه First, winner; fem. of Sabiq.
1442 Sabira صابره Patient, tolerant; fem. of Sabir.
1443 Sabita ثابته Well established, certain, sure; fem. of Sabit.
1444 Sabooha سبوحه Pure, chaste.
1445 Sabqat سبقت Supremacy.
1446 Sabrina سبرینه Princess, daughter of the king.
1447 Sabriya صبیره Patient; fem. of Sabri.
1448 Sabuh صبوح Shining, brilliant.
1449 Sabura صبوره Very patient, enduring.
1450 Sadaf صدف Shell, Oyster.
1451 Sadaqat صداقت Truth.
1452 Sadat سعادت Happiness, bliss, felicity, success.
1453 Sadeeqa صدیقه Friend, companion; fem. of Sadiq.
1454 Sadi سعدی Daughter of Awf al-Muruyyah and wife of Talhah bin UbaydAllah, she was a narrator of Hadith.
1455 Sadida سدیده Correct, right, sound, appropriate; fem. of Sadid.
1456 Sadiqa صادقه True, truthful, honest, sincere, faithful, veracious, devoted; fem. of Sadiq.
1457 Sadiya سعدیه Happiness, luck, blissful, fortunate; fem. of Sadi.
1458 Sadoof صدوف Name of a poetess.
1459 Sadooh صدوح Singer, singing.
1460 Saduq صدوق Honest, truthful, sincere, trustworthy.
1461 Saeeda سعیده Happy, lucky; fem. of Saeed.
1462 Safa صفا A hill near the sacred Kaaba; stone, rock.
1463 Safaa صفاء Purity, clarity, serenity.
1464 Safeenah سفینه Shp; Name of a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Muhammad bin Fadl (men are also so named)
1465 Safeerah سفیره Messenger, Ambassador.
1466 Safia صافیه Pure, clear, crystal; fem. of Saafi.
1467 Safira سافره Traveller.
1468 Safiya صفیه Pure, righteous, untroubled, serene, the most valuable portions of the spoils of battle, sincere and honest friend; fem. of Safi.
