مشہور مسلمان بچیوں کے نام معنی کے ساتھ
مسلمان بچیوں کے نام رکھنا ایک اہم ذمہ داری ہے، کیونکہ نام نہ صرف بچے کی پہچان بنتا ہے بلکہ اس کی شخصیت اور دینی و معاشرتی پہلو پر بھی اثر انداز ہو سکتا ہے۔ اسلامی روایات کے مطابق، بچیوں کے نام رکھتے وقت درج ذیل نکات کو مدنظر رکھنا ضروری ہے:
1. معنی پر توجہ دیں
اسلامی نام ہمیشہ اچھے اور مثبت معنی رکھنے چاہئیں۔ نام کا مطلب خوبصورت، پاکیزہ، اور باوقار ہونا چاہیے، کیونکہ نبی کریم ﷺ نے ناموں کے معنی پر زور دیا ہے۔
- فاطمہ: ماں جیسی، محبت کرنے والی
- عائشہ: خوشحال زندگی بسر کرنے والی
2. نبیوں اور صحابیات کے نام اپنانا
صحابیات اور اہل بیت کے نام بچیوں کے لیے بہترین انتخاب ہیں، کیونکہ یہ نام نہ صرف مبارک ہیں بلکہ اسلامی تاریخ کی یادگار بھی ہیں۔
- حلیمہ: نبی ﷺ کی رضاعی ماں
- زینب: رسول اللہ ﷺ کی بیٹی
3. قرآن اور حدیث سے رہنمائی لیں
قرآن مجید اور احادیث مبارکہ میں موجود ناموں کو ترجیح دیجیے، کیونکہ یہ نام اللہ اور اس کے رسول ﷺ کو محبوب ہیں۔
- مریم: حضرت مریم علیہا السلام
- حورین: جنت کی حوریں
4. آسان اور خوش آہنگ نام رکھیں
نام ایسا ہونا چاہیے جو آسانی سے یاد رکھا جا سکے اور پکارنے میں خوش آہنگ ہو۔ مشکل یا غیر مانوس نام رکھنے سے اجتناب کریں۔
- مثال: آمنہ، زہرا، ماہا
5. ثقافت اور زبان کا خیال رکھیں
نام اسلامی ہو لیکن اپنے علاقے یا خاندان کی ثقافت سے ہم آہنگ بھی ہو۔ بعض اوقات ایسے نام چنیں جو دونوں پہلوؤں کو پورا کرتے ہوں۔
6. غیر اسلامی یا منفی معنی والے ناموں سے پرہیز کریں
ایسے نام جو غیر اسلامی شخصیات سے منسوب ہوں یا ان کے معنی غیر مناسب ہوں، انہیں رکھنا درست نہیں۔
7. بچیوں کی عزت اور مقام کو مدنظر رکھیں
نام رکھنے کا مقصد بچی کو ایک منفرد پہچان دینا ہے جو اس کے لیے فخر اور عزت کا باعث ہو۔
اسلام میں نام رکھنے کا مقصد صرف پہچان فراہم کرنا نہیں بلکہ بچے کی زندگی اور آخرت کے لیے برکت اور اچھائی کا ذریعہ بنانا بھی ہے۔ والدین کو چاہیے کہ وہ بچیوں کے نام رکھنے سے پہلے تحقیق کریں اور ان کے معانی اور اہمیت کو سمجھیں، تاکہ وہ ایک خوبصورت اور مبارک نام رکھ سکیں۔
1 | Aabirah | عابره | Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral. | |
2 | Aabish | عابش | Daughter of Sa’ad; she was a queen of Irqan (AN). | |
3 | Aadila | عادله | Honest, upright, just, righteous; fem. of Adil. | |
4 | Aafreeda | آفریده | Created, Produced. | |
5 | Aafreen | آفرین | Stimulation, encouragement | |
6 | Aaida | عاﺋده | Visiting, returning. | |
7 | Aaila | آﺋله | Beautiful, like moon. | |
8 | Aaima | آﺋمه | Leader, ruler. | |
9 | Aaina | آﺋینه | Mirror | |
10 | Aaira | آﺋره | Noble, respectful, respected, honourable. | |
11 | Aala | آلاء | Benefit, favour, blessing. | |
12 | Aaliyah | عالیه | Highest social standing, exalted. | |
13 | Aamal | آمال | Pl. of Amal, hope, expectation, aspiration. | |
14 | Aamilah | عامله | Doer of (good) deeds, Righteous. | |
15 | Aaminah | آمنی | Secured, Safe. | |
16 | Aamira | عامره | Prosperous, full of life, large, substantial; fem. of Aamir. | |
17 | Aani | آنی | She was a literary woman and a poetess in Qastantiniyah (AN) | |
18 | Aania | آنیه | Towards, direction, concern. | |
19 | Aanisah | انیسأ | Young lady, Maiden | |
20 | Aasfa | آصفه | Protector, guardian. | |
21 | Aasira | آصره | Bond. | |
22 | Aatiqah | عتیقۃ | Shoulder (support) old. | |
23 | Abasah | عباسه | Daughter of al-Mahdi, a woman who was distinguished among her contemporaries. | |
24 | Abdah | عبده | Worshiper (of Allah). | |
25 | Abeedah | عبیده | Worshipper. The daughter of Nabil had this name; she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
26 | Abeer | عبیر | Fragrance | |
27 | Abeera | عبیره | Rose, Sandal Safron mixed together in fragrance. | |
28 | Abida | عابده | Worshiper, devotee, adorer, devout; fem of Abid. | |
29 | Abla | عبله | Well-rounded, perfectly formed, a woman possessing a beautiful figure. | |
30 | Abqurah | عبقره | Genius. | |
31 | Abreshmina | ابریشمینه | Made of silk. | |
32 | Ada | ادا | Grace, Expression. | |
33 | Adala | عداله | Justice. | |
34 | Adan | عدن | Paradise, heaven. | |
35 | Adeena | ادینا | Pious, good luck. | |
36 | Adiba | ادیبه | Polite, well-mannered, well-bred, courteous, polished, writer; fem. of Adib. | |
37 | Adila | عدیله | Equal. | |
38 | Afaf | عفاف | Chastity, purity, honesty, righteousness, modesty, decency. | |
39 | Afana | عفانه | The forgiver, pardner. | |
40 | Afeerah | عفیره | Covered with soil or dust. | |
41 | Afia | عافیه | good health, vigour, vitality | |
42 | Afifa | عفیفه | pure, chaste, modest, virtuous, honest, righteous, upright, decent; fem. Of Afif | |
43 | Afkar | افکار | Pl. of Fikr, intellect thought. | |
44 | Afnan | افنان | Pl. of Fanan, branch, twig. | |
45 | Afra | عفراء | Dust coloured, earth-coloured, a variety buck. | |
46 | Afrah | افراح | Pl. of Farah, joy, happiness. | |
47 | Afrin | آفرین | Praise, lucky. | |
48 | Afroz | افروز | Illuminated. | |
49 | Afroza | افروزا | Burning, polishing. | |
50 | Afsana | افسانه | Fable, fiction, romance. | |
51 | Afsar | افسر | Crown. | |
52 | Afsar Ara | افسرآرا | Adorning the crown. | |
53 | Afshan | افشاں | Adornment aids. | |
54 | Afsheen | آفشین | Shine like a star. | |
55 | Afshin | افشین | Decorated with sparkles, golden. | |
56 | Afza | افزا | Increase, augmentation. | |
57 | Agharid | اغارید | Pl. of Ughrudah, twittering, song. | |
58 | Aghsan | اغصان | Pl. of Ghusn, branch, twig. | |
59 | Ahd | عھد | Pledge, knowledge. | |
60 | Ahdaf | اھداف | Pl. of hadaf, aim, goal, target. | |
61 | Ahlam | احلام | Pl. of Hulm, dream. | |
62 | Aighar | آیغر | She was a religious, righteous woman (AN) | |
63 | Aimen | ایمن | Brave, fearless, lucky, right hand. | |
64 | Aiza | عایزه | Noble. | |
65 | Ajeebah | عجیبه | She was the daughter of Muhammad al-Baqadari, and was a narrator of Hadith. | |
66 | Ajrada | عجرده | Al-Ameeh, was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night somnetimes right upto daun (AN). | |
67 | Ajwa | اجوا | Name of a date in Saudia Arabia. Tree planted by Holy Prohpet (PBUH). | |
68 | Akhtar | اختر | Star, good luck. | |
69 | Akida | اکیده | Certain, firm. | |
70 | Akifa | عاکفه | Devoted to, dedicated to, intent, busy; fem. of Akif. | |
71 | Al-Adur al-Karimah | الادرالکریمه | A pious, righteous and intelligent woman of Egypt. She respected the Ulama and built religious schools (Madrasah) and mosques, She died in 762. | |
72 | Alam | عالم | World; sing. of Alameen. | |
73 | Alam Ara | عالم آرا | Adorning the world. | |
74 | Aleema | علیمه | Exalted, highest social standing. | |
75 | Aleena | الینا | Beautiful. | |
76 | Alhan | الحان | Melody. | |
77 | Alia | عالیۃ | Beautiful | |
78 | Alifa | الیفه | Friendly, sociable, amicable; fem. of Alif. | |
79 | Alima | عالمه | Woman of learning, scholar. | |
80 | Alishba | علشبه | Lovely, Innocent, Pretty. | |
81 | Aliya | عالیه | High, tall, towering, lofty, exalted, high-ranking, sublime, superior, excellent; fem. of Aali. | |
82 | Aliyya | علیه | Highest social standing, lofty, sublime; fem. of Ali. | |
83 | Almas | الماس | Diamond. | |
84 | Almasa | الماسه | Diamond. | |
85 | Almira | المیره | Princess | |
86 | Altaf | الطاف | Pl. of Lutf, kindness. | |
87 | Alveena | الوینا | Loved one, cared one, liked. | |
88 | Alyaa | علیاء | Heaven(s), sky, sublimity, lofty. | |
89 | Alyan | علیان | Tall and healthy. | |
90 | Ama | امه | Female slave, servant. | |
91 | Amal | امل | Hope, expectation; sing. of Amaal. | |
92 | Aman | امان | Trust, safety, protection, tranquillity, peace of mind, calmness. | |
93 | Amanat | امانات | Pl. of Amanah, trust, deposit. | |
94 | Amani | امانی | Wishes, aspirations, hopes; pl. of Umniyah. | |
95 | Amatul Islam | امه الاسلام | (female) servant of Islam. | |
96 | Amatul Karim | امه الکریم | (female) servant of the most generous i.e. Allah. | |
97 | Amatullah | امهالله | (female) servant of Allah. | |
98 | Ambar | عنبر | Perfume, ambergris. | |
99 | Ambara | عنبره | Perfume, ambergris; fem. of Ambar. | |
100 | Ambarin | عنبرین | Perfumed. | |
101 | Ambreen | امبرین | Sky | |
102 | Ameena | امینه | Trustworthy, faithful. hones; fem. of Amin. | |
103 | Ameera | امیره | Princess; fem. of Ameer. | |
104 | Amila | آمله | Hopeful. | |
105 | Amima | عمیمه | Full, complete, | |
106 | Amina | آمنه | Safe, secure, protected, a lady of peace and harmony. Name of the beloved mother of the Prophet Muhammad. | |
107 | Amira | عامره | An occupant of an abode, one who makes umrah or ziyaarah, abundant treasure. | |
108 | Amjad | امجاد | Pl. of Majd, glory, honour. | |
109 | Ammara | عماره | A lady with strong Imaan; tolerant. | |
110 | Amna | امنه | Safety. | |
111 | Amra | عمره | Any covering for the head, as a crown. | |
112 | Amrah | عمره | Headgear; This was the name of the female companion Amrah RA daughter of Abdur Rahman bin Sa’ad bin Zurarah Ansari. | |
113 | Amreen | آمرین | Sky. | |
114 | Amreen | آمرین | Sky. | |
115 | Amreen | آمرین | Sky | |
116 | Amrozia | امروزیه | Woman of today | |
117 | Anadil | عنادل | Pl. of Andalib, nightingale. | |
118 | Anam | انعم | Blessings of God. | |
119 | Anan | عنان | Clouds. | |
120 | Anat | اناه | Perseverance, patience. | |
121 | Anaum | انعم | The blessing of Allah. | |
122 | Andalah | عندله | Song of the nightingale. | |
123 | Andalib | عندلیب | Nightingale; sing. of Anadil. | |
124 | Aneeqa | انیقا | Beautiful | |
125 | Aneesa | انیسه | Companion, affectionate, friendly, sociable, intimate friend; fem. of Anis. | |
126 | Aneezah | عنیزه | She-Goat. | |
127 | Angbin | انگبین | Honey. | |
128 | Anila | انیلا | Inexperienced, raw. | |
129 | Aniqa | انیقه | Neat, elegant, smart. | |
130 | Anisa | آنسه | A pious-hearted lady, good-natured, compatible. | |
131 | Anjum | انجم | Pl. Najm, star. | |
132 | Anjuman | انجمن | Assembly. | |
133 | Anjuman Ara | انجمن آرا | Adorning the assembly. | |
134 | Anmol | انمول | Precious | |
135 | Anoosh | انوش | Delighted. | |
136 | Anoosha | انوشه | Delighted, happy | |
137 | Anqa | عنقا | A woman with a long neck, an imaginary bird. | |
138 | Ansam | انسام | Pl. of Nasam, breath, breath of life. | |
139 | Anum | انم | Blessing of God, Gods gift. | |
140 | Anwar | انوار | Rays of light; pl. of Noor. | |
141 | Anwarah | انوره | Greatly lighted | |
142 | Anya | عنیا | A woman with large eyes. | |
143 | Aoj | اوج | Peak, height, apex, climax. | |
144 | Aqdas | اقدس | Pure, sacred. | |
145 | Aqeela | عقیله | The best, the very best. | |
146 | Aqiba | عاقبه | Result, consequence. | |
147 | Aqila | عاقله | Wise, sensible, intelligent, sensible, discerning. | |
148 | Aqsa | اقصٰی | Name of a mosque. | |
149 | Aqsa | اقصٰی | Height, limit, far, shore. | |
150 | Ara | آرا | Adorning. | |
151 | Areeba | اریبۃ | Wise | |
152 | Areefa | عریفه | Learned, expert, authority; fem. of Areef. | |
153 | Areej | اریج | Fragrance, aroma, sweet smell, scent, perfume. | |
154 | Arfa | ارفع | Exalted, sublime, great, high. | |
155 | Aribah | اریبه | Wise. | |
156 | Arifa | عارفه | Learned, expert, authority; fem. of Arif. | |
157 | Arjumand | ارجمند | Excellent, beloved, noble. | |
158 | Arjumnd Bano | ارجمند بانو | Excellent woman, noble woman. | |
159 | Aroob | عروب | Lover wife, who loves her husband | |
160 | Aroosa | عروسه | Bride. | |
161 | Arshia | عرشیه | She who lives in skies. | |
162 | Arshia | عرشیه | One who lives is the sky. | |
163 | Arus | عروس | Brides. | |
164 | Arwa | اروا | She was the daughter of Abdul Muttalib, and so an aunt of the Prophet PBUH his father’s sister. | |
165 | Arzu | آرزو | Wish, hope, love. | |
166 | Asar | آثار | Pl. of Asar, sign, mark, trace. | |
167 | Aseela | اثیله | Highborn, of noble origin. | |
168 | Aseela | اصیله | Of noble origin, highborn, pure; fem. of Asil. | |
169 | Asghia | اصغیه | Pious people, modest people. | |
170 | Ashalina | آ شلیانا | Sweet, always living, shy, loving. | |
171 | Ashiqa | عشیقه | Very friendly, which stays very close. | |
172 | Ashraf | اشرف | Nobler, more honourable; comp. adj. of Sharif. | |
173 | Ashraf Jahan | اشرف جھان | Noblest of the world. | |
174 | Ashwaq | اشواق | Pl. of Shawq, longing, desire, wish. | |
175 | Asifa | آصفه | Virtuous, pure, spotless, upright. | |
176 | Asima | عاصمه | Safe, chaste, protector, guardian; fem. of Asim. | |
177 | Asira | اثیره | Honoured, chosen, preferred; fem. of Asir. | |
178 | Asiya | آسیه | Comforting, consoling, a mansion with solid foundation or pillars, firm, a powerful. Wife of Firawn. One who heals | |
179 | Asli | ا صلی | Pure, original. | |
180 | Asma | عثمه | A narrator of Hadith and daughter of Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Tahir al-Aswadi (AN) | |
181 | Asmaa | اسماء | Higher, more exalted, more sublime, more eminent. | |
182 | Asmaa | اسماء | Pl. of Ism. name. | |
183 | Asmaa | عصماء | Chaste, virtuous, precious, valuable, excellent. | |
184 | Asra | اسریٰ | To travel by night, to make someone travel by night. | |
185 | Ateefa | عطیفه | Affectionate, compassionate. | |
186 | Ateeqa | عتیقه | Ancient, noble; fem. of Atiq. | |
187 | Atifa | عاطفه | Compassion, affection, sympathetic, kindness; fem. of Atif. | |
188 | Atifat | عاطفت | Kindness, sympathy. | |
189 | Atika | عاتکه | Clear, pure, limpid (of wine). | |
190 | Atiqa | عاتقه | Emancipated, a beautiful lady. | |
191 | Atira | عاطره | Fragrant, connoisseur of good fragrance, aromatic, perfumed. | |
192 | Atiya | عطیه | Gift, present, bounty, grant. | |
193 | Atuf | عطوف | Affectionate, kind hearted, compassionate, loving. | |
194 | Awatif | عواطف | Pl. of Aatifa, affection, compassion, kindness, kind feeling. | |
195 | Ayaat | آیت | Many signs & proofs, verses in the Quran. | |
196 | Ayesha | عاﺋشه | Living, well-off, well-to-do, prosperous. Aisha (d.678): wife of the Prophet Muhammad and daughter of Kahlifa Abu Bakr. | |
197 | Ayn | عین | Source, spring. | |
198 | Aynul Hayat | عین الحیاه | Fountain of life. | |
199 | Aynun Nahr | عین النھر | Source of the spring. | |
200 | Ayra | آﺋرا | Respectable | |
201 | Azaa | عزا | A must have, right, courage, power, legal, allowable. | |
202 | Azah | عزه | Loved one, good, successful. | |
203 | Azeema | عزیمه | Determination, firm will. | |
204 | Azeen | اذ | Beauty, Patience | |
205 | Azeen | اذین | Beauty, Patience | |
206 | Azhaar | ازھار | Pl. of Zahrah, flower, blossom. | |
207 | Azima | عظیمه | Great, powerful, dignified, magnificent, glorious; fem. of Azim. | |
208 | Aziza | عزیزه | Noble, precious, cherished, honourable, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved, beloved; fem. of Aziz. | |
209 | Azka | اذکه | Big hearted, generous. | |
210 | Azra | عزراء | Virgin, maiden, a young unmarried lady. | |
211 | Azwa | اضواء | Pl. of Zau, light, splendour, limelight. | |
GIRL NAMES – B | ||||
212 | Badai | بداﺋﻊ | Pl. of Badia, wonder, marvel. | |
213 | Badiha | بدیھه | Insight, perceptive faculty. | |
214 | Badiyah | بادیه | Desert; Bint Ghaylan al-Saqafi was so named; she was of Taif. | |
215 | Badr | بدر | Full moon of the fourteenth night. | |
216 | Badriyah | بدریه | Full moon-like. | |
217 | Badrun Nisa | بدرانساء | Full moon of the women. | |
218 | Badyah | بدیه | Clear, knowledgeable person. | |
219 | Baha | بھاء | Beauty, glory, splendour, magnificence, glow. | |
220 | Bahar | بھار | Spring, blossom. | |
221 | Bahar Bano | بھاربانو | Blooming princess. | |
222 | Baheera | بھیره | Dazzling, brilliant. | |
223 | Bahija | بھیجه | Glad, happy, joyful, delighted, delightful, cheerful; fem. of Bahij. | |
224 | Bahira | باھره | Brilliant, superb, magnificent, gorgeous, spectacular. | |
225 | Bahiya | بھیه | Beautiful, brilliant, elegant, radiant, pretty, charming; fem. of Bahi. | |
226 | Bahriyah al-Aabidah | بحریه العابده | She was a devoted worshipper and ascetic of Basrah. She used to say, “If the heart gives up the passions, it will then domesticate knowledge.” | |
227 | Baiza | بیضاء | White, bright, brilliant, innocent, pure; fem. of Abyad. | |