1469 Safoor سیفور Exalted.
1470 Safura صافورا Wife of the Prophet Musa.
1471 Safwa صفوه The best part, elite, top, prime, flower.
1472 Saghira صغیره Small, slender, tender.
1473 Sahab سحاب Clouds.
1474 Sahar سحر Early dawn, early morning.
1475 Sahibah صاحبه Colleague.
1476 Sahimah سهیمه Partner
1477 Sahira ساھره Moon, a spring which flows constantly.
1478 Sahla سھله Smooth, simple, fluent, soft, facile, easy, even; fem. of Sahl.
1479 Saiba صاﺋبه Straight, pertinent.
1480 Saida صاعده Rising, ascending; fem. of Said.
1481 Saima صاﺋمه Fasting; fem. of Saim.
1482 Saira ساﺋره Traveller
1483 Sairi سیری Satisfaction, saturation.
1484 Sajida ساجده Prostrate in worship, bowing in adoration; fem. of Sajid.
1485 Sajila ساجله Determined.
1486 Sajiya ساجیه Attractive.
1487 Sakeeza سکیزه Fragrance.
1488 Sakha سخاء Generosity, liberality.
1489 Sakhawat سخاوت Generosity.
1490 Sakhira ساخره One who is like a delicate flower.
1491 Sakhiya سخیه Generous, liberal, open handed.
1492 Sakina سکینه Calmness, comfort, ease, tranquillity, repose, serenity, peace of mind.
1493 Sakina ساکینه Daughter of al-Jadi, she was a narrator of Hadith.
1494 Salam سلام Peace, safety, security.
1495 Salama سلامه Peace, safety, security; fem. of Salam.
1496 Saleema سلیمه Unhurt, affable, healthy, without defect, sound, perfect, complete, safe, secure; fem. of Salim.
1497 Salifah سالفه Previous
1498 Saliha صالحه Pious, virtuous, just, a chaste woman, righteous.
1499 Salikah سالکه Following, mystic.
1500 Salima سالمه Safe, secure, perfect, sound, complete; fem. of Salim.
1501 Salma سلمٰی Pacifist, peaceful.
1502 Salma سلمی Peaceful.
1503 Salmah سلمه Peace, fem. of Salm.
1504 Salsabil سلسبیل A spring in paradise.
1505 Salwa سلویٰ Quail, solace.
1506 Salwah سلوه Comfort, ease, amusement.
1507 Sama سماء Heaven, sky.
1508 Samah سماح Generosity, bounty, good-heartedness, large-heartedness.
1509 Saman ثمن Price, value.
1510 Saman سمن Jasmine.
1511 Samar سمر Pleasant conversation, evening or nightly conversation.
1512 Samara سمارا Protected By God. Soft pleasant light, She was a narrator of hadith.
1513 Samarah سمراء A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Qays al-Ansari.
1514 Sameeah سمیعه Hearing.
1515 Sameen ثمین Costly, precious, valuable.
1516 Sameenah ثمینه Valuable, costly, precious, priceless excellent; fem. of Smeen.
1517 Sameenah سمینه Overweight, fat.
1518 Sameera سمیره Companion (in nightly conversation), entertainer (with stories, music etc.) fem. of Samir.
1519 Samia سامیه Eminent, exalted, lofty, elevated, high minded, sublime; fem. of Sami.
1520 Samiha سمیحه Generous, kind, true, sincere, good-hearted, large-hearted, open-handed; fem. of Samih.
1521 Samim صمیم Sincere, genuine, pure, true, essence,
1522 Samima صمیمه True, sincere, genuine.
1523 Samina سمینه A healthy girl, fertile land without rock and stone.
1524 Samiqa سامقه Lofty, towering.
1525 Samira ثامره Fruit-bearing, fruitful, productive; fem. of Samir.
1526 Samitah سامته Mighty.
1527 Samrah ثمره Profit, fruit.
1528 Samrina ثمرىنه Flower or fruit.
1529 Samshad شمشاد Long, Beautiful Tree
1530 Sana سناء Brilliance, radiance, resplendence, splendour, majestic.
1531 Sana ثناء Praise, commendation, thankfulness, eulogy.
1532 Sanad سند Support, prop, document.
1533 Sanam صنم Beautiful, friend, lover, loved one.
1534 Sanaubur صنوبر Cone bearing tree.
1535 Sangeet سنگیت Music, rhythm.
1536 Saniha سنیهه Tall and high, bright.
1537 Sanina سنینه Friend, childhood friend.
1538 Saniya سنیه Brilliant, majestic, exalted, eminent, splendid; fem. of Sani.
1539 Sanjeeda سنجیده Weighted, guarded.
1540 Saqaafa ثقافه Wisdom, prudence.
1541 Saqat ثقت Strength, courage, power.
1542 Saqiba ثاقبه Penetrating, piercing, sharp-witted, sagacious, acute; fem. of Saqib.
1543 Sara ثراء Wealth.
1544 Sarab سراب Mirage.
1545 Sarahat صراحت Explanation, detail, paraphrase.
1546 Sareea سریعه Determined.
1547 Sareema صریمه Determination, resolution.
1548 Sariba ساربه Loverly.
1549 Sarina سارینا Satisfactory, calm, cool.
1550 Sarita سریتا Intelligent, clever, active.
1551 Sariyah ساریه Name of a female companion of the Prophet PBUH.
1552 Sarood سرود Rhythm and ecstasy.
1553 Saroor سرور Happiness, calm, satisfaction.
1554 Sarosh سروش One who gives good news, unseen voice
1555 Sarra سراء She was a companion daughter of nabhan al-Ghanawiyah.
1556 Sarvia ثرویه Rich woman, affluent lady.
1557 Sarwa ثروه Fortune, wealth, riches.
1558 Sarwana ثروانه Of generous and good nature.
1559 Sarwar سرور Chief.
1560 Sarwari سروری Chief ship
1561 Sarwat ثروت Wealth.
1562 Sarya ثریا Name of a pious woman.
1563 Sasha ساشا Helper, assistant, supporter.
1564 Sataish ستاﺋش Praise.
1565 Satila ساطله Royal.
1566 Sauda سوده Leadership, the narrator of five Ahadith: Syeda Sauda bint Zam’aa RA
1567 Sawab ثواب Reward. Name of an early poetess.
1568 Sawda سوداء Daughter of Aasim bin Khalid bin Dirar al-Qarshiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith.