228 | Bajila | بجیله | Honoured, dignified, highly regarded. | |
229 | Bakarah | بکاره | Virginity. | |
230 | Bakhita | بخیته | Lucky, fortunate; fem. of Bakhit. | |
231 | Bakht | بخت | Lot, Fate, Portion. | |
232 | Bakhtawar | بختاور | Fortunate, Lucky. | |
233 | Bakura | بکوره | Coming early. | |
234 | Baligha | بلیغه | Eloquent. | |
235 | Balquees | بلقیس | She was the daughter of Ahmad bin Mishqar, and a distinguished woman of her times; she was the wife of Sayfud-din al- Hanafi. (A.N). | |
236 | Banafsaj | بنفسج | Violent flower. | |
237 | Banafsha | بنفشا | Daughter of Abdullah al-Rumiyah; was a very pious and generous woman who gave much in charity (AN). | |
238 | Banan | بنان | Fingertips. | |
239 | Banu | بانو | Princess, lady, Miss. | |
240 | Banujah | بانوجه | The daughter of al-Mahdi, the Khalifah (775-785), had this name. | |
241 | Baqilah | باقله | ||
242 | Baraim | براعم | Pl. of Burum, blossom, bud. | |
243 | Barakah | برکه | Blessing. | |
244 | Barat | براءه | Innocence, guiltlessness. | |
245 | Bareea | بریٔه | Innocent, blameless, guiltless, sound; fem. of Bari. | |
246 | Bareerah | بریره | Pious. | |
247 | Baria | بارعه | Excelling, originator; fem. of Bari. | |
248 | Barkat | برکت | Blessing; sing. of Barakat. | |
249 | Barrah | بره | She was the aunt of the Prophet PBUH, daughter of Abdul Muttalib and mother of Abi Salamah. | |
250 | Barraqa | براقه | Bright, brilliant, shining, sparkling, glittering; fem. of Barraq. | |
251 | Barsa | برصا | ||
252 | Barzah | برزه | She was a narrator of hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA | |
253 | Basbas | بصبص | She was a slave-girl of Ibn Nafees; she was beautiful and had a melodions voice, (AN) | |
254 | Basbasah | بسبسه | ||
255 | Basharat | بشارت | Good news, glad tidings. | |
256 | Bashira | بشیره | Bringer of good news; fem. of Bashir, harbinger. | |
257 | Basila | باسله | Brave, fearless, intrepid. | |
258 | Basima | باسمه | Smiling; fem. of Basim. | |
259 | Basira | بصیره | Sagacious, endowed with insight; fem. of Basir.. | |
260 | Basma | بسمه | Smile. | |
261 | Basoos | بسوس | She was the daughter of Munqiz at-Tamimah (AN). | |
262 | Bassama | بسامه | Smiling; fem. of Bassam. | |
263 | Batina | باطنه | Hidden, Inner. | |
264 | Batool | بتول | A true devotee woman of Allah. | |
265 | Batul | بتول | Virgin, pure and chaste. A lady who is purely devoted to Allah, an epithet of Maryam, mother of Prophet Isa, and of Fatima, daughter of Muhammad. | |
266 | Bazala | باذله | Generous woman. | |
267 | Bazegha | بازغه | Bright | |
268 | Bazla | بزله | Reward, generous. | |
269 | Bazla | باذله | Big hearted, open handed, bounteous. | |
270 | Bazm-Ara | بزم آرا | Beauty of company. | |
271 | Bazriqa | بزرقه | Exalted, great. | |
272 | Beena | بینا | Seeing; clear sighted. | |
273 | Beenish | بینش | Intelligent, genius | |
274 | Begum | بیگم | Honorific title, queen, lady of rank. | |
275 | Benazir | بینظیر | Matchless, unique. | |
276 | Bhajat | بھجت | Splendour, magnificence, pomp, joy, happiness. | |
277 | Bibi | بی بی | Lady of rank, and honorific title used at the end of a woman’s name in the Indian sub-continent. | |
278 | Bilqis | بلقیس | Queen of Saba known as Bilqis in the Arabian tradition. | |
279 | Bisharah | بشاره | A narrator of Hadith (AN) | |
280 | Bisma | بسمه | ||
281 | Bismal | بسمل | Fragrance. | |
282 | Budur | بدور | Pl. of Badr, full moon. | |
283 | Buhaysah | بھیسه | This was the name of a female narrator of Hadith; She was al-fazariyah; Abu Dawood and Nasai transmitted from her. | |
284 | Buhayyah | بھیه | The name of a freed female slave of Sayyidah Ayshah RA | |
285 | Bujaybah | بجیبه | A narrator who transmitted from Shaybah bin Usman and Sabit Al-Shimale narrated from her. (AN) | |
286 | Bulbul | بلبل | Nightingale. | |
287 | Bunanah | بنانه | This was the name of the daughter of Yazid al-Abshamiyah. | |
288 | Buqayrah | بقیره | She was a narrator of Hadith, she died in 119 AH (AN) | |
289 | Burdah | برده | She was al-Suraymiyah, and a very dutiful worshipper. | |
290 | Burum | برعم | Bud, blossom; sing. of Baraim. | |
291 | Busaina | بثینه | Diminutive of Basna, beautiful woman. | |
292 | Busayrah | بصیره | She was a female companion RA and also a muhajirah, who migrated to Madinah. | |
293 | Bushra | بشریٰ | Good news, glad tidings. | |
294 | Busrah | بسره | This was the name of the daughter of Safwan bin Nawfal; She was a companion and she lived until the era of Muawiyah. | |
295 | Bustan | بستان | Garden, orchard. | |
GIRL NAMES – C | No Name C | |||
GIRL NAMES – D | ||||
296 | Dafiya | ضفیه | Narrator of Hadith, daughter of Muhammad bin Bisharah. | |
297 | Dahma | دھماء | She was a scholar of religion and had learnt from her brother al-Imam al-Mahdi. | |
298 | Daiba | داﺋبه | Assiduous, persistent, devoted. | |
299 | Dalal | دلال | Coquetry, pampering. | |
300 | Dalia | دالیا | Dahlia, flower. | |
301 | Danish | دانش | Wisdom, learning. | |
302 | Danish Ara | دانش آرا | Endowed with wisdom, learning. | |
303 | Daniya | دانیه | Kind hearted, the one who gets near. | |
304 | Dara | داره | Halo (of the moon). | |
305 | Darakhshan | درخشاں | Shining. | |
306 | Daria | داریه | Learned, knowing. | |
307 | Darkhshanda | درخشنده | Splendid, glittering. | |
308 | Darra | دره | pearl, brilliant, teat, udder; name of a Sahabiyah RA, daughter of Abu Lahab. | |
309 | Daulah | دوله | Wealth, empire, state, power. | |
310 | Dawha | دوحه | Lofty tree with many branches, family tree. | |
311 | Dawlat Khatoon. | دولت خاتون | She was from a ruling family. | |
312 | Deeba | دیبا | Brocade. | |
313 | Deenah | دینه | Obedience. | |
314 | Dil | دل | Heart, mind. | |
315 | Dilara | دل آرا | Beloved, one who decorates heart. | |
316 | Dildar | دلدار | Having a big heart. Wife of Mughal emperor Babur. | |
317 | Dilkash | دلکش | Attractive, captivating. | |
318 | Dilruba | دلربا | Heart-ravishing, a beloved object. | |
319 | Dilshad | دلشاد | Happy, glad, cheerful. | |
320 | Dilshad Khatoon | دلشاد خاتون | She lived between 730-750. | |
321 | Dima | دیمه | An incessant gentle rain unaccompanied by wind, thunder, or lightning. | |
322 | Diya | دیا | Light | |
323 | Doha | ضحیٰ | Forenoon. | |
324 | Dua | دعا | Pray | |
325 | Dujanah | دجانه | A great rain, name of a woman. | |
326 | Dunya | دنیا | World, earth. | |
327 | Dur-e-Shahwar | در شھوار | Kings worthy pearl | |
328 | Durdanah | دردانه | Pearl-grain | |
329 | Durr | در | Pearls. | |
330 | Durrah | دره | Pearl. A sahabia i.e. a Muslim woman who lived in time of Prophet Muhammad. | |
331 | Durriya | دریه | Glittering, sparkling, twinkling, brilliant. | |
GIRL NAMES – E | ||||
332 | Emaan | ایمان | Faith | |
333 | Erum | ارم | Heaven | |
334 | Eshal | ایشل | The name of flower in the heaven. | |
GIRL NAMES – F | ||||
335 | Faariha | فارحه | Happy, glad, delighted, cheerful, joyful; fem. of Farih. | |
336 | Fadia | فادیه | Redeemer, ransomer; fem. of Fadi. | |
337 | Fadwa | فدوی | name derived from self-sacrifice | |
338 | Faheemah | فھیمه | Intelligent. | |
339 | Fahhama | فھامه | Very intelligent, learned, very understanding. | |
340 | Fahm | فھم | Intellect, intelligence, insight. | |
341 | Fahm Ara | فھم آرا | Adorned with intellect, intelligent. | |
342 | Fahmida | فھمیده | Intelligent, judicious. | |
343 | Faida | فاﺋده | Benefit, advantage, gain, worth, welfare. | |
344 | Faiqa | فاﺋقه | Excellent, outstanding, distinguished, superior, ascendant. | |
345 | FAIROOZA | فیروزا | A precious gem | |
346 | Faiza | فاﺋزه | Victorious, triumphant, winner, successful, prosperous; fem. of Faiz. | |
347 | Fajr | فجر | Dawn, rise, beginning, start. | |
348 | Fakeehah | فاکیھه | Cheerful. | |
349 | Fakhar | فخار | Honour, pride, glory. | |
350 | Fakhira | فاخره | Excellent, glorious, magnificent, precious, honourable. | |
351 | Fakhr | فخر | Glory, pride, honour. | |
352 | Fakhriya | فخریه | Proud, honorary, glory, pride (for noble cause); fem. of Fakhri. | |
353 | Fakhrun Nisa | فخرالنساء | Glory of the women. | |
354 | Fakhtah | فاخته | A dove. This was the name of Umm Hani; Alo the name of the mother of Khalid bin | |
355 | Fakihah | فاکھه | Fruit. | |
356 | Fakira | فاکره | Thinker. | |
357 | Falahat | فلاحت | Welfare, benefit. | |
358 | Falak | فلک | Orbit, sky, celestial sphere. | |
359 | Faliha | فالحه | Fortunate, lucky, successful, prosperous; fem. of Falih. | |
360 | Falisha | فالیشأ | Happiness. | |
361 | Fanila | فانیله | Able, worthy. | |
362 | Faqiha | فقیھه | Jurist, expert, scholar in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence); fem. of Faqih. | |
363 | Faqirah | فاقره | This was the name of a beautiful woman, wife of Murrah al-Asadi (AN) | |
364 | Faraal | فرال | Name of lion, height. | |
365 | Farah | فرح | Joy, happiness, cheerfulness, delight. | |
366 | Fareefta | فریفته | Devotee, lover. | |
367 | Farha | فرحه | Gladness, pleasure, happiness, delight. | |
368 | Farhal | فرحال | Happy. | |
369 | Farhana | فرحانه | Glad, joyful, happy, cheerful, delighted; fem. of Farhan. | |
370 | Farhat | فرحت | Cheer, pleasure. | |
371 | Farheen | فرحین | Happy, glad. | |
372 | Farhi | فرحی | Glad, happy. | |
373 | Faria | فارعه | Tall, towering, lofty, pretty, slim, slender, fem. of Fari. | |
374 | Farida | فریده | Unique, matchless, singular, precious; fem. of Farid. | |
375 | Fariha | فریحه | Happy, glad, joyful. | |
376 | Farihah | فارھه | Brisk, Swift. | |
377 | Farkhanda | فرخنده | Blessed | |
378 | Farqad | فرقد | Name of a Star. | |
379 | Farrukh | فرخ | Happy, Fortunate. | |
380 | Farwa | فروه | Fur; (daughter of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq). | |
381 | Faryal | فریال | Name. | |
382 | Farzana | فرزانه | Wise, learned. | |
383 | Faseelah | فسیله | Some distance. | |
384 | Fasiha | فصیحه | Eloquent, fluent, well-spoken; fem. of Fasih. | |
385 | Fasiya | فاصیا | A gentle woman. | |
386 | Fateenah | فطینه | Intelligent. | |
387 | Fathiya | فتحیه | One who wins victory after victory; fem. of Fathi. | |
388 | Fatiha | فاتحه | Opening, introduction, dawn, first. | |
389 | Fatima | فاطمه | Literally: weaner, Abstinence, daughter of Muhammad and wife of Khalifa Ali known as Sayyidat-al-Nisa (the chief of women). | |
390 | Fatin | فاتن | Beautiful, pretty, attractive, glamorous, captivating, ravishing. | |
391 | Fatinah | فاتنه | Charming, fascinating, alluring, captivating. | |
392 | Fattana | فتانه | Extremely beautiful, charming, captivating. | |
393 | Fauqiyah | فوقیه | High Grade | |
394 | Fawha | فوحه | Breath of fragrance. | |
395 | Fawz | فوز | Success, Salvation. | |
396 | Fawza | فوزه | Victory, triumph, success, winning, achievement. | |
397 | Fawziya | فوزیه | Triumphant, successful, victorious, fem. of Fawzi. | |
398 | Fayha | فیھا | Good smell from heaven. Fragrance. | |
399 | Fayona | فیونا | Beautiful, pretty. | |
400 | Fayrooz | فیروز | Turquoise. | |
401 | Fayyaza | فیاضه | A lady who confers great favours, most generous and bountiful. | |
402 | Fazeela | فضیله | High degree of excellence, merit, perfection, outstanding, virtue, excellence, knowledge. | |
403 | Fazeen | فزین | Increasing. | |
404 | Fazila | فاضله | Virtuous, honest, excellent, superior, kind, outstanding, eminent, learned; fem. of Fazil (fadil). | |
405 | Fazilatun Nisa | فضیله النساء | Excellence of the women. | |
406 | Feheema | فھیمه | Intelligent, judicious, learned, erudite; fem. of Faheem. | |
407 | Fidda | فضه | Silver. | |
408 | Firdaus | فردوس | Paradise, heaven, garden. | |
409 | Firdausi | فردوسی | Heavenly. | |
410 | Firoza | فیروزه | Turquoise, a bright greenish-blue coloured precious stone. | |
411 | Fiza | فضاء | Wide, open, open hearted. | |
412 | Fiza | فضا | Running water on land. | |
413 | Fiza | فزاء | Enlarger, improver, who expands, magnifier. | |
414 | Fozia | فوزیه | Successful | |
415 | Fuada | فواده | Heart; fem. of fuad. | |
416 | Fudayl | فضیل | Learned, scholar. | |
417 | Funoon | فنون | Variety, art. | |
418 | Furayah | فریعه | Handsome, Well-built. | |
419 | Furoozan | فروزان | Luminous, radiant. | |
420 | Fuseelah | فسیله | Name of a narrator of Hadith who transmitted from her father, Wasilah bin al-Asqa RA who from the Prophet PBUH. | |
421 | Fuzail | فضیل | A form of Faazil, meaning: An accomplished person; name of a saint known as Fuzail bin Iyaaz. | |
GIRL NAMES – G | ||||
422 | Ghada | غاده | Delicate young girl, beautiful young woman, youthful and beautiful woman. | |
423 | Ghadeer | غدیر | Brook, rivulet, small stream. | |
424 | Ghadia | غادیه | Morning, cloud. | |
425 | Ghadir | غادر | She was the slave of Musa al-Hadi and then Haroon Rashid (AN) | |
426 | Ghafira | غافره | One who hides other’s sins. | |
427 | Ghaida | غیداء | Young and delicate, soft. | |
428 | Ghalia | غالیه | Precious, priceless, valuable, dear, beloved. | |
429 | Ghaliba | غالبه | Conqueror, victor, winner; fem. of Ghalib. | |
430 | Ghamza | غمزه | Gestures. | |
431 | Ghaneemah | غنیمه | Spoils, booty. | |
432 | Ghania | غانیه | Beauty, beautiful girl, pretty girl, danseuse. | |
433 | Ghaniya | غنیه | Rich, wealthy, prosperous; fem. of Ghani. | |
434 | Ghareebah | غریبه | Strange, foreign; the daughter of Salim bin Ahmad at-Tajir had this name (AN) | |
435 | Ghashia | غاشیه | Guidance. | |
436 | Ghasna | غصنه | Bud, blossom. | |
437 | Ghatiya | غاطیه | Dynamic, moving. | |
438 | Ghazal | غزال | Gazelle, deer. | |
439 | Ghazal | غزل | A poem, ode, talk with woman. | |
440 | Ghazala | غزاله | Gazelle, a young deer, the sun. | |
441 | Ghaziya | غازیه | Female Warrior. | |
442 | Ghibtah | غبطه | She was the daughter of Amer al-Mujashaiyah; she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
443 | Ghina | غناء | Singing, song. | |
444 | Ghufayrah | غفیره | This was the name of a very pious woman who kept vigil in the night. (AN) | |
445 | Ghufran | غفران | Pardon, forgiveness. | |
446 | Ghumaysa | غمیصاء | Her Kuniyah was Umm Sulaym; She was a front-rank companion RA and narrated ahadith. She died in the times of Sayyidina Usman RA. | |
447 | Ghusn | غصن | Branch, twig; sing. of Ghusoon. | |
448 | Ghusun | غصون | Pl. of Ghusn, branch, twig. | |
449 | Ghuzayyah | غزیه | She was also known as Ghuzaylah; she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
450 | Gohar | گوھر | Precious Stone. | |
451 | Gul | گل | Flower, rose. | |
452 | Gul Badan | گلبدن | Beautiful body resembling rose. | |
453 | Gul Bahar | گلبھار | Rose spring. | |
454 | Gul Barg | گلبرگ | Rose petal. | |
455 | Gul Izar | گل عذار | Rosy-cheeked. | |
456 | Gul Rang | گل رنگ | Rose-coloured. | |
457 | Gul Ru | گل رو | Rosy-faced. | |
458 | Gul Rukh | گل رخ | Rose-face. | |
459 | Gul-e-Rana | گل رعنا | Beautiful delicate scented rose. | |
460 | Gulab | گلاب | Rose, rosewater. | |
461 | Gulistan | گلستان | Rose garden, garden. | |
462 | Gulnar | گلنار | A plant whose flowers resemble pomegranates | |
463 | Gulnaz | گل ناز | Cute like a flower | |
464 | Gulrez | گلریز | Rose-Sprinkler | |
465 | Gulshan | گلشن | Rose-garden. | |
466 | Gulzaar | گلزار | Rose-garden. | |
GIRL NAMES – H | ||||
467 | Hababah | حبابه | A daughter of Ajlan; She was narrator of Hadith. | |
468 | Habiba | حبیبه | Beloved, darling, sweetheart; fem. of Habib. | |
469 | Hablah | هابله | A woman who earns a lot. | |
470 | Haboos | حبوس | This was the name of noble lady who was kind and benevolent; she lived in Lebanon. | |
471 | Hadaya | ھدایه | Pl. of Hadiya, gift, present. | |
472 | Hadeel | ھدیل | Cooing of a pigeon. | |
473 | Hadeeqah | حدیقه | Garden. | |
474 | Hadiya | ھادیه | Guide to righteousness; fem. of Hadi leader. | |
475 | Hadya | ھدیه | Gift, present; sing. of Hadaya. | |
476 | Haeda | هاﺋده | A woman who repents a lot. | |