1569 Sawdah سوده Black.
1570 Sawera سویرا Dawn, early morning.
1571 Sayida سیده Chief, leader, lady, Mrs; fem. of Sayyid.
1572 Sayidatun Nisa سیدهالنساء Chief of woman.
1573 Sayyah صیاح Fragrance.
1574 Seerat سیرت Character, life-story.
1575 Sehrish سحرش Glamorous, magical.
1576 Shaban شعبان The eighth month of the Islamic Calendar.
1577 Shabana شبانه Nocturnal, Famous of the Night.
1578 Shabeehah شبیھه Picture, Image, like.
1579 Shabin شبین Of Night, music of night.
1580 Shabnam شبنم Dew, a pendant of pearls.
1581 Shad شاد Happy.
1582 Shadaab شاداب Green, fresh, wet, ever-green.
1583 Shadan شادان Happy.
1584 Shadia شادیه Singer.
1585 Shadin شادن Fawn, young deer.
1586 Shadman شادمان Glad, cheerful, joyful.
1587 Shafaat شفاعت Recommendation, exoneration.
1588 Shafaq شفق Aurora, morning light.
1589 Shaffan شفان Cool breeze, morning breeze.
1590 Shafia شفیعه Mediatress; fem. of Shafi.
1591 Shafiah شافعه One who recommends.
1592 Shafiqa شفیقه Compassionate, kind-hearted, affectionate, tender, warm-hearted; fem. of Shafiq.
1593 Shafqat شفقت Compassion, pity, kindness, tenderness.
1594 Shagoofa شگوفه blossom
1595 Shagoon شگون Omen, luck, fortunate, destiny.
1596 Shaguftah شگفته Blooming, happy.
1597 Shahaba شهابه Flame of fire.
1598 Shahamat شهامت Bravery, valour.
1599 Shahana شاھانه Royal, kingly, splendid, magnificent.
1600 Shaheeda شھیده Martyr in the cause4 of Islam and as such held in very high esteem and honour; fem of .
1601 Shaheen شاھین A royal white falcon, the beam of scales.
1602 Shaheenah شاھینه Falcon.
1603 Shaheera شھیره Famous, eminent, renowned; fem. of Shahir.
1604 Shahida شاھده Martyr in the cause of Islam and as such held in very high esteem and honour; fem. of Shaheed.
1605 Shahina شاهینه Princess.
1606 Shahiqa شاھقه High, towering, lofty, tall; fem. of Shahiq.
1607 Shahla شھلاء Having grey eyes with a shade of red, a species of the narcissus flower.
1608 Shahnaz شھناز A musical note, name of a melody.
1609 Shahra شهره Gift, souvenir.
1610 Shahrbano شھربانو Lady of the city.
1611 Shahrin شھرین Month. Shahrin, the fully inflected form of Shahr appears in verse 3 of surat al-Qadr (no. 97).
1612 Shahrzadah شھرزاده offspring of the city
1613 Shahzadi شاھزادی Princess.
1614 Shaiba شیبه A variety of Artemisia.
1615 Shaima شیماء Daughter of Halima, the wet nurse of the Prophet Muhammad.
1616 Shaira شاعره Poetess, endowed with deep insight or intuition; fem. of Shair.
1617 Shaista شاﺋسته Cultured, courteous, urbane, civilized
1618 Shaistah شاﺋسته Polite, Courteous.
1619 Shajarah شجره Tree; This was the name of a famous queen of Islam, she was Shajarah al-Durr, and known as Umm Khaleel al-Salihiyah.