477 | Haemah | هاﺋمه | Crazy in love. | |
478 | Hafeeza | حفیظه | Guardian, protector; fem. of Hafeez. | |
479 | Haffafa | ھفافه | Glittering, shining, thin, peaceful, gentle wind. | |
480 | Hafiza | حافظه | Honorific title of a woman who has memorised the Quran, guardian, protector; fem. Hafiz. | |
481 | Hafsa | حفصه | Cub; wife of Muhammad (pbuh); daughter of Khalifa Umar. | |
482 | Haifa | ھیفاء | Slender, slim, of beautiful body. | |
483 | Haiqa | حاﺋقه | True, truly, obedient of God, prayer of God | |
484 | Hajar | ھاجر | The wife of Prophet Ibrahim AS was name Hajar AS. | |
485 | Hajira | ھاجره | Wife of Prophet Ibrahim and mother of Prophet Ismail. | |
486 | Hajjah | حجه | She was a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Murrah; another narrator by the same name was the daughter of Murayt (AN). | |
487 | Hajna | حجناء | The daughter of Nusayb, she was a poetess. (AN) | |
488 | Hakeema | حکیمه | Wise, sage, judicious, prudent; fem. of Hakeem. A Sahabia i.e. a Muslim woman who lived in time of the Prophet Muhammad. | |
489 | Hakima | حاکمه | Ruler, queen. | |
490 | Hala | ھاله | Halo, ring around the eye, aureole, name of the sister of Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. | |
491 | Haleema | حلیمه | Clement, patient, tolerant, gentle; fem. of Halim. Halima Al-Sadiyah: foster mother of the Prophet Muhammad. | |
492 | Halia | حالیه | Aware, knowing. | |
493 | Halima | حالمه | Dreamer, visionary. | |
494 | Hamama | حمامه | Dove, pigeon. | |
495 | Hamama | حمامه | Bearer. | |
496 | Hamas | همس | Low and soft sound, heartbeat. | |
497 | Hamda | حمده | Praised, laudation of Allah; fem. of Hamd. | |
498 | Hamdan | حمدان | Much praise. A tribe in Arabia. | |
499 | Hameeda | حمیده | Praised, commended, praiseworthy, commendable; fem. of Hamid. | |
500 | Hamida | حامده | Praiser (of Allah); fem. of Hamid. | |
501 | Hamima | حمیمه | Close friend. | |
502 | Hammada | حماده | Praising (God). | |
503 | Hamnah | حمنه | The daughter of Jahsh al-Asdiyah was so named; she narrated Hadith. | |
504 | Hamra | حمراء | Red. | |
505 | Hana | ھناء | Happiness, bliss, felicity. | |
506 | Hana | حنا | Merciful, kind hearted. | |
507 | Hanan | حنان | Compassion, affection, love, mercy, tenderness, warm-heartedness. | |
508 | Hanfa | حنفاء | Name of the wife of Sayyidina Ismail AS. | |
509 | Hani | ھانی | Pleasant. | |
510 | Hania | ھانیه | Happy, delighted. | |
511 | Hanifa | حنیفه | True, one of true faith, upright; fem. of Hanif. | |
512 | Hanin | حنین | Desire, longing, yearning. | |
513 | Haniya | ھنیه | Pleasant, happy. | |
514 | Hanna | حنه | Compassion, sympathy, pity. | |
515 | Hanoon | حنون | Compassionate, merciful, affectionate, tender-hearted, soft-hearted. | |
516 | Hanoona | حنونه | Compassionate; fem. of Hanun. | |
517 | Hareem | حریم | House, walls of a house. | |
518 | Hareer | حریر | Silk. | |
519 | Harisa | حارثه | Cultivator, lioness; fem. of Haris (Harith). | |
520 | Harisa | حارسه | Guard, protector (f.). | |
521 | Haroona | هارونه | Protector, messenger. | |
522 | Hasana | حسنه | Good deed, kind act, favour; sing. of Hasanat. | |
523 | Hashmat | حشمت | Modesty, bashfulness, decency, decorum. | |
524 | Hasiba | حسیبه | Highborn, respected, noble; fem. of Hasib. | |
525 | Hasifa | حصیفه | Judicious, wise, prudent, sagacious, endowed with sound judgement; fem. of Hasif. | |
526 | Hasina | حسینه | Pretty, beautiful. | |
527 | Hasna | حسناء | Pious, beautiful woman. | |
528 | Hasnat | حسنات | Virtues. | |
529 | Hassana | حسانه | Most beautiful woman, most sweetheart. | |
530 | Hatima | حاطمه | Generous. | |
531 | Hawiya | حاویه | Dominant. | |
532 | Hawla | حولاء | Intelligent. | |
533 | Hawwa | حواء | A beautiful girl with a ruddy complexion, Eve; wife of Adam, mother of mankind. | |
534 | Haya | حیاء | Shyness, bashfulness, coyness, modesty. | |
535 | Hayat | حیات | Life. | |
536 | Hayrah | حیره | She was a well-=known narrator of Hadith from the generation after the companions (AN) | |
537 | Hazar | ھزار | Kind of nightingale. | |
538 | Hazeena | ھزینه | Autumn, treasure, forever. | |
539 | Hazeerah | هزیره | Wise. | |
540 | Hazima | حازمه | Firm, energetic, judicious, discreet, prudent; fem. of Hazim. | |
541 | Haziqa | حاذقه | Clever, shrewd. | |
542 | Hazzafa | حذافه | The name of Hazrat Haleema Saadia’s daughter. | |
543 | Hena | حنا | Greenery | |
544 | Hiba | ھبه | Gift, present. | |
545 | Hibatullah | ھبه الله | Gift of God. | |
546 | Hijab | حجاب | Daughter of a Scholar from Baghdad. | |
547 | Hikmat | حکمت | Wisdom. | |
548 | Hilal | ھلال | Crescent, new moon. | |
549 | Hina | حنا | The Indian privet; a shrub, the leaves of which are used for dyeing the hands, feet and hair. | |
550 | Hind | ھند | Proper name. | |
551 | Hindah | ھنده | She was the wife of Abu Sufyan (some versions call her Hind). | |
552 | Hira | حرا | A peak near Makkah where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to worship Allah. | |
553 | Hiyam | ھیام | Passionate love. | |
554 | Hoor | حور | A virgin maiden of Paradise for its dwellers. | |
555 | Hooriya | حوریه | Virgin of Paradise, houri, nymph. | |
556 | Hoorulain | حورالعین | The most beautiful HUR with beautiful eyes. | |
557 | Hoyam | ھیام | Passionate love. | |
558 | Hubayshah | حبیثه | She was the daughter of Hubaysh al-Aamiriyah; she was a poetess. | |
559 | Hubba | حبٰی | She was a beautiful woman, daughter of Maalik bin Amr al-Adwaniyah (AN) | |
560 | Huboor | حبور | Happiness. | |
561 | Huda | ھدی | Right guidance, right path. | |
562 | Hujaymah | ھجیمه | Attack. | |
563 | Hujayrah | حجیره | She was a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Husayn. | |
564 | Hukayman | حکیمه | She was the daughter of Umaymah daughter of Ruqayqah RA a companion. | |
565 | Huma | ھما | An imaginary bird. | |
566 | Humaida | حمیده | Praised; fem. of Humaid. | |
567 | Humaira | حمیراء | Of red colour. Name of Ayesha, wife of the Prophet Muhammad. | |
568 | Hunaydah | ھنیده | The wife of Ibrahim al-Nakhee was so named, as also the daughter of Shurayk. (AN). Whe was a narrator of Hadith. | |
569 | Hura | حره | Free woman | |
570 | Hurmat | حرمت | Respect, dignity or something declared, sacred by religion. | |
571 | Hurriya | حریه | Freedom, liberty. | |
572 | Husaina | حسینه | Diminutive of Husn, beauty. | |
573 | Hushaima | حشیمه | Diminutive of Hishma, modesty. | |
574 | Husn | حسن | Beauty, gracefulness, prettiness. | |
575 | Husn Ara | حسن آرا | Adorned with beauty. | |
576 | Husna | حسنیٰ | Most pious, good outcome; fem. of Ahsan. | |
577 | Husni | حسنی | Possessing beauty. | |
578 | Husniya | حسنیه | Beautiful, pretty. | |
579 | Huzuz | حظوظ | Pl. of Hazz, fortune, good luck. | |
GIRL NAMES – I | ||||
580 | Iba | اباء | Pride, disdain. | |
581 | Ibadat | عبادت | Worship. | |
582 | Ibrisam | ابریسام | Silk. | |
583 | Ibrisami | ابریسمی | Silken. | |
584 | Ibriz | ابریز | Pure gold. | |
585 | Ibtihaj | ابتھاج | Joy, delight. | |
586 | Ibtihal | ابتھال | Prayer, supplication. | |
587 | Ibtisam | ابتسام | Smile. | |
588 | Ibtisama | ابتسامه | Smile. | |
589 | Idrak | ادراک | Intellect, perception, achievement, attainment. | |
590 | Iffah | عفه | Purity, modesty. | |
591 | Iffat | عفت | Purity, chastity, modesty, virtue, abstinence. | |
592 | Iffat-Ara | عفت آرا | Decorator of Chastity | |
593 | Ifra | افراء | Height, sublimity. | |
594 | Ifrah | افراح | To make happy. | |
595 | Iftikhar | افتخار | Pride. | |
596 | Iftinan | افتنان | enchantment, captivation | |
597 | Ihtisham | احتشام | Chastity, modesty, decency, decorum. | |
598 | Ijlal | اجلال | Glorification, exaltation, honour, distinction, respect. | |
599 | Ijliyah | عجلیه | The daughter of al-Asturlabi al-Ijli. | |
600 | Ikhlas | اخلاص | Sincerity, honesty, integrity, fidelity, faithfulness. | |
601 | Iklil | اکلیل | Crown, garland, wreath. | |
602 | Ikram | اکرام | Honour, glory, respect, generosity, hospitality. | |
603 | Ilham | الھام | Intuition, inspiration, revelation. | |
604 | Ilm | علم | A slave gifl belonging to Zubaydah, wife of Harun al-Rashid had this name. | |
605 | Iltimas | التماس | Request, appeal, entreaty. | |
606 | Ilyas | الیاس | Name of a Prophet of Allah. He was called Ilyaseen as well. | |
607 | Imaan | ایمان | Faith | |
608 | Iman | ایمان | Belief, faith in Allah. | |
609 | Imrana | عمرانه | Population, socialism. | |
610 | Imtinan | امتنان | Gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness. | |
611 | Imtisal | امتثال | Obedience, conforming to, in compliance with. | |
612 | Imtiyaz | امتیاز | Distinction, mark of honour, intelligent. | |
613 | Inam | انعام | Gift, present, act of kindness, benefaction, bestowal. | |
614 | Inan | عنان | A slave girl belonging to Harun al-Rashid. | |
615 | Inas | ایناس | Friendliness, cordiality, sociability. | |
616 | Inayat | عنایت | Concern, solicitude. | |
617 | Inshirah | انشراح | Joy, delight, happiness, cheerfulness. | |
618 | Intisar | انتصار | Victory, triumph; sing. | |
619 | Intisarat | انتصارات | Pl. of Intisar, victory, triumph. | |
620 | Iqamat | اقامت | Calm, peace, staying. | |
621 | Iqra | اقراء | Study, read. | |
622 | Iradat | ارادت | Wish, desire, intention. | |
623 | Iraj | ارج | Flower | |
624 | Iram | ارم | The Paradise of Shadad, Eden. | |
625 | Irtiza | ارتضاء | Contentment, approval. | |
626 | Isad | اسعاد | Making happy of prosperous, blessing. | |
627 | Ishraq | اشراق | Brilliance, radiance, shining. | |
628 | Ishrat | عشرت | Pleasure, enjoyment, delight. | |
629 | Islah | اصلاح | Making right, making good, improvement, betterment. | |
630 | Ismat | عصمت | Purity, honour, protection, chastity, modesty. | |
631 | Ismat-Ara | عصمت آرا | Decorator of modesty | |
632 | Isood | عصود | A woman of delicate body. | |
633 | Isra | اصرا | Walking in the night, Journeys by night.Name of Sura in Quran also known as Bani Israil | |
634 | Istabraq | استبرق | Brocade. | |
635 | Itidal | اعتدال | Moderateness, moderation, mildness, rectitude. | |
636 | Itimad | اعتماد | Reliance, dependence. | |
637 | Itrat | عترت | Lineage, descendants of Holy Prophet (PBUH). | |
638 | Izaz | اعزاز | Honour, esteem, regard, affection. | |
639 | Izdihar | ازدھار | Prosperity, flourishing, bloom, blossoming. | |
640 | Izma | ازمأ | Higher poistion, Esteemed previledge & honour. | |
641 | Izz | عز | The daughter of al-Haytam Muhammad bin al-Haysam was so named. | |
642 | Izza | عزه | Honour, fame, power. | |
643 | Izza an-Nisa | عزالنساء | She was the daughter of Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz bin Ali bin Hibbat Allah bin Khuldoon. She narrated hadith. | |
644 | Izzat | عزت | Honor; esteem, integrity. | |
GIRL NAMES – J | ||||
645 | Jaan | جان | Life. | |
646 | Jabalah | جبله | Daughter of Musafh; she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
647 | Jabarah | جباره | A bracelet. | |
648 | Jabin | جبین | Forehead. | |
649 | Jadida | جدیده | New, fresh. | |
650 | Jahan | جھان | World. | |
651 | Jahan Ara | جھان آرا | Adorning the world. Daughter of Mughal emperor Shah Jahaan. | |
652 | Jahan Khatoon | جھاں خاتون | She was a Persian poet. | |
653 | Jahdamah | جھدمه | She was a female companion of the Prophet PBUH. | |
654 | Jala | جلاء | Bringing to light, shining, clarity. | |
655 | Jaleelah | جلیله | Dignified. | |
656 | Jaleesah | جلیسه | Companion | |
657 | Jalila | جلیله | Great, exalted, magnificent; fem. of Jalil. | |
658 | Jalwa | جلوه | Sight, show. | |
659 | Jamal | جمال | Beauty. | |
660 | Jamala | جماله | Beautiful, pretty, moon-faced. | |
661 | Jamia | جامعه | Gatherer, collector, author, writer; fem. of Jami. | |
662 | Jamila | جمیله | Beautiful, elegant, pretty; fem. of Jamil. Daughter of Khalifa Umar. | |
663 | Jamilah | جامله | Beautiful. | |
664 | Janaan | جاناں | Pretty, sweet-heart; pl. of Jan, life. | |
665 | Janan | جنان | Heart, soul, pretty. | |
666 | Janna | جنه | Garden, paradise. | |
667 | Jannat | جنت | Heaven, paradise. | |
668 | Jannatul Firdaus | جنه الفردوس | Garden of Paradise. | |
669 | Jariyah | جاریه | Slave girl. | |
670 | Jasrah | جسره | Daughter of Dijajah al-Amiriyah, and a narrator of Hadith. | |
671 | Jassia | جاثیه | One who sits, name of a Surrah of Al-Quran. | |
672 | Jawahir | جواھر | Precious. | |
673 | Jawda | جوده | Excellence, high, quality, fineness. | |
674 | Jawedan | جاوداں | Immortal, lasting. | |
675 | Jawhara | جوھره | Jewel, gem, essence. | |
676 | Jaza | جزا | Reward. | |
677 | Jazibiyya | جاذبیه | Attraction, charm, appeal. | |
678 | Jibla | جبله | Nature, natural disposition. | |
679 | Jina | جینا | Princess, lucky, patrician, | |
680 | Jinan | جنان | Pl. of Jannat, garden, paradise. | |
681 | Joindah | جوﺋنده | God’s gift. | |
682 | Joodi | جودی | Kind, working. | |
683 | Joya | جویاء | Searcher. | |
684 | Judaala | جداله | Distinct. | |
685 | Judamah | جدامه | She was the daughter of Wahb; she was a companion and a narrator of Hadith. | |
686 | Juhaymah | جھیمه | There is a suggestion that her name was Hujaymah, she was Umm ad-Darda, and a narrator of Hadith. | |
687 | Juhi | جوھی | Fragrant flower. | |
688 | Jumaina | جمینه | Diminutive of Jumana, small pearl. | |
689 | Jumana | جمانه | Pearl. | |
690 | Jumaymah | جماﺋمه | Name of a female companion. | |
691 | Junayna | جنینه | Little garden. | |
692 | Juni | جنی | Lovable. | |
693 | Junna | جنه | Shelter. | |
694 | Juveria | جویریه | Diminutive of Jooriyah, damask rose. Wife of the Prophet Muhammad. | |
GIRL NAMES – K | ||||
695 | Kabeesha | کبیشه | This was the name of a poetess, daughter of al-Waqa (AN). | |
696 | Kabira | کبیره | Great. | |
697 | Kabira | کابره | Leader, heroic woman. | |
698 | Kabshah | کبشه | She was a companion; she was the daughter of Sabit bin al-Munzir al-Ansari (AN) | |
699 | Kaheela | کحیله | Labour, triumph, trial. | |
700 | Kaif | کیف | A state of joy. | |
701 | Kaifiya | کیفیه | Ecstatic, mirghful, gayhooppy. | |
702 | Kaina | کاﺋنه | Leader woman. | |
703 | Kainaat | کا ٔنات | Universe | |
704 | Kakuli | کاکلی | Crest, tuft on the head of an animal like comb of a cock. | |
705 | Kaleemah | کلیمه | Speaker. | |
706 | Kalsam | کلثم | Name of al-Qarshiyah who transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah (AN) | |
707 | Kalsoom | کلثوم | Name of prophet Muhammad PBUH daughter. | |
708 | Kamaliyah | کمالیه | Perfection: name of a traditionalist, daughter of Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Hashmiyah al-Makkiyah RA. | |
709 | Kamila | کامله | Perfect, complete, genuine; fem. of Kamil. | |
710 | Kaneezah | کنیزه | Firm (of flish), sturdy (of body). | |
711 | Kaniz | کنیز | Maid servant, female servant, virgin. | |
712 | Kanwal | کنول | A flower of water, water-lilly. | |
713 | Kanz | کنز | Treasure. | |
714 | Kanzah | کنزه | Treasure; She was a poetess (AN) | |
715 | Karam | کرم | Generosity, bounty, noble nature. | |
716 | Karamat | کرامت | Miracle. | |
717 | Kardawaiyah | کردویه | A ious woman, daughter of Amr al-Basriyah was so name (AN) | |
718 | Karima | کریمه | Kind, generous, benevolent, open-handed, bountiful, noble; fem. of Karim. | |
719 | Kariman | کاریمان | Generous lady. | |
720 | Karma | کرمه | Vine, grapevine, kind, generous. | |
721 | Kas | کاص | Glass; This was the name of a woman, daughter of Buhayr bin Jundub. | |
722 | Kashfiya | کشفیه | Enlightenment. | |
723 | Kashida | کاشیده | Hardworking. | |
724 | Kashifah | کاشفه | Revealer of Secrets. | |
725 | Kashira | کاشره | Jubiliant, jovial. | |
726 | Kashmala | کشماله | Necklace of flowers, Garland | |
727 | Kashooda | کشوده | Attractive. | |
728 | Kashud | کشود | Bloom, success, benefit. | |
729 | Kasirah | کثیره | Plenty. | |