1620 Shajeea شجیعه Courageous, bold, brave; fem. of Shaji.
1621 Shakeeba شکیبه Patience
1622 Shakila شکیله Well formed, beautiful; fem. of Shakil.
1623 Shakira شاکره Thankful, grateful, contented; fem. of Shakir.
1624 Shakufa شکوفه Blossom, opening bud.
1625 Shakura شکوره Thankful, grateful; fem. of Shakur.
1626 Shama شمع Candle, Light, Flame.
1627 Shamail شماﺋل Virtues; pl. of Shamila.
1628 Shamailah شماﺋله Good traits excellent disposition.
1629 Shamamah شمامه Fragrance.
1630 Shameela شمیله Natural disposition, character quality, virtue, a young shoot, a bud.
1631 Shameem شمیم Shy.
1632 Shamikh شامخ High, lofty, towering.
1633 Shamila شامله Complete, comprehensive.
1634 Shamim شمیم Perfume, scent.
1635 Shamima شمیمه Sweet smell, flavour.
1636 Shamira شمیره Experienced, expert, hard worker.
1637 Shamma شمه Pinch (of snuff).
1638 Shams شمس Sun.
1639 Shamsa شمسه Golden moon.
1640 Shamshad شمشاد Tall and upright tree, box tree, graceful figure.
1641 Shamsun Nahar شمس النھار Sun of the day.
1642 Shamsun Nisa شمس النسا The son of Woman
1643 Shamuda شموده Diamond.
1644 Shaqiqa شقیقه Full sister.
1645 Shaqra شقراء Blond, fair-haired, fair-complexioned; fem. of Ashqar.
1646 Sharaf شرف Nobility, high rank, eminence, distinction, honour.
1647 Shareekah شریکه Partner.
1648 Sharfa شرفاء Most noble, gentle, urbane.
1649 Sharia شاریه Princess, Daughter of the King.
1650 Sharifa شریفه Noble, eminent, honourable, highborn; fem. of Sharif.
1651 Shariqah شارقه Shining.
1652 Sharleez شرلیز Beautful
1653 Sharmin شرمن Shy, bashful, modest, coy.
1654 Shasa شعثاء She was the daughter of Abdullah al-Asdiyah, and a narrator of Hadith.
1655 Shasun Nahar شمس النھار Sun of the day.
1656 Shayaan شعیان Intelligent.
1657 Shayma شیماء Proper name. Daughter of Halima.
1658 Shaza شزی Aroma, fragrance.
1659 Shazana شازانه Princess.
1660 Shazia شازیه Wonderous, strange, wonderful.
1661 Sheeba شیبا Infatuated, demented, loony.
1662 Sheema شیمه Face; expression, Daughter of bibi haleema sadia who milked Muhammad (P.B.U.H) in his child hood.
1663 Sheen شین Beautiful, pretty, good, loved one.
1664 Shermin شرمین Shy
1665 Sheza شیزا Good (religious) girl.
1666 Shifa شفاء cure, healing, satisfaction, gratification
1667 Shillan شیلن A flower.
1668 Shimaa شماع Mirth, joy, ecstasy, gladness.
1669 Shireen شیرین Sweet; pleasant, gentle; delicate
1670 Shirin شیرین sweet, pleasant, gracious, delicate
1671 Shiyaaj شیاج Endeavour, strife, hardwork.
1672 Shiza شیزا A gift or present
1673 Shola شعله flame, blaze
1674 Shua شعاع Rays of sun light.
1675 Shuaila شعیله Burning candle.
1676 Shuhrat شھرت fame, renown
1677 Shukr شکر thanks, gratitude, gratefulness
1678 Shumaila شماﺋله Beautiful face.
1679 Shumaylah شماﺋیله The first woman in Islam who wore coloured garments was shumaylah; wife of al-Abbas and she was also the first to prepare perfume.