730 | Kasool | کسول | A girl brought up by tender care, sluggish girl. | |
731 | Kasturi | کستوری | Musk, a song bird. | |
732 | Kaureen | کورین | Beautiful girl, pretty girl. | |
733 | Kausar | کوثر | Abundance, name of a fountain, in the paradise. | |
734 | Kauser | کوشر | A Fountain in heaven | |
735 | Kawkab | کوکب | Star, satellite. | |
736 | Kaysah | کیسه | Daughter of Abu Bakr al-Saqafi, was a narrator of Hadith. | |
737 | Kazima | کاظمه | One who controls or suppresses her anger; fem. of Kazim. | |
738 | Kehkashan | کهکشاں | Galaxy. | |
739 | Khabira | خبیره | Aware, knowing. | |
740 | Khadija | خدیجه | The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad who was the first to embrace Islam. | |
741 | Khadra | خضراء | Green, verdant. | |
742 | Khair | خیر | Good, blessing, boon, wealth, fortune. | |
743 | Khaira | خیره | The best, prime, top, flower, cream; sing. of khairat. | |
744 | Khairat | خیرات | Pl. of Khaira, blessing, good work. | |
745 | Khairiya | خیریه | Charity, benevolence, beneficence, good. | |
746 | Khairun Nisa | خیرانساء | Best of women. Epithet of Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. | |
747 | Khalida | خالده | Permanent, immortal, eternal; fem. of Khalid. | |
748 | Khalisa | خالصه | Pure, true, clear, real; fem. of Khalis. | |
749 | Khalwat | خلوت | Solitude. | |
750 | Khanam | خانم | Princess, noble woman. | |
751 | Khansa | خنساء | Proper name (famous Arabic poetess), pug-nosed. | |
752 | Kharijah | خارجه | External. | |
753 | Kharqa | خرقاء | Strong wind. | |
754 | Khashar | خشار | Decorated, ornamented. | |
755 | Khashia | خاشعه | Pious, devout; fem. of Khashi. | |
756 | Khashifa | خاشفه | Disclosing, divulging. | |
757 | Khasiba | خصیبه | Fruitful, fertile, prolific, prodigal, productive; fem. of Khasib. | |
758 | Khatiba | خطیبه | Orator, speaker, fianc�e. | |
759 | Khatiba | خاطبه | Speaker. | |
760 | Khatira | خاطره | Wish, desire. | |
761 | Khatoon | خاتون | Noblewoman, lady. | |
762 | Khaula | خوله | A buck, deer, name of a well-known Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad. | |
763 | Khawara | خاوره | The sunlight, east. | |
764 | Khazanah | خزانه | Treasure; She was the daughter of Khalid bin Jafar bin Qurt. She was a poetess. | |
765 | Khazeena | خزینه | Arsenal, treasure house. | |
766 | Khidrah | خضره | Green. | |
767 | Khitfa | خطفه | Erroneus, forgetful. | |
768 | Khudamah | خدامه | Service, name of a Sahabiyah RA. | |
769 | Khudra | خضره | Greenery, greenness, verdancy. | |
770 | Khulaidah | خلیده | Permanent, name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr and the name of a Sahabiyyah. | |
771 | Khulat | خلت | Love, friend. | |
772 | Khulaybah | خلیبه | This was the name of an Arab poetess. | |
773 | Khuld | خلد | Paradise, heaven, eternal. | |
774 | Khulud | خلود | Immortality. | |
775 | Khurmi | خرمی | Happiness, leisure. | |
776 | Khursheed | خورشید | Sun. | |
777 | Khurshid Jahan | خورشید جھاں | sun of the world | |
778 | Khushbakht | خوش بخت | Lucky. | |
779 | Khushbu | خوشبو | Fragrance, scent. | |
780 | Khushnuda | خوشنوده | Delighted, agreed, happy, joyous. | |
781 | Khuwailah | خویله | A little or young female gazelle; name of a women. | |
782 | Khuzama | خزامیٰ | Lavender, tulip. | |
783 | Kinza | کنزا | Intelligent | |
784 | Kiran | کرن | Ray, beam. | |
785 | Kishwar | کشور | Country. | |
786 | Kohinoor | کوه نور | The mountain of light, name of a diamond that was a prized possession of the Mughals. | |
787 | Komal | کومل | Beautiful, Soft | |
788 | Korina | کورینا | Exalted, sublime, nice. | |
789 | Kowaisah | کویسه | Handsome, pretty, name of a Sahaabiyah. | |
790 | Kuaybah | کعیبه | A distinguished woman of her times was so named. She was the daughter of Saad al-Aslamiyah and she offered allegiance (bayah) to the Prophet PBUH. | |
791 | Kubra | کبریٰ | Great, senior, (Al-Khubra – Epithet of Khadija). | |
792 | Kuhaylah | کحیله | This was the name of a pious, learned woman who was a good speaker (AN) | |
793 | Kulsoom | کلثوم | Full of flesh about the face and cheeks, rosy, healthy cheeks, chubby cheeks | |
GIRL NAMES – L | ||||
794 | Laal | لعل | Pearl, ruby. | |
795 | Labiba | لبیبه | Intelligent, judicious, sensible, understanding, sagacious, wise, prudent, wise; fem. of Labib. | |
796 | Lafiza | لافظه | As deep as a sea. | |
797 | Lahifa | لاحفه | Helper. | |
798 | Laiba | لاﺋبه | Name of a Hoor in Heaven | |
799 | Laiha | لاﺋحه | Glittering. | |
800 | Lail | لیل | Night. | |
801 | Laila | لیلیٰ | Of the Night. | |
802 | Laiqa | لاﺋقه | Worthy, deserving, elegant, capable, decent. | |
803 | Lakhsha | لخشه | Glittering. | |
804 | Lala | لاله | Flower. | |
805 | Lama | لمیٰ | Darkness of inner lips, it is considered to be beautiful. | |
806 | Lamia | لامعه | Brilliant, lustrous, shining, radiant. | |
807 | Lamis | لمیس | Tender woman. | |
808 | Lamisa | لمیسه | Soft to touch. | |
809 | Lamiya | لامیه | With beautiful curls. | |
810 | Lamya | لمیاء | Dark-lipped (from inside). | |
811 | Laraib | لاریب | Not suspicious, truth. | |
812 | Laseef | لصیف | Glitter. | |
813 | Latifa | لطیفه | Pretty, charming, gentle, sweet, refined, kind, pleasantry, humour, friendly; fem. of Latif. | |
814 | Latimah | لطیمه | Scent. | |
815 | Lawaiza | لویزه | The girl who was born to Eve with Abel. | |
816 | Layaan | لیان | Gentleness, softness, tenderness. | |
817 | Layina | لینه | Tender, supple, resilient. | |
818 | Layla | لیلیٰ | Night, A well-known character in Arabic literature i.e. the beloved of Majnoon. | |
819 | Layyah | لیه | Twist, Flexure. | |
820 | Lina | لینه | Gentle, soft, tender, ‘a kind of palm’. | |
821 | Liza | لیزا | Dedicated for Allah. | |
822 | Lubaba | لبابه | Essence, core, gist. | |
823 | Lubana | لبانه | Wish, desire. | |
824 | Lubna | لبنیٰ | A tree which yields an aromatic resin used in perfume and medicine i.e. storax-tree. | |
825 | Lulu | لٶلٶ | Pearls. | |
826 | Lulua | لٶلوه | Pearl. | |
827 | Luna | لونأ | Moon. | |
828 | Lutf | لطف | Kindness, friendliness, courtesy, delicate, grace, favour from Allah. | |
829 | Lutfana | لطفانه | Kind, helper. | |
830 | Lutfiya | لطفیه | Delicate, graceful. | |
831 | Lutfun Nisa | لطف النساء | Grace of women. | |
GIRL NAMES – M | ||||
832 | Ma as-sama | ماءالسماء | A noble hearted, generous lady, daughter of al-Muzaffar had this name. | |
833 | Mabrooka | مبروکه | Blessed, prosperous, abundant; fem. of Mabrook. | |
834 | Madaniya | مدنیه | Civilized, urbane, polished. | |
835 | Madiha | مدیحه | Praiseworthy, commendation, commendable. | |
836 | Mah | ماه | Moon. | |
837 | Mah Jabin | ماه جبین | Beautiful, brow like the moon. | |
838 | Mah Liqa | ماه لقا | Moon-like (face). | |
839 | Mah Naz | ماه ناز | Humble moon (that would disappear on touch). | |
840 | Mah Noor | ماه نور | Moonlight. | |
841 | Mah Rukh | ماه رخ | Face as bright as the moon. | |
842 | Maha | مھا | Wild cow (representing beauty). | |
843 | Mahala | محاله | Brave. | |
844 | Mahalfa | محالفه | Opponent. | |
845 | Maham | ماهم | Wife of mughal emperor Zahiruddin Baber, mother of Hamayun. | |
846 | Mahasin | محاسن | Pl. of Mahsana, beauty, charm, charming, attraction, virtue, merit. | |
847 | Mahbasah | محبسه | A narrator of Hadith, al-Bahiliyah had this name. | |
848 | Mahbooba | محبوبه | Dear, beloved sweetheart; fem. of Mahboob. | |
849 | Mahdiya | مھدیه | Rightly guided; fem. of Mahdi. | |
850 | Maheen | ماهین | Like moon. | |
851 | mahek | مھک | Fragrance | |
852 | Mahfooza | محفوظه | Safeguarded, well-protected; fem. of mahfooz. | |
853 | Mahin | مھین | Fine, subtle, thin. | |
854 | Mahira | ماھره | Skilled, skilful, proficient; fem. of Mahir. | |
855 | Mahjooba | محجوبه | Hidden, covered, screened; fem. of Mahjoob. | |
856 | Mahmooda | محموده | Praised, praiseworthy, elegant, lauded. | |
857 | Mahmoodatun Nisa | محمودهانساء | Praised (one) of the women. | |
858 | Mahnaz | مهناز | Pride of the moon. | |
859 | Mahparah | مه پاره | Piece of moon | |
860 | Mahroz | مهروز | One who has a face like moon. | |
861 | Mahtab | ماھتاب | Moonlight. | |
862 | Mahtalat | مه طلعت | Moon-faced | |
863 | Mahveen | محوین | Light of the Sun. | |
864 | Mahwish | مهوش | Moon-faced, beautiful as moon. | |
865 | Maida | ماﺋده | Dining table, a chapter of Quran | |
866 | Mailiha | ملیحه | Beautiful, the one with darker shade. | |
867 | Maimana | میمنه | Right, right-hand side, right wing (of army). | |
868 | Maimoona | میمونه | Auspicious, prosperous, lucky, fortunate, blessed; fem. of Maimoon. | |
869 | Maira | ماﺋره | Favourable, admirable. | |
870 | Maisa | ماﺋسه | Walking with a proud gait. | |
871 | Maisaa | میساء | To walk with a proud swinging gait. | |
872 | Maisara | میصره | Prosperity, abundance, wealth, affluence; left, left-hand side, left wing (of army). | |
873 | Maisoon | میسون | Of beautiful face and body. | |
874 | Maisoora | میصوره | Ease; successful, fortunate, lucky, prosperous; fem. of maisoor. | |
875 | Majda | مجده | Glory, honour, nobility. | |
876 | Majdiya | مجدیه | Glorious. | |
877 | Majeeda | مجیده | Glorious, noble, sublime, exalted; fem. of majeed. | |
878 | Majida | ماجده | Glorious, noble, respected, exalted, fem. of majid. | |
879 | Makarim | مکارم | Of good and honourable character. | |
880 | Maktoomah | مکتومه | Name of a female singer of the past. | |
881 | Maktoonah | مکتونه | Name of a singer and a beautiful lady of the past. | |
882 | Malaha | ملاحه | Beauty, grace, elegance. | |
883 | Malaika | ملاﺋکه | Angels. | |
884 | Malak | ملک | Angel. | |
885 | Maleeka | ملیکه | Queen; fem. of Maleek. | |
886 | Maliha | ملیحه | Beautiful, pretty, good-looking; fem. of Malih. | |
887 | Malika | مالکه | Reigning, ruling. | |
888 | Malka | ملکه | Fem. of Malik; queen. | |
889 | Mamoona | مٔامونه | Trustworthy, honest, faithful, reliable; fem of Mamoon. | |
890 | Manahil | مناھل | Pl. of manhal, spring, of salubrious water, fountain. | |
891 | Manal | منال | Attainment, achievement, acquisition. | |
892 | Manar | منار | Guiding light, light-house. | |
893 | Manara | مناره | Fem. of Manar: light-house. | |
894 | Mandal | مندل | Fragrant wood. | |
895 | Manfoosah | منفوصه | She was the daughter of Abu Yazid bin Abu al-FAwaris; a very pious woman, she wept often for fear of Allah. | |
896 | Manhalah | منھله | Spring; Name of many Arab women. | |
897 | Mann | من | Gift, present, favour, benefit, boon. | |
898 | Mannana | منانه | Bountiful, generous; fem. of mannan. | |
899 | Mansoora | منصوره | Assisted, victorious, supported, triumphant; fem. of Mansoor. | |
900 | Manzoora | منظوره | Approved of, chosen, promising; fem. of Manzoor. | |
901 | Maqboola | مقبوله | Accepted, admitted, granted, approved; fem. of Maqbool. | |
902 | Maqsooda | مقصوده | Intended, destined. | |
903 | Marab | مأرب | Wish, desire, purpose, use, aim; sing. of Marib. | |
904 | Maram | مرام | Wish, desire, aspiration. | |
905 | Marghuba | مرغوبه | Coveted, desired. | |
906 | Maria | ماریه | A lady with fair complexion, kind of bird. Wife of Muhammad who gave birth to son named Ibrahim. | |
907 | Mariam | مریم | Mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus), the Biblical Mary. | |
908 | Marib | مآرب | Pl. of Marab, wish. | |
909 | Maridah | مارده | A slave-girl of Haroon Rashid had this name. | |
910 | Mariha | مرحه | Joyful, cheerful, lively. | |
911 | Mariya | ماریه | A learned woman of Andulus had this name; she was the daughter of Abu Yaqoob al-Faysali. | |
912 | Marjan | مرجان | Small pearls, corals. | |
913 | Marjanah | مرجانه | Precious stone; She was the mother of Prophet Isa AS and has been mentioned in the Quran frequently and a whole Surah is named after her. | |
914 | Maroofa | معروفه | Famous, known, eminent, kindness, kind act; fem. of Maruf. | |
915 | Marqooma | مرقومه | Writter, stated, well-defined. | |
916 | Marwa | مروه | Flint-stone. | |
917 | Maryam | مریم | Pious, mother of Hazrat Isa (AS) i.e. Jesus. | |
918 | Marziya | مرضیه | Accepted, well-pleased, one who is pleasing. | |
919 | Marzooqa | مرزوقه | blessed, fortunate, prosperous, successful; fem. of Marzooq | |
920 | Mas | ماس | For Almas; diamond. (only almas is used as name). | |
921 | Masabih | مصابیح | Pl. of Misbah, lamp. | |
922 | Masarrat | مسرت | Joy, delight, pleasure, gladness, happiness. | |
923 | Mashal | مشعل | Light, bright fire, flame. | |
924 | Mashhuda | مشھوده | Present, manifest. | |
925 | Mashia | مشیٔه | wish, desire, will (of Allah) | |
926 | Mashmool | مشمول | Included, sought, after, searched for. | |
927 | Masira | ماثره | Noble. | |
928 | Masooda | معصوده | Fortunate, happy, lucky, prosperous, gracious, favourable, august; fem. of Masood. | |
929 | Masooma | معصومه | Innocent, sinless, safe-guarded, protected; fem. of Masoom. | |
930 | Masoon | مصون | Safeguarded, well-protected. | |
931 | Masrurah | مسروره | Glad, happy, delighted. | |
932 | Mastura | مستوره | Latent, hidden, chaste. | |
933 | Matina | متینه | Strong, solid, of resolute mind. | |
934 | Mausooma | موسومه | Namely, viz. | |
935 | Mavisha | ماویشأ | Blessing of life. | |
936 | Mawadda | موده | Friendship, intimacy, affection, love. | |
937 | Mawhiba | موھبه | Gift, talent; sing. of Mawahib. | |
938 | Mawhooba | موھوبه | Gifted, talented, favoured; fem. of Mawhoob. | |
939 | Mawsoofa | موصوفه | Worthy of description, portrayed, endowed with laudable qualities; fem. of Mawsoof. | |
940 | Maya | مایه | Nature, wealth, power, quantity. | |
941 | Mayyada | میاده | To walk with swinging gait. | |
942 | Maziyah | مزیه | Excellence, merit, virtue. | |
943 | Mehak | مهک | Fragrance | |
944 | Mehr | مھر | Sun, affection. | |
945 | Mehreen | مھرین | Loving nature. | |
946 | Mehrin | مهرىن | Loving, The sun, The moon. | |
947 | Mehrin | مهرین | Loving, affectionate, sun, moon. | |
948 | Mehrun Nisa | مھرانساء | Sun of the women. | |
949 | Mehtab | مھتاب | Moon. | |
950 | Mehvish | مھوش | Shining Star | |
951 | Menaal | مینال | Special flower of heaven. | |
952 | Merwa | مروا | A mountain in mekkah. | |
953 | Midhat | مدحت | Praise, eulogy. | |
954 | Mina | منا | Pearl, bead. | |
955 | Minnat | منت | Grace, kindness, favour, gift. | |
956 | Minoo | مینو | Paradise. | |
957 | Miral | میرال | Doe | |
958 | Misaal | مثال | Example, copy. | |
959 | Misam | میسم | Impression, mark, beauty. | |
960 | Misbah | مصباح | Lamp, Light. | |
961 | Mishal | مشال | Lightened, sparkling, shining. | |
962 | Mishel | مشعل | A Light | |
963 | Miskeenah | مسکینه | Humble. | |
964 | Mohsana | محصنه | Chaste, virtuous, protected, sheltered, pure, modest, married woman. | |
965 | Mohsina | محسنه | Benevolent, beneficent, charitable, humanitarian; fem. of Muhsin. | |
966 | Momina | مٔومنه | Believer (in Islam); fem. of Mumin. | |
967 | Mona | منیٰ | Pl. of Monya, wish, desire. | |
968 | Muazah | معاذه | Daughter of Abdullah al-Adowiyah was a narrator of Hadith. | |
969 | Muazza | معزٰی | Elevated, exalted. | |
970 | Muazzama | معظمه | Exalted, respected, glorified; fem. of Muazzam. | |
971 | Mubaraka | مبارکه | Blessed, fortunate, lucky, auspicious; fem. of Mubarak. | |
972 | Mubashirah | مبشره | Bringer of good news. | |
973 | Mubassirah | مبصره | One who comments. | |
974 | Mubina | مبینه | Clear, manifest, plain, distinct; fem. of Mubin. | |
975 | Mueenah | معینه | Helper. | |
976 | Mueerah | معیره | The sister of Hajjaj bin Hassan al-Jamimi had this name. | |
977 | Mufazzalah | مفضله | A poetess of the past had this name. | |
978 | Mufida | مفیده | Beneficial, advantageous, favourable, useful, profitable. | |
979 | Mugheesah | مغیثه | One who helps. | |
980 | Mughirah | مغیره | Daughter of Hassan; she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
981 | Muhabbat | محبت | Love, affection. | |
982 | Muhariba | محاربه | Fighter, one who entangles. | |
983 | Muhayya | محیا | Countenance, face, look. | |
984 | Muhja | مھجه | Heart, soul. | |
985 | Muhra | مھره | Filly, a female pony. | |
986 | Muida | معیده | Reviser, teacher, fem. of Muid. | |
987 | Mujahida | مجاھده | One who struggles, strives, or fights for the cause of Islam; fem. of Mujahid. | |
988 | Mujiba | مجیبه | One who answers or grants something. | |
989 | Mukarrama | مکرمه | Honoured, revered, honourable; fem. of Mukarram. | |
990 | Mukhlisa | مخلصه | Devoted, faithful, pure-hearted. | |
991 | Mukhtar | مختار | Free. | |
992 | Mulayka | ملاﺋکه | Diminutive of Malaka, angel. | |
993 | Mulook | ملوک | Pl. of Malik, king. | |
994 | Mumtaz | ممتاز | Distinguished, exalted, superior, outstanding. | |
995 | Mumtaz Mahal | ممتازمحل | Wife of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. | |
996 | Mumtaza | ممتازه | Fem. of Mumtaz. | |
997 | Munaam | مناعم | Soft, delicate. | |
998 | Munas Sabah | منی الصباح | Wishes of the dawn. | |
999 | Munawwar | منور | Shining, Bright. | |
1000 | Munawwara | منوره | Illuminated, brilliant, full of light; fem. of Munawwar. | |
1001 | Munazza | منزه | Devoid of faults, pure. | |
1002 | Muneeah | منیعه | Name of a Slave-girl of Amr bin al-Ala. | |
1003 | Muniba | منیبه | One who turns towards Allah, one who repents. | |
1004 | Munifa | منیفه | Eminent, exalted, superior, high, lofty; fem. of Munif. | |
1005 | Munira | منیره | bright, brilliant, shedding light, radiant, luminous, shining; fem. of Munir | |
1006 | Munisa | مٔونسه | Sociable, friendly, kind, gentle; fem. of Munis. | |
1007 | Munjiyah | منجیه | A woman who saves someone. | |
1008 | Muntahi | منتهی | Last limit of height. | |
1009 | Munya | منیه | Wish, desire, object of desire; sing. of Muna, wishes. | |
1010 | Munyatul Muna | منیه المنیٰ | Wish of wishes. | |
1011 | Muqadas | مقدس | Holy | |
1012 | Muqaddasa | مقدسه | Sacred, holy. | |
1013 | Muqbala | مقبله | This was the name of a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Ali al-Bazzaz. | |
1014 | Murdiyyah | مرضیه | Chosen one. | |
1015 | Muriha | مریحه | Restful, soothing. | |
1016 | Murshida | مرشده | Leader, guide, adviser, counsellor; fem. of Murshid. | |
1017 | Musaddas | مسدس | A poem of six verses. | |
1018 | Musaddiqa | مصدقه | One who affirms the truth. | |
1019 | Musarrat | مسرت | Pleasure | |
1020 | Musawat | مساوات | Equality. | |
1021 | Musaykah | مسیکه | She was the mother of Yusuf bin Mahik and she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA. | |
1022 | Musfirah | مصفرا | Bright Face | |
1023 | Mushahida | مشاهده | Observance, evidence, study. | |
1024 | Musharrafa | مشرفه | Honoured, elevated. | |
1025 | Mushira | مشیره | Counsellor, adviser; fem. of Mushir. | |
1026 | Mushtari | المشتری | Jupiter. | |
1027 | Muskan | مسکان | Smiling | |
1028 | Muslima | مسلمه | Follower of the religion of Islam; fem. of Muslim. | |
1029 | Mussah | مسه | She was Mussah al-Azdiyah, mother of Bussah; she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
1030 | Mustaeenah | مستعینه | One who prays for help. | |
1031 | Mutahhara | مطھره | Purified, chaste. | |
1032 | Mutazah | معتزه | A narrator of Hadith of the later period. | |
1033 | Mutia | مطیعه | Obedient, pious, devoted, faithful; fem. of Muti. | |
1034 | Muwaffaqa | موفقه | Successful, prosperous, lucky, fortunate; fem. of Muwaffaq. | |
1035 | Muyassar | میسر | Successful, lucky, prosperous. | |
1036 | Muzaina | مزینه | Diminutive of Muzna, rain, clouds. | |
1037 | Muzna | مزنه | Rain clouds. | |
GIRL NAMES – N | ||||
1038 | Naaz | ناز | Glory, pride, elegance, gracefulness, fresh. | |
1039 | Naazira | ناضره | One with healthy and happy looks, radiant, flourishing, resplendent, bright, beaming. | |
1040 | Naba | نابه | Famous, good, pious. | |
1041 | Nabaha | نباھه | Fame, nobility, intelligence, brightness, brilliance. | |
1042 | Nabawiya | نبویه | Prophetic. | |
1043 | Nabeeha | نبیھه | Noble, famous, eminent, distinguished, brilliant, intelligent; fem. of Nabih. | |
1044 | Nabiha | نابھه | Noble, famous, eminent, distinguished, brilliant; fem. of Nabih. | |
1045 | Nabila | نبیله | Noble, highborn, magnanimous, beautiful, intelligent, honourable; fem. of nabil. | |
1046 | Nadaa | ندی | Dew, generosity, liberality, magnanimity. | |
1047 | Nadi | ندی | Moist, damp, tender, delicate. | |
1048 | Nadia | نادیه | The caller. | |
1049 | Nadida | ندیده | Rival, equal. | |
1050 | Nadima | ندیمه | Intimate friend, companion; fem. of Nadim. | |
1051 | Nadira | نادره | Rare, extraordinary, choice, precious; fem. of Nadir. | |
1052 | Nadiyya | ندیه | Fem. of Nadi, dew, generosity, damp, tender, delicate. | |
1053 | Nadra | نادره | Radiance, bloom, glamour, brightness, opulence, wealth. | |
1054 | Nadwa | ندوه | Council, club. | |
1055 | Naeema | نعیمه | Happiness, peaceful, comfort, ease, pleasure, smooth, tender, bliss; fem. of Naim. | |
1056 | Nafasat | نفاست | Purity, refinement. | |
1057 | Nafay | نافعه | One who gets profit. | |
1058 | Nafia | نافعه | Profitable, beneficial, advantageous, useful, beneficial; fem. of Nafi. | |
1059 | Nafisa | نفیسه | Refined, pure, precious, delicate, choice, exquisite. | |
1060 | Nageenah | نگینه | Precious Stone. | |
1061 | Naghma | نغمه | Melody, song. | |
1062 | Nahar | نھار | Day i.e. daytime. | |
1063 | Nahid | ناھید | Venus. | |
1064 | Nahida | ناھیده | Fem. of Nahid. | |
1065 | Nahiya | ناحیه | One who advises, adviser. | |
1066 | Nahiza | ناھضه | Elevated, deligent. | |
1067 | Nahla | نھله | Bee. | |
1068 | Naifah | ناﺋفه | This was the name of a well-known, woman loved by the masses for her kindness and generosity, her advice was sought by the people. | |
1069 | Nail | ناﺋل | Winner, achiever, a boon, gift, acquirer. | |
1070 | Naila | ناﺋله | Fem. of nail. | |
1071 | Naima | ناعمه | Delicate, soft, smooth. | |
1072 | Naira | ناﺋره | Shining, glittering. | |
1073 | Najah | نجاح | Success. | |
1074 | Najat | نجات | Safety, rescue, salvation, deliverance. | |
1075 | Najdah | نجده | Courage, bravery, help, succour. | |
1076 | Najia | ناجیه | Saved, liberated; fem. of Naji. | |
1077 | Najiba | نجیبه | Noble, exce4llent, generous, praiseworthy, distinguished, aristocratic. | |
1078 | Najida | نجیده | Brave; a lady who accomplishes difficult tasks. | |
1079 | Najidah | ناجده | Succor, Help. | |
1080 | Najiha | ناجحه | Successful, prosperous; fem. of Najih. | |
1081 | Najiya | نجیه | Intimate friend, bosom friend; fem. of Naji. | |
1082 | Najla | نجلاء | Large-eyed, wide-eyed. | |
1083 | Najm | نجم | Star, planet. | |
1084 | Najma | نجمه | Star, a fine species of grass. | |
1085 | Najmus Sahar | نجم السحر | The morning star. | |
1086 | Najwa | نجویٰ | Confidential talk, secret conversation. | |
1087 | Najwan | نجوان | Saved, liberated. | |
1088 | Nakhat | نکھت | Fragrance. | |
1089 | Nama | نعماء | Gift, present, grace, favour, kindness. | |
1090 | Nameera | نمیره | Delicious water, pious woman. | |
1091 | Namia | نامیه | Force to move forward, force to expand | |
1092 | Naqa | نقاء | Purity, refinement, clarity. | |
1093 | Naqiba | نقیبه | Mind, intellect, leader. | |
1094 | Naqiya | نقیه | Clear, pure, clean; fem. of Naqi. | |
1095 | Nargis | نرگس | Narcissus (flower). | |
1096 | Narjis | نرجس | Narcissus (flower). | |
1097 | Narmin | نرمین | A flower, delicate, soft, slender. | |
1098 | Naseera | نصیره | Helper, protector, friend, patron; fem. of Nasir. | |
1099 | Nasha | نشاء | Scent, perfume. | |
1100 | Nashat | نشاط | Liveliness, vigour, cheerfulness, joy, sprightliness, energy, vivacity. | |
1101 | Nasheem | نشیم | Breeze, morning air. | |
1102 | Nashida | نشیده | Relaxation, joyance. | |
1103 | Nashika | ناشکه | One who forgives, forgiver. | |
1104 | Nashirah | ناشره | Publisher; diffuser, spreader. | |
1105 | Nashita | نشیطه | Energetic, dynamic, lively, fresh, vigorous. | |
1106 | Nashwa | نشوه | Fragrance, aroma. | |
1107 | Nashwaa | نشویٰ | Elated, exultant, flushed, enraptured; fem. of Nashwan. | |
1108 | Nasia | ناصعه | Clear, pure; fem. of Nasi. | |
1109 | Nasiba | نسیبه | Noble, highborn; fem. of Nasib. | |
1110 | Nasifa | ناصفه | Just, equitable. | |
1111 | Nasiha | ناصھه | Advisor, sincere. | |
1112 | Nasihah | ناصحه | Advisor. | |
1113 | Nasila | نسیله | Honey that flows from the comb. | |
1114 | Nasim | نسیم | Breeze, gentle wind, fresh air, zephyr, fragrant air. | |
1115 | Nasima | نسیمه | Fem. of Nasim, zephyr, gentle wind. | |
1116 | Nasiqa | ناسقه | One who manages, organiser. | |
1117 | Nasiqa | ناسکه | One who forgives, forgiver. | |
1118 | Nasira | ناصره | Helper, aide, assistant, protector. | |
1119 | Nasooh | نصوح | Advised, suggested. | |
1120 | Nasra | ناصره | Helper | |
1121 | Nasreen | نسرین | Jonquil, Narcissus, wild rose, Jericho rose. | |
1122 | Nasya | ناصیه | Reformer, advisor. | |
1123 | Natasha | نتاشه | Gift of Allah | |
1124 | Natila | نتیله | Relation, way, sake. | |
1125 | Natiqa | ناطقه | One endowed with speech, eloquent, spokesperson; fem. of Natiq. | |
1126 | Naureen | نورین | Bright light. | |
1127 | Naushabah | نوشابه | Elixir. | |
1128 | Nawal | نوال | Gift, present, grant, favour, grace, kindness. | |
1129 | Nawar | نوار | Flower, bud, blossom. | |
1130 | Nawaylah | نویله | ||
1131 | Naweed | نوید | Good news. | |
1132 | Nawfa | نوفه | Excess, surplus. | |
1133 | Nawla | نوله | Gift, present, grant, favour, grace. | |
1134 | Nawra | نوره | Blossom, flower. | |
1135 | Nayab | نایاب | Scarce | |
1136 | Nayyar | نیر | Sun. | |
1137 | Nayyara | نیره | Luminous, shining; fem. of Nayyir. | |
1138 | Nazaha | نزاھه | Purity, righteousness, chastity, virtue, honesty. | |
1139 | Nazakat | نزاکت | Delicacy, subtlety. | |
1140 | Nazan | نازاں | Proud, vain, haughty. | |
1141 | Nazanin | نازنین | Elegant, delicate, beloved. | |
1142 | Nazara | نضاره | Bloom, beauty. | |
1143 | Nazarat | نضارت | Freshness of splendour. | |
1144 | Nazeeha | نزیھه | Pure, virtuous, honest; fem. of Nazih. | |
1145 | Nazeera | نذیره | Warner, anything offered as a token of respect, anything given as sacrifice, a child who has been dedicated by his parents to serve Allah. | |
1146 | Nazeera | نظیره | Equal, like, alike, resembling, match, comparable; fem. of Nazir. | |
1147 | Naziah | نازیه | Companion, friend. | |
1148 | Naziah | نازیه | Sharpness, cold, a large bowl. | |
1149 | Nazifa | نظیفه | Pure, clean, neat, chaste, innocent; fem. of Nazif. | |
1150 | Naziha | نازھه | Pure, honest. | |
1151 | Nazila | نازله | Lovely, charming. | |
1152 | Nazima | ناظمه | Arranger, organizer, poetess; fem. of Nazim. | |
1153 | Nazindah | نازنده | Name of a liberal woman of Baghdad; she founded a college with religious school. | |
1154 | Nazira | ناظره | Observer, supervisor. | |
1155 | Nazish | نازش | Proud, lover. | |
1156 | Nazli | نظلی | Delicate, feminine. | |
1157 | Nazmin | نازمین | Light | |
1158 | Nazneen | نازنین | Beautiful, delicate. | |
1159 | Nazpari | نازپری | A queen of ancient persia. | |
1160 | Nazrat | نضرت | Pride, nice, great. | |
1161 | Nazuk | نازک | Delicate; The daughter of Muhammad bin Ibrahim had this name. She was a narrator of Hadith. | |
1162 | Neelam | نیلم | A precious stone of sky blue colour. | |
1163 | Neelma | نیلما | Bluish, Like blue. | |
1164 | Nehla | نحله | Present, gift; sing of Nihel. | |
1165 | Niaz | نیاز | Desire, urge to express love. | |
1166 | Nibal | نبال | Arrows. | |
1167 | Nibras | نبراس | Lamp. | |
1168 | Nida | نداء | Call. | |
1169 | Nigar | نگار | Picture, portrait, sweetheart. | |
1170 | Nighat | نگهت | Odour, perfume, fragrance. | |
1171 | Niha | نهاء | Bright one, naughty one. | |
1172 | Nihel | نحل | Presents, gifts. | |
1173 | Nihla | نحله | Present, gift; sing. of Nihel. | |
1174 | Nikhat | نکهت | Sweet Smell | |
1175 | Nilofar | نیلوفر | Water-lily. | |
1176 | Nilofer | نلیوفر | Wild Mountain Rose. | |
1177 | Nimaat | نعمات | Blessings, boons, bounties; pl. of Nimat. | |
1178 | Nimat | نعمت | Blessing, boon, favour, a gift from Allah, grace bounty. | |
1179 | Nimra | نمرا | Soft, Lion. | |
1180 | Nisa | نساء | Women. | |
1181 | Nishat | نشاط | Happiness, intoxication. | |
1182 | Niyyat | نیت | Intention, determination, resolution. | |
1183 | Nofal | نوفل | Blessing, donation. | |
1184 | Noor | نور | Light, illumination. | |
1185 | Noor Jahan | نورجھاں | Light of the world. | |
1186 | Noora | نوره | Light; fem. of Noor. | |
1187 | Nooraniyah | نورانیه | Luminous, brilliant. | |
1188 | Nooruddunya | نورالدنیا | Light of the world. | |
1189 | Noorulain | نورالعین | Peace of eyes, light of eyes. | |
1190 | Noorun Nisa | نورالنساء | Light of the women. | |
1191 | Noreen | نورین | Bright. | |
1192 | Noreenah | نورینه | A sweet dish. | |
1193 | Noshi | نوشی | Of pleasant taste. | |
1194 | Noshin | نوشین | Sweet, pleasant, (i.e. dream). | |
1195 | Nu’aymah | نعیمه | Name of a woman narrator of Hadith. | |
1196 | Nuboogh | نبوع | Distinction, eminence, excellence, superiority. | |
1197 | Nudbah | ندبه | Lament, Scar; Mark. | |
1198 | ||||
1199 | Nudoora | ندوره | Rareness. | |
1200 | Nudra | ندره | Rarity, rareness. . | |
1201 | Nudrat | ندرت | Singularity. | |
1202 | Nufaysah | نفیسه | Name of the daughter of Munyah who arranged the marriage of the Prophet PBUH with Sayyidah Khadijah RA. | |
1203 | Nuha | نھیٰ | Intelligence, intellect. | |
1204 | Numa | نماء | Displayer, viewer. | |
1205 | Nuriya | نوریه | Light, luminous, radiant, brilliant; fem. of Noori. | |
1206 | Nusaiba | نسیبه | Diminutive of Nasiba, noble. | |
1207 | Nusrat | نصرت | Help, aid, assistance, support. | |
1208 | Nuwaira | نویره | Petals of flowers | |
1209 | Nuwwar | نوار | Pl. of Nuwwara, blossom, flower. | |
1210 | Nuwwara | نواره | Blossom, flower. | |
1211 | Nuzar | نضار | Pure gold. | |
1212 | Nuzhat | نزھت | pleasure trip, freshness, promenade, excursion, recreation, cheerfulness |
Click On:Islamic Girls Names List From Holy Quran
GIRL NAMES – O | ||||
1213 | Obaidiyah | عبیدیه | Bondswoman of Allah | |
1214 | Orwiya | ارویه | Female mountain goat. | |
1215 | Ozra | عذرا | Virgin, Virgin Mary | |
1216 | Ozza | عزه | A baby fawn, young female deer, female fawn. | |
GIRL NAMES – P | ||||
1217 | Pakiza | پاکیزه | Pure, chaste, polite, nice, fine. | |
1218 | Pardaj | پرداج | Splendour. | |
1219 | Pari | پری | Fairy, fairy-like beautiful. | |
1220 | Parsa | پارسا | Chaste, devout, pious. | |
1221 | Parvin | پروین | The Pleiades. | |
GIRL NAMES – Q | ||||
1222 | Qabalah | قباله | Responsibility; Name of narrator of Hadith, daughter of Yazeed. | |
1223 | Qabila | قابله | Able, wise. | |
1224 | Qabool | قبول | Accepted. An early woman, daughter of Abdullah, freed slave of al-Mustanjid Billah. | |
1225 | Qadira | قادره | Powerful, able. | |
1226 | Qahira | قاھره | Overpowering, victorious. | |
1227 | Qaifa | قاﺋفه | Estimater. | |
1228 | Qailah | قاﺋله | One who speaks. | |
1229 | Qaima | قاﺋمه | Bestower. | |
1230 | Qamar | قمر | Moon. | |
1231 | Qamar Jahan | قمر جهاں | The moon of the world | |
1232 | Qamarun Nisa | قمرالنساء | Moon of the women. | |
1233 | Qamayr | قمیر | Daughter of Amr al-Khufiyah, wife of Masrooq, she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
1234 | Qameer | قمیر | Wife of Masrooq bin al-Ajda daughter of Amr al-Kufiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
1235 | Qamra | قمراء | Moonlight, moonlit, bright; fem. of Aqmar. | |
1236 | Qanaat | قناعت | Patience. | |
1237 | Qaniah | قانعه | Contented. | |
1238 | Qantara | قنطره | Small bridge. | |
1239 | Qaraah | قرعه | Cloudlet; A kind lady of the Hijaz had this name. | |
1240 | Qareebah | قریبه | Near. | |