1680 Shumaysah شمیسه She was a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Aziz al-Atakiyah.
1681 Shuqra شقراء fair-complexioned, blonde
1682 Shurafa شرفاء Noble.
1683 Siddiqa صدیقه righteous, very truthful, honest; fem. of Siddiq
1684 Sidra سدره The Lotus – tree at the farthest boundary in paradise
1685 Silma سلمه peace; fem. of Silm
1686 Sima سیماء Sign of prostration on the face
1687 Sima سیما Face,forehead, Judgment
1688 Simaab سیماب Mercury, silver.
1689 Simin سیمین silvery, made of Silver
1690 Simra سمره Paradise, heaven, sky.
1691 Sireen سیرین She was the daughter of Ibn Abdullah Ibn Masood and a narrator of Hadith from the Prophet PBUH.
1692 Sitara ستاره veil, screen, curtain
1693 Sobiya ثوبیه Nurse of Prophet PBUH.
1694 Sofia صوفیۃ Beautiful
1695 Soha سوھا Star
1696 Sonia سونیا Intelligence, Intellect, Smart.
1697 Suad سعاد happiness, good fortune
1698 Subaha صباحه beautiful, graceful
1699 Subayah سبیعه Daughter of al-Harish al-Aslamiyah.
1700 Subaytah ثبیته Brave.
1701 Subh صبح dawn, aurora, morning
1702 Subhana سبحانه Pure, chaste, fine, nice, good.
1703 Sufia صوفیا Intelligence, sharpness.
1704 Sufia صوفیه Pupil women, intellectual
1705 Sufiya صوفیه A mystic, someone believing in Sufi.
1706 Sughra صغریٰ Small, slender, tender.
1707 Suha سھا Dim star in Ursa Minor.
1708 Suhaila سھیله Canopus.
1709 Suhaima سھیمه Small arrow.
1710 Suhair سھیر Proper name.
1711 Suhaira سهیره Beautiful, pretty.
1712 Sujah سجاح Civilization.
1713 Sukaina سکینه Diminutive of Sakina, calmness.
1714 Sulafa سلافه Choicest, (wine).
1715 Sulaima سلیمی Diminutive of Salma, beloved.
1716 Sultana سلطانه Queen, woman ruler, wife of a Sultan; fem. of Sultan.
1717 Sulwa سلوه Comfort, ease, amusement, solace.
1718 Sumaira سمیرا Princess, successful
1719 Sumamah ثمامه A writer and a poetess daugter of Abdullah bin Sawar al-Basari.
1720 Sumanah سمانه She was the daughter of Hamdan bin Musa al-Anbariyah and a narrator of Hadith.
1721 Sumaya سمیه Diminutive of Samia, high.
1722 Sumayrah سمیره Brownish.
1723 Sumaytah صمیته She was a companion and she was al-haysiah.
1724 Sumbal سنبل A fragrant weed.
1725 Suml ثمل Name of an early distinguished woman.
1726 Sumnah سمنه A name of an Arab girl.
1727 Sunat سنت Way, method, Prophet’s (PBUH) way of life.
1728 Sunbula سنبله Ear of corn.
1729 Sundus سندس Silk brocade.
1730 Surayya ثریا The Pleiades, cluster of seven brilliant stars in Taurus, a wealthy lady, luster, chandelier.
1731 Susan سوسن Lily of the valley, iris.
1732 Suwaybah ثویبه Name of one of the wet-nurses of the Prophet PBUH.
1733 Suwaydah سویده Daughter of Jabir, she was a narrator of
1734 Taadeel تعدیل Moderation, equality, neutrality.
1735 Taalea طالعه Fortunate
1736 Taaliah طالعه Lucky, fortunate, fortune, destiny.
1737 Taaqul تعاقل Wise thought.
1738 Taasees تاسیس Inception, foundation.
1739 Tabalah تباله She was the daughter of Yazid (Called by some as Bunanah); she was a narrator of Hadith.
1740 Taban تابان Glittering, splendid.
1741 Tabassum تبسم Smile, happiness.
1742 Tabeedah تابیده Complex, zigzag, curling.
1743 Tabeen تابین Followers.
1744 Tabina تابینه Enlighting, sparkling.
1745 Tabinda تابنده Bright.
1746 Taghrid تغرید Singing, cooing.
1747 Tahani تھانی Pl. of Tahniat, congratulation, felicitation, well-wishing.
1748 Tahira طاھره Chaste, pure, pious, clean; fem. of Tahir.
1749 Tahiya تحیه Greeting, salutation, cheer, welcome.
1750 Tahkeem تحکیم Power, rule.
1751 Tahleem تحلیم Beauty, decoration, pomp and show.
1752 Tahmina تھمینه Wife of the famous Persian hero Rustam and mother of Sohrab.
1753 Tahseen تحسین Adornment, ornament, decoration, embellishment, betterment, praise, beautification.
1754 Tahseenah تحسینه Acclaim.
1755 Taiba تاﺋبه One who refrains from evil-doings; repentant; fem. of Taib.
1756 Taif طیف Vision, spectre.
1757 Taisir تیسیر Felicitation.
1758 Taj تاج Crown.
1759 Tajmeel تجمیل Decoration, beauty, show.
1760 Tajweed تجوید Praise of Allah, hymn.
1761 Takreem تکریم Respect, honour, sanctity.
1762 Talat طلعت Face, Sight
1763 Talbashah طلبشه A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Kab bin Maalik.
1764 Talhah طلحه Her Kuniyah was Umm Ghurab and she was a narrator of Hadith.
1765 Tali طالع Rising star, rising.
1766 Taliba طالبه Student, seeker, pursuer; fem. of Talib.
1767 Tamanna تمنیٰ To wish, to desire, to hope.
1768 Tamanni تمنی Wish, wishing (for), desire.
1769 Tamazur تماضر Brilliant, whiteness.
1770 Tameemah تمیمه Name of a poetess, Ahban al-Absiyah.
1771 Tameemiya تمیمیها Perfection.
1772 Tameen تامین Protection, patronage, care.
1773 Tameez تمیز Distinction, difference, manner.
1774 Tamkeen تمکین Honour, place, status, show.
1775 Tamseel تمثیل Example, allegory, parable.
1776 Tanjia تنجیه Rescue, salvation, deliverance.
1777 Tanveer تنویر Rays Of Light(Origin Islamic)
1778 Tanweer تنویر Illumination, lighting.
1779 Tanzila تنزیله Revelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil, revelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil.