1241 | Qaribah | قاربه | Name of a woman scholar, Umm al-Buhlul, of Banu Asad. | |
1242 | Qarsafah | قرصافه | She was a narrator of Hadith known as Qarsafah al-Zahliyah. | |
1243 | Qaseema | قسیمه | Beautiful woman, a box in which perfumes are kept. | |
1244 | Qasiba | قاصبه | One who plays at flute, flutist. | |
1245 | Qasida | قاصده | Mesenger. | |
1246 | Qasima | قاسمه | Distributor, divider; fem. of Qasim. | |
1247 | Qasira | قاسره | Patient. | |
1248 | Qasoomah | قسومه | This was the name of a poetess daughter of Ismail al-Yahudi. | |
1249 | Qaylah | قیله | Two women companions had this name. | |
1250 | Qaymayriyah | قمیریه | This was the name of an early student of Hadith, wife of Masrooq. | |
1251 | Qaysar | قیصر | A name of women. | |
1252 | Qindeel | قند یل | Light. | |
1253 | Qisaf | قصاف | Birttle, a student of Hadith, daughter of Abdullah bin Damirah. | |
1254 | Qismat | قسمت | Fate, destiny, area. | |
1255 | Quddusiyah | قدوسیه | Sacred, Pious. | |
1256 | Qudsia | قدسیه | Holiness, sacredness, glorious, sacred, celestial, a blessed girl, a pious girl. | |
1257 | Quraybah | قریبه | Utricle. | |
1258 | Qurratulain | قرتالعین | Cooling or delight of the eye, joy, pleasure, darling, sweetheart. | |
1259 | Qutaylah | قتیله | Daughter of Sayfi al-Ansari; she was a companion. | |
1260 | Qutayyah | قطیه | A woman studne tof Hadith who quoted the female companions and daughter of Haram had this name. | |
GIRL NAMES – R | ||||
1261 | Raaina | راعنه | Beautiful princess, pretty priness. | |
1262 | Raana | رعناء | Of elegant, statue, soft, lovely, beautiful, graceful, delicate. | |
1263 | Raani | رانی | A queen. | |
1264 | Rabab | رباب | Usually two-stringed instrument. | |
1265 | Rabbab | رباب | A musical instrument. | |
1266 | Rabeea | ربیعه | One who is well-versed. | |
1267 | Rabia | رابعه | The fourth. “Rabia Basri”, name of a saint who lived in Basrah. | |
1268 | Rabiha | رابحه | Winner, gainer; fem. Rabih. | |
1269 | Rabita | رابطه | Band, bond, link nexus. | |
1270 | Rabiya | ربیعه | Spring, springtime, garden; fem. of Rabi. | |
1271 | Rabwa | ربوه | Hill. | |
1272 | Radifa | رادفه | One who is full of shame. | |
1273 | Radiya | رادیه | Veiled, covered. | |
1274 | Raeesa | رﺋیسه | Leader, chief, princess, a noble lady, a wealthy lady. | |
1275 | Raeha | راﺋحه | Fragrance, perfume, scent. | |
1276 | Rafat | رافت | Mercy, compassion, pity. | |
1277 | Rafeeah | رفیعه | Sublime, high. | |
1278 | Rafia | رفیعه | High ranking, noble, sublime, exquisite, exalted, eminent; fem. of Rafi. | |
1279 | Rafiah | رافعه | Exalted. | |
1280 | Rafida | رافده | Support, prop. | |
1281 | Rafif | رفیف | Glittering, shining, gleaming. | |
1282 | Rafiqa | رفیقه | Intimate friend, companion, associate; fem. of Rafiq. | |
1283 | Rafraf | رفرف | Cushion, eyeshade. | |
1284 | Raghada | رغاده | Comfort opulence, affluence. | |
1285 | Raghd | رغد | Pleasant, plenty. | |
1286 | Raghiba | راغبه | Desirous, wishful, willing; fem. of Raghib. | |
1287 | Raghid | رغید | Comfort, opulence, affluence, plenty. | |
1288 | Rahana | ریحانۃ | Sweet basil | |
1289 | Rahat | راحه | Rest, comfort, ease, relief. | |
1290 | Raheema | رحیمه | Merciful, companionate, kind. | |
1291 | Rahifa | رھیفه | Sharp; fem. of Rahif. | |
1292 | Rahil | راحیل | Wife of the Prophet Yaqub (Jacob). In the Bible she is mentioned as Rachel. | |
1293 | Rahilah | راحله | One who travels. | |
1294 | Rahima | رحیمه | Kind, compassionate; fem. of Rahim. | |
1295 | Rahla | راحله | Happy, mirth, joyous. | |
1296 | Rahmat | رحمت | Mercy, compassion, kindness. | |
1297 | Raida | راﺋده | Explorer, guide, leader, pioneer, model, example; fem. of Raid. | |
1298 | Raiha | راﺋحه | Smell, fragrance. | |
1299 | Raihana | ریحانه | A handful of sweet basil. A bouquet of flowers; Wife of the Prophet Muhammad. | |
1300 | Raima | راﺋمه | Well-cultured. | |
1301 | Raiqa | راﺋقه | Pure, clear, tranquil, serene; fem. of Raiq. | |
1302 | Raitah | راﺋطه | An early woman narrator of Hadith, she was the daughter of Muslim. | |
1303 | Rajab | رجب | The seventh month of the Islamic calendar. | |
1304 | Rajia | راجیه | Hopeful, hoping, full of hope; fem. of Raji. | |
1305 | Rajiha | راجحه | Superior, predominant, fem. of Rajih. | |
1306 | Rajini | راجنی | Kingly, very exclusive. | |
1307 | Rajiya | راجیه | Hope, expectation, wish. | |
1308 | Rajwa | رجویٰ | Hope. | |
1309 | Rakhas | رخص | Soft and delicate, supple. | |
1310 | Rakheelah | رخیله | ||
1311 | Rakhima | رخیمه | soft, pleasant, melodious (voice) | |
1312 | Rakhshan | رخشان | Dazzling, bright. | |
1313 | Rakhshi | رخشی | Beautiful-faced, charming. | |
1314 | Rakhshinda | رخشنده | Resplendant, bright. | |
1315 | Rakina | رکینه | Firm, steady; fem. of Rakin. | |
1316 | Ramazan | رمضان | The ninth month of the Islamic calendar. | |
1317 | Rameen | رامین | Successful woman. | |
1318 | Rameesah | رمیسه | Hidden. | |
1319 | Rameesah | رمیثه | Wise. | |
1320 | Rameesah | رمیثه | Beautiful bunch of flowers, bouquet, Umm-e-Saleem: Aunt of Prophet (PBUH) | |
1321 | Ramiza | رمیزه | Intelligent, level headed. | |
1322 | Ramla | رمله | Sand. Wife of the Prophet Muhammad Her kunya is Umm Habiba. | |
1323 | Ramsha | رمشاء | Beautiful. | |
1324 | Ramza | رمزه | Coquette. | |
1325 | Rana | رنا | To gaze, look. | |
1326 | Randa | رنده | Scented, fragrant tree, good for decoration. | |
1327 | Rania | رانیه | Gazing. | |
1328 | Ranim | رنیم | Singing, song, music. | |
1329 | Raoom | رٶوم | Loving, tender. | |
1330 | Raqia | راقیه | Superior, high ranking, educated; fem. of Raqi. | |
1331 | Raqiba | رقیبه | Guardian, supervisor. | |
1332 | Raqiqa | رقیقه | Delicate, fine, soft, slender, slim. | |
1333 | Rasee | رسیع | Life full of happiness. | |
1334 | Rasha | رشا | Fawn, young gazelle. | |
1335 | Rashad | رشاد | Righteous. | |
1336 | Rashaqa | رشاقه | Graceful, stature, grace, elegance. | |
1337 | Rasheeda | رشیده | Righteous, of good character, one who leads onto the right path. | |
1338 | Rashida | راشده | Follower of the right path, mature, right minded, rightly guided; fem. of Rashid. | |
1339 | Rashiqa | رشیقه | Graceful, elegant; fem. of Rashiq. | |
1340 | Rasikha | راسخه | Well-established, well-founded, stable, steady; fem. of Rasikh. | |
1341 | Rasima | راسمه | Planner, designer; fem. of Rasim. | |
1342 | Rasina | رصینا | Calm, composed. | |
1343 | Rasmiya | رسمیه | Ceremonial, ceremonious, formal; fem. of Rasmi. | |
1344 | Ratiba | راتبه | Well-arranged, well-ordered. | |
1345 | Rauhah | روحه | Happy Contented | |
1346 | Raunaq | رونق | Beauty, grace, glamour, splendour. | |
1347 | Raunaq Jahan | رونق جھاں | Lustre of the world. | |
1348 | Raushan | روشن | Light, luminous, bright, splendour. | |
1349 | Raushan Ara | روشن آرا | Adorning light (female). | |
1350 | Raushan Jabin | روشن جبین | Of radiant forehead. | |
1351 | Raushani | روشنی | Light, splendour. | |
1352 | Rawah | رواح | Rest, repose. | |
1353 | Rawahah | رواحه | A noted narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abu Umar bin Abdur Rahman al-Awzaee had this name. | |
1354 | Rawia | راویه | Narrator, reciter, transmitter (of incident Arabic poetry). | |
1355 | Rawza | روضه | Garden. | |
1356 | Raya | ریا | Aroma, fragrance. | |
1357 | Rayia | راعیه | Guardian, custodian, patron, protector; fem. of Rayi. | |
1358 | Raytah | ریطه | Daughter of Hurayth, and a narrator of Hadith. | |
1359 | Razana | رزانه | Calm, composure, self-possession. | |
1360 | Razia | راضیه | Satisfied, content, well-pleased; fem. of Razi. | |
1361 | Razina | رزینه | Calm, composed, self-possessed; fem. of Razin. | |
1362 | Raziqa | رازقه | One who feeds others, feeder. | |
1363 | Raziya | رضیه | Delighted, satisfied, contended, pleased; fem. of Razi. | |
1364 | Razwa | رضویٰ | Name of a mountain in Madina. | |
1365 | Rehana | ریحانه | A handful of sweet basil. | |
1366 | Resham | ریشم | Silk, softness. | |
1367 | Reshma | ریشماں | Golden Silk, Expensive. | |
1368 | Rida | ردا | Sheet of cloth, veil, covering. | |
1369 | Rifa | رفاء | Happiness, prosperity. | |
1370 | Rifat | رفعت | Dignity, exaltation, high rank, high standing. | |
1371 | Riffat | رفعت | Altitude, Height, High, Happy, Gratefulness. | |
1372 | Rifqa | رفقه | Kindness, gentleness, company, companionship. Wife of the Prophet ishaq. | |
1373 | Rihab | رحاب | Pl. of Rahbbah, vastness, expanse. | |
1374 | Riham | رھام | Light rain, drizzle | |
1375 | Rim | ریم | White gazelle, antelope. | |
1376 | Rima | ریمه | White, gazelle, antelope. | |
1377 | Riqbah | ربقه | Name of the wife of Prophet Ishaq AS. | |
1378 | Riyaz | ریاض | Pl. of Rawza, garden. | |
1379 | Riza | رضا | Pleasure. | |
1380 | Rizeen | رزین | Dignity, heavy and precious thing, souvenir. | |
1381 | Rizwan | رضوان | Satisfaction, acceptance, pleasure, contentment, name of the gate-keeper of paradise. | |
1382 | Rizwana | رضوانه | Fem. of Rizwan, . | |
1383 | Robeena | روبینه | Happy, girl. | |
1384 | Roha | روحه | Soul, life. | |
1385 | Roheen | روهین | Iron. | |
1386 | Rohi | روحی | Life, soul | |
1387 | Roobi | روبی | Ruby, pearl. | |
1388 | Roshan | روشن | Bright. | |
1389 | Roshni | روشنی | Light. | |
1390 | Rozinah | روزینه | Daily wages, pension, reward. | |
1391 | Rua | رٶیٰ | Pl. of Ruya, vision. | |
1392 | Ruba | ربیٰ | Pl. of Rubwa, Rabwa, hill. | |
1393 | Rubaba | ربابه | A two stringed musical instrument. | |
1394 | Ruban | ربن | Pl. of Rubwa, hill. | |
1395 | Rubay | ربیع | She was the daughter of Muawwiz and a companion of the Propphet PBUH from her young age. | |
1396 | Rubina | روبینا | Face reader. | |
1397 | Rufayah | رفیعه | An early student of Hadith. | |
1398 | Rufayda | رفیده | She was a female companion who performed surgery on the injured in a tent setup in the mosque. | |
1399 | Ruhaniya | روحانیه | Spirituality. | |
1400 | Ruhiya | روحیه | Spiritual. | |
1401 | Ruhm | رھم | She was the daughter of al-Aswad and a narrator of Hadith. | |
1402 | Ruhma | رحمأ | Kind, merciful. | |
1403 | Rukhaylah | رخیله | This is also a male name. | |
1404 | Rukhsaar | رخسار | Cheek, Face. | |
1405 | Rukhsanah | رخسانه | ||
1406 | Rukhsar | رخسار | Cheeks | |
1407 | Rukhsara | رخساره | Loving, charming face, beautiful. | |
1408 | Rukhshana | رخشانه | Bright, brilliant, shining. | |
1409 | Rumaysa | رمیصاء | She was Umm Sulaym and a narrator of Hadith. | |
1410 | Rumayta | رمیته | The daughter of al-Hadis bin al-Tufayl al-Azdiyah was known by this name; she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
1411 | Rumman | رمان | Pl. of Rummana, pomegranate. | |
1412 | Rummana | رمانه | Pomegranate. | |
1413 | Ruqa | روقه | Pretty, beautiful. | |
1414 | Ruqayqah | رقیقه | A name of some prominent women. | |
1415 | Ruqayya | رقیه | Charming, attractive, captivating. Daughter of Muhammad(s) married to Khalifa Usman. | |
1416 | Rushda | رشدیٰ | Most rightly guided. | |
1417 | Rushdiya | رشدیه | Rightly guided, on the right way, following the right path; fem. of Rushdi. | |
1418 | Ruwaa | رواء | Beauty, grace, prettiness, comeliness, pleasing appearance. | |
1419 | Ruwaida | رویدا | Walking gently. | |
1420 | Ruya | رٶیه | Seeing, viewing, looking. | |
1421 | Ruyaa | رٶیا | Dream, vision. | |
1422 | Ruzaynah | رزینه | Name of the freed slave-girl of Sayyidah Safiyah RA wife of the Prophet PBUH. | |
GIRL NAMES – S | ||||
1423 | Saadat | سعادت | Blessing. | |
1424 | Saaida | ساعده | Branch, tributary. | |
1425 | Saaiqa | صاعقه | Lightning. | |
1426 | Saara | ساره | Wife of the Prophet Ibrahim and mother of the Prophet Ismail. | |
1427 | Saat | ساعت | Moment, time, occasion. | |
1428 | Saba | سبا | Queen saba, queen sheba. | |
1429 | Saba | صبا | East wind. | |
1430 | Sabah | صباح | Morning, dawn. | |
1431 | Sabahat | صباحه | Beauty, gracefulness, handsomeness. | |
1432 | Sabat | ثبات | Firmness, stability, certainty, endurance, boldness, truth. | |
1433 | Sabeeha | صبیحه | Beautiful, handsome, morning. | |
1434 | Sabeen | سبین | Both the worlds. | |
1435 | Sabeera | صبیره | Patient, tolerant; fem. of Sabeer. | |
1436 | Sabha | صبحیٰ | Pretty, beautiful, graceful, radiant; fem. of Sabah. | |
1437 | Sabia | سابیه | Captivating, enchanting, charming. | |
1438 | Sabih | صبیح | Pretty, beautiful, graceful. | |
1439 | Sabiha | صابحه | Coming or arriving in the morning; fem. of Sabih. | |
1440 | Sabina | سبینا | Small sword. | |
1441 | Sabiqa | سابقه | First, winner; fem. of Sabiq. | |
1442 | Sabira | صابره | Patient, tolerant; fem. of Sabir. | |
1443 | Sabita | ثابته | Well established, certain, sure; fem. of Sabit. | |
1444 | Sabooha | سبوحه | Pure, chaste. | |
1445 | Sabqat | سبقت | Supremacy. | |
1446 | Sabrina | سبرینه | Princess, daughter of the king. | |
1447 | Sabriya | صبیره | Patient; fem. of Sabri. | |
1448 | Sabuh | صبوح | Shining, brilliant. | |
1449 | Sabura | صبوره | Very patient, enduring. | |
1450 | Sadaf | صدف | Shell, Oyster. | |
1451 | Sadaqat | صداقت | Truth. | |
1452 | Sadat | سعادت | Happiness, bliss, felicity, success. | |
1453 | Sadeeqa | صدیقه | Friend, companion; fem. of Sadiq. | |
1454 | Sadi | سعدی | Daughter of Awf al-Muruyyah and wife of Talhah bin UbaydAllah, she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
1455 | Sadida | سدیده | Correct, right, sound, appropriate; fem. of Sadid. | |
1456 | Sadiqa | صادقه | True, truthful, honest, sincere, faithful, veracious, devoted; fem. of Sadiq. | |
1457 | Sadiya | سعدیه | Happiness, luck, blissful, fortunate; fem. of Sadi. | |
1458 | Sadoof | صدوف | Name of a poetess. | |
1459 | Sadooh | صدوح | Singer, singing. | |
1460 | Saduq | صدوق | Honest, truthful, sincere, trustworthy. | |
1461 | Saeeda | سعیده | Happy, lucky; fem. of Saeed. | |
1462 | Safa | صفا | A hill near the sacred Kaaba; stone, rock. | |
1463 | Safaa | صفاء | Purity, clarity, serenity. | |
1464 | Safeenah | سفینه | Shp; Name of a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Muhammad bin Fadl (men are also so named) | |
1465 | Safeerah | سفیره | Messenger, Ambassador. | |
1466 | Safia | صافیه | Pure, clear, crystal; fem. of Saafi. | |
1467 | Safira | سافره | Traveller. | |
1468 | Safiya | صفیه | Pure, righteous, untroubled, serene, the most valuable portions of the spoils of battle, sincere and honest friend; fem. of Safi. | |
1469 | Safoor | سیفور | Exalted. | |
1470 | Safura | صافورا | Wife of the Prophet Musa. | |
1471 | Safwa | صفوه | The best part, elite, top, prime, flower. | |
1472 | Saghira | صغیره | Small, slender, tender. | |
1473 | Sahab | سحاب | Clouds. | |
1474 | Sahar | سحر | Early dawn, early morning. | |
1475 | Sahibah | صاحبه | Colleague. | |
1476 | Sahimah | سهیمه | Partner | |
1477 | Sahira | ساھره | Moon, a spring which flows constantly. | |
1478 | Sahla | سھله | Smooth, simple, fluent, soft, facile, easy, even; fem. of Sahl. | |
1479 | Saiba | صاﺋبه | Straight, pertinent. | |
1480 | Saida | صاعده | Rising, ascending; fem. of Said. | |
1481 | Saima | صاﺋمه | Fasting; fem. of Saim. | |
1482 | Saira | ساﺋره | Traveller | |
1483 | Sairi | سیری | Satisfaction, saturation. | |
1484 | Sajida | ساجده | Prostrate in worship, bowing in adoration; fem. of Sajid. | |
1485 | Sajila | ساجله | Determined. | |
1486 | Sajiya | ساجیه | Attractive. | |
1487 | Sakeeza | سکیزه | Fragrance. | |
1488 | Sakha | سخاء | Generosity, liberality. | |
1489 | Sakhawat | سخاوت | Generosity. | |
1490 | Sakhira | ساخره | One who is like a delicate flower. | |
1491 | Sakhiya | سخیه | Generous, liberal, open handed. | |
1492 | Sakina | سکینه | Calmness, comfort, ease, tranquillity, repose, serenity, peace of mind. | |
1493 | Sakina | ساکینه | Daughter of al-Jadi, she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
1494 | Salam | سلام | Peace, safety, security. | |
1495 | Salama | سلامه | Peace, safety, security; fem. of Salam. | |
1496 | Saleema | سلیمه | Unhurt, affable, healthy, without defect, sound, perfect, complete, safe, secure; fem. of Salim. | |
1497 | Salifah | سالفه | Previous | |
1498 | Saliha | صالحه | Pious, virtuous, just, a chaste woman, righteous. | |
1499 | Salikah | سالکه | Following, mystic. | |
1500 | Salima | سالمه | Safe, secure, perfect, sound, complete; fem. of Salim. | |
1501 | Salma | سلمٰی | Pacifist, peaceful. | |
1502 | Salma | سلمی | Peaceful. | |
1503 | Salmah | سلمه | Peace, fem. of Salm. | |
1504 | Salsabil | سلسبیل | A spring in paradise. | |
1505 | Salwa | سلویٰ | Quail, solace. | |
1506 | Salwah | سلوه | Comfort, ease, amusement. | |
1507 | Sama | سماء | Heaven, sky. | |
1508 | Samah | سماح | Generosity, bounty, good-heartedness, large-heartedness. | |
1509 | Saman | ثمن | Price, value. | |
1510 | Saman | سمن | Jasmine. | |
1511 | Samar | سمر | Pleasant conversation, evening or nightly conversation. | |
1512 | Samara | سمارا | Protected By God. Soft pleasant light, She was a narrator of hadith. | |
1513 | Samarah | سمراء | A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Qays al-Ansari. | |
1514 | Sameeah | سمیعه | Hearing. | |
1515 | Sameen | ثمین | Costly, precious, valuable. | |
1516 | Sameenah | ثمینه | Valuable, costly, precious, priceless excellent; fem. of Smeen. | |
1517 | Sameenah | سمینه | Overweight, fat. | |
1518 | Sameera | سمیره | Companion (in nightly conversation), entertainer (with stories, music etc.) fem. of Samir. | |
1519 | Samia | سامیه | Eminent, exalted, lofty, elevated, high minded, sublime; fem. of Sami. | |
1520 | Samiha | سمیحه | Generous, kind, true, sincere, good-hearted, large-hearted, open-handed; fem. of Samih. | |
1521 | Samim | صمیم | Sincere, genuine, pure, true, essence, | |
1522 | Samima | صمیمه | True, sincere, genuine. | |
1523 | Samina | سمینه | A healthy girl, fertile land without rock and stone. | |
1524 | Samiqa | سامقه | Lofty, towering. | |
1525 | Samira | ثامره | Fruit-bearing, fruitful, productive; fem. of Samir. | |
1526 | Samitah | سامته | Mighty. | |
1527 | Samrah | ثمره | Profit, fruit. | |
1528 | Samrina | ثمرىنه | Flower or fruit. | |
1529 | Samshad | شمشاد | Long, Beautiful Tree | |
1530 | Sana | سناء | Brilliance, radiance, resplendence, splendour, majestic. | |
1531 | Sana | ثناء | Praise, commendation, thankfulness, eulogy. | |
1532 | Sanad | سند | Support, prop, document. | |
1533 | Sanam | صنم | Beautiful, friend, lover, loved one. | |
1534 | Sanaubur | صنوبر | Cone bearing tree. | |
1535 | Sangeet | سنگیت | Music, rhythm. | |
1536 | Saniha | سنیهه | Tall and high, bright. | |
1537 | Sanina | سنینه | Friend, childhood friend. | |
1538 | Saniya | سنیه | Brilliant, majestic, exalted, eminent, splendid; fem. of Sani. | |
1539 | Sanjeeda | سنجیده | Weighted, guarded. | |
1540 | Saqaafa | ثقافه | Wisdom, prudence. | |
1541 | Saqat | ثقت | Strength, courage, power. | |
1542 | Saqiba | ثاقبه | Penetrating, piercing, sharp-witted, sagacious, acute; fem. of Saqib. | |
1543 | Sara | ثراء | Wealth. | |
1544 | Sarab | سراب | Mirage. | |
1545 | Sarahat | صراحت | Explanation, detail, paraphrase. | |
1546 | Sareea | سریعه | Determined. | |
1547 | Sareema | صریمه | Determination, resolution. | |
1548 | Sariba | ساربه | Loverly. | |
1549 | Sarina | سارینا | Satisfactory, calm, cool. | |
1550 | Sarita | سریتا | Intelligent, clever, active. | |
1551 | Sariyah | ساریه | Name of a female companion of the Prophet PBUH. | |
1552 | Sarood | سرود | Rhythm and ecstasy. | |
1553 | Saroor | سرور | Happiness, calm, satisfaction. | |
1554 | Sarosh | سروش | One who gives good news, unseen voice | |
1555 | Sarra | سراء | She was a companion daughter of nabhan al-Ghanawiyah. | |
1556 | Sarvia | ثرویه | Rich woman, affluent lady. | |
1557 | Sarwa | ثروه | Fortune, wealth, riches. | |
1558 | Sarwana | ثروانه | Of generous and good nature. | |
1559 | Sarwar | سرور | Chief. | |
1560 | Sarwari | سروری | Chief ship | |
1561 | Sarwat | ثروت | Wealth. | |
1562 | Sarya | ثریا | Name of a pious woman. | |
1563 | Sasha | ساشا | Helper, assistant, supporter. | |
1564 | Sataish | ستاﺋش | Praise. | |
1565 | Satila | ساطله | Royal. | |
1566 | Sauda | سوده | Leadership, the narrator of five Ahadith: Syeda Sauda bint Zam’aa RA | |
1567 | Sawab | ثواب | Reward. Name of an early poetess. | |
1568 | Sawda | سوداء | Daughter of Aasim bin Khalid bin Dirar al-Qarshiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
1569 | Sawdah | سوده | Black. | |
1570 | Sawera | سویرا | Dawn, early morning. | |
1571 | Sayida | سیده | Chief, leader, lady, Mrs; fem. of Sayyid. | |
1572 | Sayidatun Nisa | سیدهالنساء | Chief of woman. | |
1573 | Sayyah | صیاح | Fragrance. | |
1574 | Seerat | سیرت | Character, life-story. | |
1575 | Sehrish | سحرش | Glamorous, magical. | |
1576 | Shaban | شعبان | The eighth month of the Islamic Calendar. | |
1577 | Shabana | شبانه | Nocturnal, Famous of the Night. | |
1578 | Shabeehah | شبیھه | Picture, Image, like. | |
1579 | Shabin | شبین | Of Night, music of night. | |
1580 | Shabnam | شبنم | Dew, a pendant of pearls. | |
1581 | Shad | شاد | Happy. | |
1582 | Shadaab | شاداب | Green, fresh, wet, ever-green. | |
1583 | Shadan | شادان | Happy. | |
1584 | Shadia | شادیه | Singer. | |
1585 | Shadin | شادن | Fawn, young deer. | |
1586 | Shadman | شادمان | Glad, cheerful, joyful. | |
1587 | Shafaat | شفاعت | Recommendation, exoneration. | |
1588 | Shafaq | شفق | Aurora, morning light. | |
1589 | Shaffan | شفان | Cool breeze, morning breeze. | |
1590 | Shafia | شفیعه | Mediatress; fem. of Shafi. | |
1591 | Shafiah | شافعه | One who recommends. | |
1592 | Shafiqa | شفیقه | Compassionate, kind-hearted, affectionate, tender, warm-hearted; fem. of Shafiq. | |
1593 | Shafqat | شفقت | Compassion, pity, kindness, tenderness. | |
1594 | Shagoofa | شگوفه | blossom | |
1595 | Shagoon | شگون | Omen, luck, fortunate, destiny. | |
1596 | Shaguftah | شگفته | Blooming, happy. | |
1597 | Shahaba | شهابه | Flame of fire. | |
1598 | Shahamat | شهامت | Bravery, valour. | |
1599 | Shahana | شاھانه | Royal, kingly, splendid, magnificent. | |
1600 | Shaheeda | شھیده | Martyr in the cause4 of Islam and as such held in very high esteem and honour; fem of . | |
1601 | Shaheen | شاھین | A royal white falcon, the beam of scales. | |
1602 | Shaheenah | شاھینه | Falcon. | |
1603 | Shaheera | شھیره | Famous, eminent, renowned; fem. of Shahir. | |
1604 | Shahida | شاھده | Martyr in the cause of Islam and as such held in very high esteem and honour; fem. of Shaheed. | |
1605 | Shahina | شاهینه | Princess. | |
1606 | Shahiqa | شاھقه | High, towering, lofty, tall; fem. of Shahiq. | |
1607 | Shahla | شھلاء | Having grey eyes with a shade of red, a species of the narcissus flower. | |
1608 | Shahnaz | شھناز | A musical note, name of a melody. | |
1609 | Shahra | شهره | Gift, souvenir. | |
1610 | Shahrbano | شھربانو | Lady of the city. | |
1611 | Shahrin | شھرین | Month. Shahrin, the fully inflected form of Shahr appears in verse 3 of surat al-Qadr (no. 97). | |
1612 | Shahrzadah | شھرزاده | offspring of the city | |
1613 | Shahzadi | شاھزادی | Princess. | |
1614 | Shaiba | شیبه | A variety of Artemisia. | |
1615 | Shaima | شیماء | Daughter of Halima, the wet nurse of the Prophet Muhammad. | |
1616 | Shaira | شاعره | Poetess, endowed with deep insight or intuition; fem. of Shair. | |
1617 | Shaista | شاﺋسته | Cultured, courteous, urbane, civilized | |
1618 | Shaistah | شاﺋسته | Polite, Courteous. | |
1619 | Shajarah | شجره | Tree; This was the name of a famous queen of Islam, she was Shajarah al-Durr, and known as Umm Khaleel al-Salihiyah. | |
1620 | Shajeea | شجیعه | Courageous, bold, brave; fem. of Shaji. | |
1621 | Shakeeba | شکیبه | Patience | |
1622 | Shakila | شکیله | Well formed, beautiful; fem. of Shakil. | |
1623 | Shakira | شاکره | Thankful, grateful, contented; fem. of Shakir. | |
1624 | Shakufa | شکوفه | Blossom, opening bud. | |
1625 | Shakura | شکوره | Thankful, grateful; fem. of Shakur. | |
1626 | Shama | شمع | Candle, Light, Flame. | |
1627 | Shamail | شماﺋل | Virtues; pl. of Shamila. | |
1628 | Shamailah | شماﺋله | Good traits excellent disposition. | |
1629 | Shamamah | شمامه | Fragrance. | |
1630 | Shameela | شمیله | Natural disposition, character quality, virtue, a young shoot, a bud. | |
1631 | Shameem | شمیم | Shy. | |
1632 | Shamikh | شامخ | High, lofty, towering. | |
1633 | Shamila | شامله | Complete, comprehensive. | |
1634 | Shamim | شمیم | Perfume, scent. | |
1635 | Shamima | شمیمه | Sweet smell, flavour. | |
1636 | Shamira | شمیره | Experienced, expert, hard worker. | |
1637 | Shamma | شمه | Pinch (of snuff). | |
1638 | Shams | شمس | Sun. | |
1639 | Shamsa | شمسه | Golden moon. | |
1640 | Shamshad | شمشاد | Tall and upright tree, box tree, graceful figure. | |
1641 | Shamsun Nahar | شمس النھار | Sun of the day. | |
1642 | Shamsun Nisa | شمس النسا | The son of Woman | |
1643 | Shamuda | شموده | Diamond. | |
1644 | Shaqiqa | شقیقه | Full sister. | |
1645 | Shaqra | شقراء | Blond, fair-haired, fair-complexioned; fem. of Ashqar. | |
1646 | Sharaf | شرف | Nobility, high rank, eminence, distinction, honour. | |
1647 | Shareekah | شریکه | Partner. | |
1648 | Sharfa | شرفاء | Most noble, gentle, urbane. | |
1649 | Sharia | شاریه | Princess, Daughter of the King. | |
1650 | Sharifa | شریفه | Noble, eminent, honourable, highborn; fem. of Sharif. | |
1651 | Shariqah | شارقه | Shining. | |
1652 | Sharleez | شرلیز | Beautful | |
1653 | Sharmin | شرمن | Shy, bashful, modest, coy. | |
1654 | Shasa | شعثاء | She was the daughter of Abdullah al-Asdiyah, and a narrator of Hadith. | |
1655 | Shasun Nahar | شمس النھار | Sun of the day. | |
1656 | Shayaan | شعیان | Intelligent. | |
1657 | Shayma | شیماء | Proper name. Daughter of Halima. | |
1658 | Shaza | شزی | Aroma, fragrance. | |
1659 | Shazana | شازانه | Princess. | |
1660 | Shazia | شازیه | Wonderous, strange, wonderful. | |
1661 | Sheeba | شیبا | Infatuated, demented, loony. | |
1662 | Sheema | شیمه | Face; expression, Daughter of bibi haleema sadia who milked Muhammad (P.B.U.H) in his child hood. | |
1663 | Sheen | شین | Beautiful, pretty, good, loved one. | |
1664 | Shermin | شرمین | Shy | |
1665 | Sheza | شیزا | Good (religious) girl. | |
1666 | Shifa | شفاء | cure, healing, satisfaction, gratification | |
1667 | Shillan | شیلن | A flower. | |
1668 | Shimaa | شماع | Mirth, joy, ecstasy, gladness. | |
1669 | Shireen | شیرین | Sweet; pleasant, gentle; delicate | |
1670 | Shirin | شیرین | sweet, pleasant, gracious, delicate | |
1671 | Shiyaaj | شیاج | Endeavour, strife, hardwork. | |
1672 | Shiza | شیزا | A gift or present | |
1673 | Shola | شعله | flame, blaze | |
1674 | Shua | شعاع | Rays of sun light. | |
1675 | Shuaila | شعیله | Burning candle. | |
1676 | Shuhrat | شھرت | fame, renown | |
1677 | Shukr | شکر | thanks, gratitude, gratefulness | |
1678 | Shumaila | شماﺋله | Beautiful face. | |
1679 | Shumaylah | شماﺋیله | The first woman in Islam who wore coloured garments was shumaylah; wife of al-Abbas and she was also the first to prepare perfume. | |
1680 | Shumaysah | شمیسه | She was a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Aziz al-Atakiyah. | |
1681 | Shuqra | شقراء | fair-complexioned, blonde | |
1682 | Shurafa | شرفاء | Noble. | |
1683 | Siddiqa | صدیقه | righteous, very truthful, honest; fem. of Siddiq | |
1684 | Sidra | سدره | The Lotus – tree at the farthest boundary in paradise | |
1685 | Silma | سلمه | peace; fem. of Silm | |
1686 | Sima | سیماء | Sign of prostration on the face | |
1687 | Sima | سیما | Face,forehead, Judgment | |
1688 | Simaab | سیماب | Mercury, silver. | |
1689 | Simin | سیمین | silvery, made of Silver | |
1690 | Simra | سمره | Paradise, heaven, sky. | |
1691 | Sireen | سیرین | She was the daughter of Ibn Abdullah Ibn Masood and a narrator of Hadith from the Prophet PBUH. | |
1692 | Sitara | ستاره | veil, screen, curtain | |
1693 | Sobiya | ثوبیه | Nurse of Prophet PBUH. | |
1694 | Sofia | صوفیۃ | Beautiful | |
1695 | Soha | سوھا | Star | |
1696 | Sonia | سونیا | Intelligence, Intellect, Smart. | |
1697 | Suad | سعاد | happiness, good fortune | |
1698 | Subaha | صباحه | beautiful, graceful | |
1699 | Subayah | سبیعه | Daughter of al-Harish al-Aslamiyah. | |
1700 | Subaytah | ثبیته | Brave. | |
1701 | Subh | صبح | dawn, aurora, morning | |
1702 | Subhana | سبحانه | Pure, chaste, fine, nice, good. | |
1703 | Sufia | صوفیا | Intelligence, sharpness. | |
1704 | Sufia | صوفیه | Pupil women, intellectual | |
1705 | Sufiya | صوفیه | A mystic, someone believing in Sufi. | |
1706 | Sughra | صغریٰ | Small, slender, tender. | |
1707 | Suha | سھا | Dim star in Ursa Minor. | |
1708 | Suhaila | سھیله | Canopus. | |
1709 | Suhaima | سھیمه | Small arrow. | |
1710 | Suhair | سھیر | Proper name. | |
1711 | Suhaira | سهیره | Beautiful, pretty. | |
1712 | Sujah | سجاح | Civilization. | |
1713 | Sukaina | سکینه | Diminutive of Sakina, calmness. | |
1714 | Sulafa | سلافه | Choicest, (wine). | |
1715 | Sulaima | سلیمی | Diminutive of Salma, beloved. | |
1716 | Sultana | سلطانه | Queen, woman ruler, wife of a Sultan; fem. of Sultan. | |
1717 | Sulwa | سلوه | Comfort, ease, amusement, solace. | |
1718 | Sumaira | سمیرا | Princess, successful | |
1719 | Sumamah | ثمامه | A writer and a poetess daugter of Abdullah bin Sawar al-Basari. | |
1720 | Sumanah | سمانه | She was the daughter of Hamdan bin Musa al-Anbariyah and a narrator of Hadith. | |
1721 | Sumaya | سمیه | Diminutive of Samia, high. | |
1722 | Sumayrah | سمیره | Brownish. | |
1723 | Sumaytah | صمیته | She was a companion and she was al-haysiah. | |
1724 | Sumbal | سنبل | A fragrant weed. | |
1725 | Suml | ثمل | Name of an early distinguished woman. | |
1726 | Sumnah | سمنه | A name of an Arab girl. | |
1727 | Sunat | سنت | Way, method, Prophet’s (PBUH) way of life. | |
1728 | Sunbula | سنبله | Ear of corn. | |
1729 | Sundus | سندس | Silk brocade. | |
1730 | Surayya | ثریا | The Pleiades, cluster of seven brilliant stars in Taurus, a wealthy lady, luster, chandelier. | |
1731 | Susan | سوسن | Lily of the valley, iris. | |
1732 | Suwaybah | ثویبه | Name of one of the wet-nurses of the Prophet PBUH. | |
1733 | Suwaydah | سویده | Daughter of Jabir, she was a narrator of | |
GIRL NAMES – T | ||||
1734 | Taadeel | تعدیل | Moderation, equality, neutrality. | |
1735 | Taalea | طالعه | Fortunate | |
1736 | Taaliah | طالعه | Lucky, fortunate, fortune, destiny. | |
1737 | Taaqul | تعاقل | Wise thought. | |
1738 | Taasees | تاسیس | Inception, foundation. | |
1739 | Tabalah | تباله | She was the daughter of Yazid (Called by some as Bunanah); she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
1740 | Taban | تابان | Glittering, splendid. | |
1741 | Tabassum | تبسم | Smile, happiness. | |
1742 | Tabeedah | تابیده | Complex, zigzag, curling. | |
1743 | Tabeen | تابین | Followers. | |
1744 | Tabina | تابینه | Enlighting, sparkling. | |
1745 | Tabinda | تابنده | Bright. | |
1746 | Taghrid | تغرید | Singing, cooing. | |
1747 | Tahani | تھانی | Pl. of Tahniat, congratulation, felicitation, well-wishing. | |
1748 | Tahira | طاھره | Chaste, pure, pious, clean; fem. of Tahir. | |
1749 | Tahiya | تحیه | Greeting, salutation, cheer, welcome. | |
1750 | Tahkeem | تحکیم | Power, rule. | |
1751 | Tahleem | تحلیم | Beauty, decoration, pomp and show. | |
1752 | Tahmina | تھمینه | Wife of the famous Persian hero Rustam and mother of Sohrab. | |
1753 | Tahseen | تحسین | Adornment, ornament, decoration, embellishment, betterment, praise, beautification. | |
1754 | Tahseenah | تحسینه | Acclaim. | |