1780 Taqadus تقدس Sactity.
1781 Taqiya تقیه God-fearing, devout, pious; fem. of Taqi.
1782 Tara تارا Star.
1783 Taraab طراب Joy & sorrow.
1784 Tarannum ترنم Singing.
1785 Tarib طرب Lively, gleeful, merry.
1786 Tarifa بریفه Rare, exquisite thing or object.
1787 Tariqah طارقه This was the name of the freed slave of Labeet of the family of the princess of al-Qays bin Zayd.
1788 Tarneem ترنیم Rhythm, voice.
1789 Taroob طروب Lively, gleeful, merry.
1790 Tasiyah تٔاسیه Consolation, comfort.
1791 Taslima تسلیمه Greeting, salutation; fem. of Taslim.
1792 Tasmeekh تسمیخ Living in fragrance.
1793 Tasmeem تسمیم Strong, durable, long lasting.
1794 Tasmin تسمین She who fulfills.
1795 Tasneema تسنیمه A spring in Paradise.
1796 Tasnim تسنیم A spring in paradise.
1797 Tasweeb تصویب Justification, truth.
1798 Taufeeq توفیق Instruction, courage, daring.
1799 Taufeer توفیر Obundance, excess.
1800 Tauqeer توقیر Respect, honour.
1801 Tawaddud تودد Endearment, showing love or affection to, gaining the love of another.
1802 Tawfiqa توفیقه Prosperity, good luck, good-fortune, success (granted by Allah); fem. of Tawfiq.
1803 Tawoos طاٶس Peacock.
1804 Taybah طیبه Pure.
1805 Tayyiba طیبه Good, good-natured, sweet, agreeable, generous, good-tempered; fem. of Tayyib.
1806 Tayyibatun Nisa طیبه تاالنسا Good-nature (one) of the woman.
1807 Tazima تعظیمه Glorification, exaltation, honour, fem. of Tazim.
1808 Tazkia تزکیه To purify, to clean, to spiritualize.
1809 Tazmeen تظمین One who adds, combines, mixes.
1810 Tehmina تهمینه Clever
1811 Tehreem تحریم Respect, sanctity.
1812 Tehzeeb تهزیب Civilization, etiquette.
1813 Tirana ترانه Song, anthem.
1814 Tooba طوبٰی Good news.
1815 Trana ترانه Melody, song.
1816 Tufaylah طفیله This was the name of the freed slave of al-Waleed bin Abdullah; she transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA.
1817 Tuhfa تحفه Gift, present.
1818 Tulayhah طلیحه Daughter of Rabiah bin al-Harish she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA.
1819 Turfa طرفه Rarity, rare object, novelty.
1920 Ubayda عبیده Female servant of lower rank; fem. of Ubayd.
1921 Udaysah عدیسه This was the name of the narrator of Hadith, daughter of Ahban al-Ghifariyah.
1922 Udoola عدوله Justified.
1923 Ula علیٰ High rank, prestige, glory.
1924 Ulfat الفت Friendship, intimacy, love, attachment.
1925 Ulya علیا Higher, highest; fem. of Ala.
1926 Umaira عمیره Living a long life, living long.
1927 Umama امامه Proper name. Name of grand daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.
1928 Umarah عماره Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr.
1929 Umayma امیمه Diminutive of Umm, mother.
1930 Umaynah امینه Daughter of Anas bin Malik. She had this name and had narrated Hadith.
1931 Umayrah امیره She was the daughter of Alqamah.
1932 Umayyah امیه She was a narrator of Hadith.
1933 Umm ام Mother. Used as an attributive, to make a compound of which the first part is Umm.
1934 Umm Abaan ام ابان Name of a Sahabiyah RA.
1935 Umm Fakeeh ام فکیه Name of a Sahabiyah RA.
1936 Umm Haraam ام حرام Name of a Sahabiyah RA.
1937 Umm Khalid ام خالد Name of a Sahabiyah RA.
1938 Umm Rabeeah ام ربیعه Name of Sahabiyah RA.
1939 Umm Shareek ام شریک Name of a Sahabiyah RA.
1940 Umm Sulaim ام سلیم Name of a Sahabiyah RA.
1941 Umm Umarah ام عماره Name of a Sahabiyah RA.
1942 Umm Warqah ام ورقه Name of a Sahabiyah RA.
1943 Umm Yousuf ام یوسف Name of Sahabiyah RA.
1944 Umm-e-Ayman ام ایمن Mother of the blessed.
1945 Umm-e-Fazl ام فضل Mother of favour, bounty.
1946 Umm-e-Habiba ام حبیبه Wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Her name is Ramla; Umm Habiba is her Kunya (nickname) after the name of her daughter habiba.
1947 Umm-e-Hani ام ھانی Name of the daughter of Abu Talib and sister of Ali (RA).
1948 Umm-e-Kulsoom ام کلثوم Mother of favour, bounty.
1949 Umm-e-Kulsum ام کلثوم Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, married to Khalifa Usman (uthman) after the death of her sister Ruqayya.
1950 Umm-e-Rooman ام رومان Name of the sacred wife of first Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA) mother of Hazrat Ayesha (RA).