1755 | Taiba | تاﺋبه | One who refrains from evil-doings; repentant; fem. of Taib. | |
1756 | Taif | طیف | Vision, spectre. | |
1757 | Taisir | تیسیر | Felicitation. | |
1758 | Taj | تاج | Crown. | |
1759 | Tajmeel | تجمیل | Decoration, beauty, show. | |
1760 | Tajweed | تجوید | Praise of Allah, hymn. | |
1761 | Takreem | تکریم | Respect, honour, sanctity. | |
1762 | Talat | طلعت | Face, Sight | |
1763 | Talbashah | طلبشه | A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Kab bin Maalik. | |
1764 | Talhah | طلحه | Her Kuniyah was Umm Ghurab and she was a narrator of Hadith. | |
1765 | Tali | طالع | Rising star, rising. | |
1766 | Taliba | طالبه | Student, seeker, pursuer; fem. of Talib. | |
1767 | Tamanna | تمنیٰ | To wish, to desire, to hope. | |
1768 | Tamanni | تمنی | Wish, wishing (for), desire. | |
1769 | Tamazur | تماضر | Brilliant, whiteness. | |
1770 | Tameemah | تمیمه | Name of a poetess, Ahban al-Absiyah. | |
1771 | Tameemiya | تمیمیها | Perfection. | |
1772 | Tameen | تامین | Protection, patronage, care. | |
1773 | Tameez | تمیز | Distinction, difference, manner. | |
1774 | Tamkeen | تمکین | Honour, place, status, show. | |
1775 | Tamseel | تمثیل | Example, allegory, parable. | |
1776 | Tanjia | تنجیه | Rescue, salvation, deliverance. | |
1777 | Tanveer | تنویر | Rays Of Light(Origin Islamic) | |
1778 | Tanweer | تنویر | Illumination, lighting. | |
1779 | Tanzila | تنزیله | Revelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil, revelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil. | |
1780 | Taqadus | تقدس | Sactity. | |
1781 | Taqiya | تقیه | God-fearing, devout, pious; fem. of Taqi. | |
1782 | Tara | تارا | Star. | |
1783 | Taraab | طراب | Joy & sorrow. | |
1784 | Tarannum | ترنم | Singing. | |
1785 | Tarib | طرب | Lively, gleeful, merry. | |
1786 | Tarifa | بریفه | Rare, exquisite thing or object. | |
1787 | Tariqah | طارقه | This was the name of the freed slave of Labeet of the family of the princess of al-Qays bin Zayd. | |
1788 | Tarneem | ترنیم | Rhythm, voice. | |
1789 | Taroob | طروب | Lively, gleeful, merry. | |
1790 | Tasiyah | تٔاسیه | Consolation, comfort. | |
1791 | Taslima | تسلیمه | Greeting, salutation; fem. of Taslim. | |
1792 | Tasmeekh | تسمیخ | Living in fragrance. | |
1793 | Tasmeem | تسمیم | Strong, durable, long lasting. | |
1794 | Tasmin | تسمین | She who fulfills. | |
1795 | Tasneema | تسنیمه | A spring in Paradise. | |
1796 | Tasnim | تسنیم | A spring in paradise. | |
1797 | Tasweeb | تصویب | Justification, truth. | |
1798 | Taufeeq | توفیق | Instruction, courage, daring. | |
1799 | Taufeer | توفیر | Obundance, excess. | |
1800 | Tauqeer | توقیر | Respect, honour. | |
1801 | Tawaddud | تودد | Endearment, showing love or affection to, gaining the love of another. | |
1802 | Tawfiqa | توفیقه | Prosperity, good luck, good-fortune, success (granted by Allah); fem. of Tawfiq. | |
1803 | Tawoos | طاٶس | Peacock. | |
1804 | Taybah | طیبه | Pure. | |
1805 | Tayyiba | طیبه | Good, good-natured, sweet, agreeable, generous, good-tempered; fem. of Tayyib. | |
1806 | Tayyibatun Nisa | طیبه تاالنسا | Good-nature (one) of the woman. | |
1807 | Tazima | تعظیمه | Glorification, exaltation, honour, fem. of Tazim. | |
1808 | Tazkia | تزکیه | To purify, to clean, to spiritualize. | |
1809 | Tazmeen | تظمین | One who adds, combines, mixes. | |
1810 | Tehmina | تهمینه | Clever | |
1811 | Tehreem | تحریم | Respect, sanctity. | |
1812 | Tehzeeb | تهزیب | Civilization, etiquette. | |
1813 | Tirana | ترانه | Song, anthem. | |
1814 | Tooba | طوبٰی | Good news. | |
1815 | Trana | ترانه | Melody, song. | |
1816 | Tufaylah | طفیله | This was the name of the freed slave of al-Waleed bin Abdullah; she transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA. | |
1817 | Tuhfa | تحفه | Gift, present. | |
1818 | Tulayhah | طلیحه | Daughter of Rabiah bin al-Harish she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA. | |
1819 | Turfa | طرفه | Rarity, rare object, novelty. | |
GIRL NAMES – U | ||||
1920 | Ubayda | عبیده | Female servant of lower rank; fem. of Ubayd. | |
1921 | Udaysah | عدیسه | This was the name of the narrator of Hadith, daughter of Ahban al-Ghifariyah. | |
1922 | Udoola | عدوله | Justified. | |
1923 | Ula | علیٰ | High rank, prestige, glory. | |
1924 | Ulfat | الفت | Friendship, intimacy, love, attachment. | |
1925 | Ulya | علیا | Higher, highest; fem. of Ala. | |
1926 | Umaira | عمیره | Living a long life, living long. | |
1927 | Umama | امامه | Proper name. Name of grand daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. | |
1928 | Umarah | عماره | Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr. | |
1929 | Umayma | امیمه | Diminutive of Umm, mother. | |
1930 | Umaynah | امینه | Daughter of Anas bin Malik. She had this name and had narrated Hadith. | |
1931 | Umayrah | امیره | She was the daughter of Alqamah. | |
1932 | Umayyah | امیه | She was a narrator of Hadith. | |
1933 | Umm | ام | Mother. Used as an attributive, to make a compound of which the first part is Umm. | |
1934 | Umm Abaan | ام ابان | Name of a Sahabiyah RA. | |
1935 | Umm Fakeeh | ام فکیه | Name of a Sahabiyah RA. | |
1936 | Umm Haraam | ام حرام | Name of a Sahabiyah RA. | |
1937 | Umm Khalid | ام خالد | Name of a Sahabiyah RA. | |
1938 | Umm Rabeeah | ام ربیعه | Name of Sahabiyah RA. | |
1939 | Umm Shareek | ام شریک | Name of a Sahabiyah RA. | |
1940 | Umm Sulaim | ام سلیم | Name of a Sahabiyah RA. | |
1941 | Umm Umarah | ام عماره | Name of a Sahabiyah RA. | |
1942 | Umm Warqah | ام ورقه | Name of a Sahabiyah RA. | |
1943 | Umm Yousuf | ام یوسف | Name of Sahabiyah RA. | |
1944 | Umm-e-Ayman | ام ایمن | Mother of the blessed. | |
1945 | Umm-e-Fazl | ام فضل | Mother of favour, bounty. | |
1946 | Umm-e-Habiba | ام حبیبه | Wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Her name is Ramla; Umm Habiba is her Kunya (nickname) after the name of her daughter habiba. | |
1947 | Umm-e-Hani | ام ھانی | Name of the daughter of Abu Talib and sister of Ali (RA). | |
1948 | Umm-e-Kulsoom | ام کلثوم | Mother of favour, bounty. | |
1949 | Umm-e-Kulsum | ام کلثوم | Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, married to Khalifa Usman (uthman) after the death of her sister Ruqayya. | |
1950 | Umm-e-Rooman | ام رومان | Name of the sacred wife of first Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA) mother of Hazrat Ayesha (RA). | |
1951 | Umm-e-Rumman | ام رمان | Mother of Ayesha (wife of the Prophet Muhammad). | |
1952 | Umm-e-Salma | ام سلمیٰ | Name of the beloved mother of first Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA). | |
1953 | Umm-e-Salmah | ام سلمه | Wife of Muhammad, Her name was Hind. | |
1954 | Ummid | امید | Hope. | |
1955 | Ummul Fazal | ام الفضل | Name of a Sahabiyah RA. | |
1956 | Umniya | امنیه | Wish, desire, hope. | |
1957 | Umrah | عمره | Pilgrimage to Makkah other than regular hajj days. | |
1958 | Unaysah | انیسه | Friendly, affable. | |
1959 | Unquda | عنقوده | Bunch of grapes. | |
1960 | Urooba | عروبه | Woman who loves her husband. | |
1961 | Urooj | عروج | Height, exaltation. | |
1962 | Uroosa | عروسه | Bride, heroine. | |
1963 | Urwa | عروه | Support, handhold. Description of Ayesha by Muhammad. | |
1964 | Ushna | اشنه | Fragrant. | |
1965 | Uswa | اسوه | Sunnah, practice. | |
1966 | Utaybah | عتیبه | A narrator of Hadith and daughter of Abdul Malik had this name. | |
1967 | Uzma | عظمیٰ | Greatest, more magnificent, more glorious; fem. of Azam. | |
GIRL NAMES – V | No Name V | |||
GIRL NAMES – W | ||||
1968 | Wadad | وداد | Love, friendship. | |
1969 | Waddia | ودیه | Amicable, friendly. | |
1970 | Wadi | ودیع | Gentle, calm. | |
1971 | Wadida | ودیده | Attached, devoted, friendly, fond. | |
1972 | Wafa | وفاء | Faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, faith. | |
1973 | Wafeeqa | وفیقه | Successful; fem. of Wafiq. | |
1974 | Wafia | وافیه | Faithful, loyal. | |
1975 | Wafiqa | وافقه | Successful. | |
1976 | Wafiya | وفیه | True, trustworthy, reliable, loyal, faithful, perfect, complete; fem. of Wafi. | |
1977 | Wahabah | وھابه | This was the name of a poetess. | |
1978 | Waheebah | وھیبه | One who gives. | |
1979 | Waheeda | وحیده | One, exclusive, unique, matchless, singular; fem. of Wahid. | |
1980 | Wahiba | واھبه | Giver. | |
1981 | Wahida | واحده | One of its kind. | |
1982 | Waiya | واعیه | Guardian, watchguard, protector. | |
1983 | Wajahat | وجاھت | Respect. | |
1984 | Wajee | وجیه | Happy, jolly, pleasant. | |
1985 | Wajeeda | وجیده | One who is noble. | |
1986 | Wajida | واجده | Achiever, excited, finder, lover; fem. of Wajid. | |
1987 | Wajiha | وجیھه | High, eminent, distinguished, honoured, well-esteemed, illustrious, fem. of Wajih. | |
1988 | Wajna | وجنه | Happy, jolly, pleasant. | |
1989 | Wakalat | وکالت | Advocacy. | |
1990 | Wakeela | وکیله | Agent. | |
1991 | Walia | ولیه | Friendly. | |
1992 | Walidah | ولیده | Newborn child. | |
1993 | Walihah | والھه | Name of a poetess of the past. | |
1994 | Waliyah | ولیه | Friend. | |
1995 | Wallada | ولاده | Prolific, fertile, fruitful. | |
1996 | Wania | وانیأ | Gift of Allah (swt). | |
1997 | Waqar | وقار | Dignity.; | |
1998 | Waqeea | وقیعه | Respected. | |
1999 | Waraqa | وراقه | Rich, paper-made. | |
2000 | Wardah | ورده | Rose, deep red colour, Colour of rose. | |
2001 | Warisa | وارثه | Heiress. | |
2002 | Warqah | ورقه | Petal of a flower. | |
2003 | Wasama | وسامه | Beauty, gracefulness, prettiness. | |
2004 | Waseefah | وصیفه | Female servant; Maid-in-waiting. | |
2005 | Waseema | وسیمه | Beautiful, pretty, charming. | |
2006 | Washida | واشده | Bloomed, fresh. | |
2007 | Washma | وشمه | Cultured. | |
2008 | Wasia | واسعه | Expansionist, vast, spacious. | |
2009 | Wasifa | واصفه | Praiser | |
2010 | Wasifi | واصفی | Praiseworthy. | |
2011 | Wasila | وصیله | Inseparable friend. | |
2012 | Wasima | وسیمه | Beautiful, pretty, graceful, handsome of face, goodly, elegant; fem. of Wasim. | |
2013 | Wasiqa | واثقه | Confident, sure, certain; fem. of Wasiq. | |
2014 | Wasma | واسماء | A pretty face, beautiful, graceful. | |
2015 | Wasna | وسناء | A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abdur Rahman al-Muqaddasi was so named. | |
2016 | Wazeerah | وزیره | Female minister. | |
2017 | Widad | وداد | Love, friendship. | |
2018 | Wijdan | وجدان | Ecstasy, sentiment. | |
2019 | Wisal | وصال | Communion in love. | |
2020 | Wisam | وسام | Decoration, medal, badge of honour. | |
GIRL NAMES – X | No Name X | |||
GIRL NAMES – Y | ||||
2021 | Yasmin | یسمین / یاسمین | The flower called jasmine. | |
2022 | Yumna | یمنیٰ | Right-hand, right, fortunate, lucky, blessed; fem. of Ayman. | |
2023 | Yumnah | یمنه | Happiness, success; fem. of Yumn. | |
2024 | Yusayrah | یسیره | Easy. | |
2025 | Yusra | یسریٰ | Left-hand side, state of ease. | |
GIRL NAMES – Z | ||||
2026 | Zaaminah | ضامنه | One who stands surety for another one who helps. | |
2027 | Zabiyah | ظبیه | She was the daughter of al-Barra bin Maroor; she reported Hadith from the Prophet PBUH. | |
2028 | Zabreen | زبرین | Dominant, exalted, upright. | |
2029 | Zabya | ظبیه | Female gazelle. | |
2030 | Zafeera | ضفیرا | One who is a source of success, a successful lady. | |
2031 | Zafeerah | ظفیره | Firm. | |
2032 | Zafira | ظافره | Victorious, triumphant, successful, winner, conqueror; fem. of Zafir. | |
2033 | Zaghlula | زاغلوله | Young pigeon; fem. of Zaghlul. | |
2034 | Zahabia | زھبیه | Golden, precious. | |
2035 | Zaheen | ذهین | Clever, fast, intelligent, sharp. | |
2036 | Zaheera | ظھیره | Helper, supporter, protector, patron; fem. of Zahir. | |
2037 | Zahia | زاهیه | Pious, noble, grand, great. | |
2038 | Zahida | زاھده | Devout, ascetic, a hermit, self-denying. | |
2039 | Zahira | زاھره | Bright, brilliant, shining, luminous, distinguished, lofty. | |
2040 | Zahra | زھراء | Bright, brilliant, radiant, shining, luminous; fem. of Azhar. | |
2041 | Zahrah | زھره | Flower, blossom, beauty. | |
2042 | Zaib | زیب | Beauty. | |
2043 | Zaida | زاﺋده | Increasing, exceeding, excessive, growing, surplus; fem. of Zaid. | |
2044 | Zaima | زعیمه | Leader. | |
2045 | Zain | زین | Beauty, grace. Zayn un Nisa was a literary lady of her times. | |
2046 | Zaina | زینه | Fem. of Zayn; embellishment, adornment, decoration, ornament. | |
2047 | Zainab | زینب | Name of a beautiful tree exuding fragrance. Names of two wives and one daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and one daughter of Khalifa Ali. | |
2048 | Zairah | زاﺋره | Visitor. | |
2049 | Zaitoon | زیتون | Olive. | |
2050 | Zaitun | زیتون | The olive tree or the olive fruit. | |
2051 | Zaituna | زیتونه | Olive; fem. of Zaytun. | |
2052 | Zakira | ذاکره | One who speaks of, speaker. | |
2053 | Zakiya | ذکیه | Intelligent, bright, brilliant, sharp-witted. | |
2054 | Zakiyya | زکیه | Pure, chaste, sinless, fem. of Zaki. | |
2055 | Zalfa | ذلفاء | This was the name of a distinguished woman of her times, she was Hajib known as Umm al-Hajib Abdul Malik. | |
2056 | Zameelah | زمیله | Companion. | |
2057 | Zamurd | زمرد | A narrator of Hadith wife of Abu Hayyan al-Kasir was so named. | |
2058 | Zamzam | زمزم | The name of a spring in Arabia. | |
2059 | Zaqawat | ذکاوت | Wisdom, sharpness, prudence. | |
2060 | Zara | زارا | Dawn, morning | |
2061 | Zarafat | ظرافت | Wit, humour, wisdom, prudence. | |
2062 | Zareefa | ظریفه | Elegant, witty, graceful; fem. of Zarif. | |
2063 | Zareen | زرین | Full of expression and smile. | |
2064 | Zarin | زرین | Golden. | |
2065 | Zarina | زرینه | Golden. | |
2066 | Zarma | ضرمه | Captivating. | |
2067 | Zarqa | زرقاء | Bluish green (eyes). | |
2068 | Zarrah | ذره | She was a narrator of Hadith who reported from the Prophet PBUH and Sayyidah Ayshah RA. | |
2069 | Zayb | زیب | Adornment. | |
2070 | Zaynah | ضایٔنه | Beautiful, Beauty | |
2071 | Zeb Ara | زیب آرا | Adorning ornament. | |
2072 | Zeb-un-Nisa | زیب النساء | Adornment of women. | |
2073 | Zeba | زیبا | Pretty, beautiful. | |
2074 | Zerada | زراده | Gold maker. | |
2075 | Ziba | ظباء | Pl. of Zaby, gazelle. | |
2076 | Zinaat | زینات | Pl. of Zinat, ornament. | |
2077 | Zinat | زینت | Adornment, ornament, decoration, elegance, beauty. | |
2078 | Zinat-un-Nisa | زینت النساء | Ornament of women. | |
2079 | Zinia | زینیا | Name of a flower. | |
2080 | Zinneerah | زنیره | Name of a Sahabiyah RA. | |
2081 | Ziyada | زیاده | Increase, addition, surplus, superabundance. | |
2082 | Ziyan | زیان | Ornament, decoration. | |
2083 | Zobia | زوبیه | God Gifted | |
2084 | Zoha | ذوحه | Light | |
2085 | Zoona | زونا | Wise Women | |
2086 | Zoreed | زورید | One who meets, one with strong intentions, one with decisiveness, distance, gap. | |
2087 | Zoya | زویا | Life, age. | |
2088 | Zubaah | ضباعه | Name of a Sahaabiyyah, daughter of the uncle of the Holy Prophet PBUH. | |
2089 | Zubaida | زبیده | Diminutive of Zubda, butter, cream. Elite, choicest part, quintessence, essence, prime, flower. | |
2090 | Zubdah | زبده | Butter. | |
2091 | Zuha | ضحی | Brightness, early morning. | |
2092 | Zuhaira | زھیره | Floret, small flower. | |
2093 | Zuhra | زھره | Venus, brilliancy, brightness, flower. | |
2094 | Zuhur | زھور | Pl. of Zahrah, flower. | |
2095 | Zulaikha | زلیخا | Wife of the king of Egypt (Pharaonic age) who was attracted by the beauty of the Prophet Yusuf/Joseph. | |
2096 | Zulakha | زلیخه | Wife of the king of Egypt, who was attracted by the beauty of the Prophet Yusuf/Joseph. | |
2097 | Zulfa | زلفاء | Having a small and finely chiselled nose. | |
2098 | Zunairah | زنیره | Flower found in paradise. | |
2099 | Zurafa | ظرفاء | Elegant, witty, graceful; fem. of Zarif. |