1951 Umm-e-Rumman ام رمان Mother of Ayesha (wife of the Prophet Muhammad).
1952 Umm-e-Salma ام سلمیٰ Name of the beloved mother of first Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA).
1953 Umm-e-Salmah ام سلمه Wife of Muhammad, Her name was Hind.
1954 Ummid امید Hope.
1955 Ummul Fazal ام الفضل Name of a Sahabiyah RA.
1956 Umniya امنیه Wish, desire, hope.
1957 Umrah عمره Pilgrimage to Makkah other than regular hajj days.
1958 Unaysah انیسه Friendly, affable.
1959 Unquda عنقوده Bunch of grapes.
1960 Urooba عروبه Woman who loves her husband.
1961 Urooj عروج Height, exaltation.
1962 Uroosa عروسه Bride, heroine.
1963 Urwa عروه Support, handhold. Description of Ayesha by Muhammad.
1964 Ushna اشنه Fragrant.
1965 Uswa اسوه Sunnah, practice.
1966 Utaybah عتیبه A narrator of Hadith and daughter of Abdul Malik had this name.
1967 Uzma عظمیٰ Greatest, more magnificent, more glorious; fem. of Azam.
1968 Wadad وداد Love, friendship.
1969 Waddia ودیه Amicable, friendly.
1970 Wadi ودیع Gentle, calm.
1971 Wadida ودیده Attached, devoted, friendly, fond.
1972 Wafa وفاء Faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, faith.
1973 Wafeeqa وفیقه Successful; fem. of Wafiq.
1974 Wafia وافیه Faithful, loyal.
1975 Wafiqa وافقه Successful.
1976 Wafiya وفیه True, trustworthy, reliable, loyal, faithful, perfect, complete; fem. of Wafi.
1977 Wahabah وھابه This was the name of a poetess.
1978 Waheebah وھیبه One who gives.
1979 Waheeda وحیده One, exclusive, unique, matchless, singular; fem. of Wahid.
1980 Wahiba واھبه Giver.
1981 Wahida واحده One of its kind.
1982 Waiya واعیه Guardian, watchguard, protector.
1983 Wajahat وجاھت Respect.
1984 Wajee وجیه Happy, jolly, pleasant.
1985 Wajeeda وجیده One who is noble.
1986 Wajida واجده Achiever, excited, finder, lover; fem. of Wajid.
1987 Wajiha وجیھه High, eminent, distinguished, honoured, well-esteemed, illustrious, fem. of Wajih.
1988 Wajna وجنه Happy, jolly, pleasant.
1989 Wakalat وکالت Advocacy.
1990 Wakeela وکیله Agent.
1991 Walia ولیه Friendly.
1992 Walidah ولیده Newborn child.
1993 Walihah والھه Name of a poetess of the past.
1994 Waliyah ولیه Friend.
1995 Wallada ولاده Prolific, fertile, fruitful.
1996 Wania وانیأ Gift of Allah (swt).
1997 Waqar وقار Dignity.;
1998 Waqeea وقیعه Respected.
1999 Waraqa وراقه Rich, paper-made.
2000 Wardah ورده Rose, deep red colour, Colour of rose.
2001 Warisa وارثه Heiress.
2002 Warqah ورقه Petal of a flower.
2003 Wasama وسامه Beauty, gracefulness, prettiness.
2004 Waseefah وصیفه Female servant; Maid-in-waiting.
2005 Waseema وسیمه Beautiful, pretty, charming.
2006 Washida واشده Bloomed, fresh.
2007 Washma وشمه Cultured.
2008 Wasia واسعه Expansionist, vast, spacious.
2009 Wasifa واصفه Praiser
2010 Wasifi واصفی Praiseworthy.
2011 Wasila وصیله Inseparable friend.
2012 Wasima وسیمه Beautiful, pretty, graceful, handsome of face, goodly, elegant; fem. of Wasim.
2013 Wasiqa واثقه Confident, sure, certain; fem. of Wasiq.
2014 Wasma واسماء A pretty face, beautiful, graceful.
2015 Wasna وسناء A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abdur Rahman al-Muqaddasi was so named.
2016 Wazeerah وزیره Female minister.
2017 Widad وداد Love, friendship.
2018 Wijdan وجدان Ecstasy, sentiment.
2019 Wisal وصال Communion in love.
2020 Wisam وسام Decoration, medal, badge of honour.
2021 Yasmin یسمین / یاسمین The flower called jasmine.
2022 Yumna یمنیٰ Right-hand, right, fortunate, lucky, blessed; fem. of Ayman.
2023 Yumnah یمنه Happiness, success; fem. of Yumn.
2024 Yusayrah یسیره Easy.
2025 Yusra یسریٰ Left-hand side, state of ease.
2026 Zaaminah ضامنه One who stands surety for another one who helps.
2027 Zabiyah ظبیه She was the daughter of al-Barra bin Maroor; she reported Hadith from the Prophet PBUH.
2028 Zabreen زبرین Dominant, exalted, upright.
2029 Zabya ظبیه Female gazelle.
2030 Zafeera ضفیرا One who is a source of success, a successful lady.
2031 Zafeerah ظفیره Firm.
2032 Zafira ظافره Victorious, triumphant, successful, winner, conqueror; fem. of Zafir.
2033 Zaghlula زاغلوله Young pigeon; fem. of Zaghlul.
2034 Zahabia زھبیه Golden, precious.
2035 Zaheen ذهین Clever, fast, intelligent, sharp.
2036 Zaheera ظھیره Helper, supporter, protector, patron; fem. of Zahir.
2037 Zahia زاهیه Pious, noble, grand, great.
2038 Zahida زاھده Devout, ascetic, a hermit, self-denying.
2039 Zahira زاھره Bright, brilliant, shining, luminous, distinguished, lofty.
2040 Zahra زھراء Bright, brilliant, radiant, shining, luminous; fem. of Azhar.
2041 Zahrah زھره Flower, blossom, beauty.
2042 Zaib زیب Beauty.
2043 Zaida زاﺋده Increasing, exceeding, excessive, growing, surplus; fem. of Zaid.
2044 Zaima زعیمه Leader.
2045 Zain زین Beauty, grace. Zayn un Nisa was a literary lady of her times.
2046 Zaina زینه Fem. of Zayn; embellishment, adornment, decoration, ornament.
2047 Zainab زینب Name of a beautiful tree exuding fragrance. Names of two wives and one daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and one daughter of Khalifa Ali.
2048 Zairah زاﺋره Visitor.
2049 Zaitoon زیتون Olive.
2050 Zaitun زیتون The olive tree or the olive fruit.
2051 Zaituna زیتونه Olive; fem. of Zaytun.
2052 Zakira ذاکره One who speaks of, speaker.
2053 Zakiya ذکیه Intelligent, bright, brilliant, sharp-witted.
2054 Zakiyya زکیه Pure, chaste, sinless, fem. of Zaki.
2055 Zalfa ذلفاء This was the name of a distinguished woman of her times, she was Hajib known as Umm al-Hajib Abdul Malik.
2056 Zameelah زمیله Companion.
2057 Zamurd زمرد A narrator of Hadith wife of Abu Hayyan al-Kasir was so named.
2058 Zamzam زمزم The name of a spring in Arabia.
2059 Zaqawat ذکاوت Wisdom, sharpness, prudence.
2060 Zara زارا Dawn, morning
2061 Zarafat ظرافت Wit, humour, wisdom, prudence.
2062 Zareefa ظریفه Elegant, witty, graceful; fem. of Zarif.
2063 Zareen زرین Full of expression and smile.
2064 Zarin زرین Golden.
2065 Zarina زرینه Golden.
2066 Zarma ضرمه Captivating.
2067 Zarqa زرقاء Bluish green (eyes).
2068 Zarrah ذره She was a narrator of Hadith who reported from the Prophet PBUH and Sayyidah Ayshah RA.
2069 Zayb زیب Adornment.
2070 Zaynah ضایٔنه Beautiful, Beauty
2071 Zeb Ara زیب آرا Adorning ornament.
2072 Zeb-un-Nisa زیب النساء Adornment of women.
2073 Zeba زیبا Pretty, beautiful.
2074 Zerada زراده Gold maker.
2075 Ziba ظباء Pl. of Zaby, gazelle.
2076 Zinaat زینات Pl. of Zinat, ornament.
2077 Zinat زینت Adornment, ornament, decoration, elegance, beauty.
2078 Zinat-un-Nisa زینت النساء Ornament of women.
2079 Zinia زینیا Name of a flower.
2080 Zinneerah زنیره Name of a Sahabiyah RA.
2081 Ziyada زیاده Increase, addition, surplus, superabundance.
2082 Ziyan زیان Ornament, decoration.
2083 Zobia زوبیه God Gifted
2084 Zoha ذوحه Light
2085 Zoona زونا Wise Women
2086 Zoreed زورید One who meets, one with strong intentions, one with decisiveness, distance, gap.
2087 Zoya زویا Life, age.
2088 Zubaah ضباعه Name of a Sahaabiyyah, daughter of the uncle of the Holy Prophet PBUH.
2089 Zubaida زبیده Diminutive of Zubda, butter, cream. Elite, choicest part, quintessence, essence, prime, flower.
2090 Zubdah زبده Butter.
2091 Zuha ضحی Brightness, early morning.
2092 Zuhaira زھیره Floret, small flower.
2093 Zuhra زھره Venus, brilliancy, brightness, flower.
2094 Zuhur زھور Pl. of Zahrah, flower.
2095 Zulaikha زلیخا Wife of the king of Egypt (Pharaonic age) who was attracted by the beauty of the Prophet Yusuf/Joseph.
2096 Zulakha زلیخه Wife of the king of Egypt, who was attracted by the beauty of the Prophet Yusuf/Joseph.
2097 Zulfa زلفاء Having a small and finely chiselled nose.
2098 Zunairah زنیره Flower found in paradise.
2099 Zurafa ظرفاء Elegant, witty, graceful; fem. of Zarif.



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